Chapter 11

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Damon's point of view As lily got out of the pool, she started drying off as her bones started to pop. When she tried to hurry over to the lawn, she dropped down on all fours and started her first transformation. I was worried that this would be to much pain for her. She has already been in a lot of pain the last 2 years, I don't want her to have to endure any more. As her fur started to take over her body, I noticed it was black. Confused a little, considering in the history books all female royal lycans have always been pure white or silver. Still staring as she finishes her transformation, I believe my eye balls have literally popped outta my head. This cant be real, I knew Lily would be powerful, but this. Legend has it when a lycan appears with fur black as night, glowing eyes and a silver neck, they will be the most powerful fae the world has ever seen. That was all that was crossing my mind as I stare at her. She is beautiful and amazing, I am so proud to call her family. Getting lost in my thoughts, out of no where she looks at the sky and bellows out the most amazingly powerful howl. My body had a mind of it's own when it put me on my knee and bent my head to the ground. Was I really bowing, wow that howl was more powerful then I thought. I think it was her lycan showing her place and power as the future queen. My heart swells with more pride for my little princess. Lily's (Mahila) point of view As they are bowing, I walk over to Damon but he never looks up. I put my paw under his leg that was bent and he had his weight on, and kicked it out. I busted out laughing as he fell to the ground. In my wolf form I probably sounded like I was coughing, or something. Damon gets up quick, while everyone finally stopped bowing to laugh at Damon. "I'm gana get you for that little bit." He said with a look of annoyance on his face but laughter in his voice. "Catch me if you can," is all I said as I started prancing around. Damon stops dead in his tracks and stares at me. "What?" is all I said, well in my head anyways as I stopped to look at him. "Lily do you realize I heard you, when you, said catch me if you can." Turning to the alpha and everyone else Damon then ask "did yall hear her?" In union they all shook their heads no. Damon looks back at me with a look of confusion on his face. "Maybe its because I was talking to you that you heard me, I don't know." Looking up with an idea on his face "Your right maybe if you try and talk to them they can hear you to." Damon said, but his mouth didn't move. Tilting my head to the side "Did you just talk to me in your head, and I heard you to?" With a smile Damon shook his head telling me yes. So taking his idea into my head I look at auntie Jane and say "Can you hear me auntie?" The look in her eyes said it all and she then said "yes" in a shocked gasp. Doing that to the rest of them they were all able to hear me. This is going to be so amazing. As I am thinking about all the ways this will be fun, I can prank some pack members, making them think they are hearing things. I start to laugh to my self when I see the alpha approach me. Putting his hand out he asked "Can I see something real quick?" Letting him know that it was ok he slowly stroked my head, but then his hand worked its way down to my neck. As his hand came into contact with my neck, he pulled his hand back with a hiss. "It is real sliver, she has real silver as fur. How is that possible?" With the look again of shock on their faces my wolf tells me to watch this. As she says that my teeth get larger and they are now sticking out of my top lip more. Then she whips out tail hard and fast to the side of us where no one was but a few trees. All of a sudden silver needle like spikes hit the tree. Pretty cool huh, my wolf says and I couldn't agree more. Looking back over to everyone they almost have a scared look on their faces. "Hey guys don't worry i'm not going to hurt you." The alpha again puts his hand up asking for permission, which I grant. Taking one finger and touching my teeth, he pulls back once again with a hiss and says "They are also sliver, The legend is true and the legend is you my dear Lily." I am confused cause I know of no legend but i'm not worried about that, my wolf is itching to run. "Come on guys run with me," I said kind of bouncing around. Looking around aunt Jane says, "hun some of us are not wolves yet or not fast enough." Thinking for a few I say, "Well Ryker can ride on my back, the alpha and Shyan are wolves and yo can either run on Shyan's back or Damon can carry you." With a small smile they all kind of agreed, as Ryker was going to approach me, the alpha stopped him. "Wait, he cant ride on you, the sliver will hurt him." Putting my head down knowing he is right, my wolf simply says If you will it the silver will not hurt the people you choose. Just be warned once you will it and they touch the silver, it cant be undone. Repeating what my Sheba just said to me, Ryker, Shyan, and Thane come over to me. I concentrate on the ability to make them amune to the silver, shaking my wolf head letting them know to touch it. All three hands slowly touch my neck, and as they feel my fur they go deeper in and pet me. Ryker says, "It feels like silk, it is so smooth and it's not burning me." Looking at each other they smile and the alpha puts Ryker on my back. "Let me know if you start to fall, or if I go to fast. Please Ryker hold on I don't want to hurt you." I say to Ryker through the link. He says " I will flower don't worry." With everyone shifted and in place, Damon has my aunt on his back, and the alpha and luna are right in front of me. Walking up to the alpha I am actually just a hair smaller then him. Hey Sheba, I thought you were going to be a pup and we were going to grow together? With a little laugh she tells me, I am a pup hun, we will grow together, we will get a lot bigger then this. Oh wow, we will get bigger, I can't believe it. She just chuckles in the back of my mind. "Ok lets go, alpha luna you know this place the best so you lead the way please. With that said they take off and we start running. Its a good pace but I want to stretch my legs, so I ask if they can go any faster and they speed up a bit. This is better but still not satisfied. "Hey alpha are there any people in the area?" "Not for about 60 miles, we built here because of the privacy." "Let me take the lead, I need to stretch my legs a little." That said I took off past them, as I ran it felt great. Trees wizzing by me at the speed of light, it almost looked like we were in some type of portal to universe or a time travel portal. Guess I watch to many movies. "Hey Lily do you mind slowing down, I cant see anyone else. I stopped and started to look around, I didn't see them either, nor did I hear them. As I am waiting on them to catch up, I look around. The trees here seem a little different from before. "Ryker does it seem a little different in this part of the woods to you?" I guess he was looking around cause I could feel him moving around on my back. "Yea it actually does, that's weird" "Hey auntie where are you guys?" I say with a little bit of panic. "Lily what happened, we are looking everywhere for you two, but its like you disappeared." The alpha can't pick up your sent. You took off and went all blurry with the speed you were going that we couldn't keep our eyes on you." Now panic taking over Sheba what happened, where are we? I'm not a hundred percent sure where we are but I do know what happened. With the speed we have, we have to be careful to not open portals. We can run faster then the speed of light an when we hit that speed we can open portals. Taken back I ask, you mean portals to different dimensions, or universes? With a chuckle she said, No Mahila I am talking portals to different places in this world and this dimension. From the look of the area, and the smell, I would guess we are in a jungle, I am thinking Brazil. Holy cow are you kidding me, how do we get home? I can't be in Brazil, I don't know no body. I don't have a passport, or money, or food or. As I was ranting on Sheba stopped my rant and said. Mahila that is not helping the situation. I had the link open to Ryker as I was talking to my wolf, so he knew everything that was going on. "Lily how are we going to get home?" Ryker said with sadness in his voice. Mahila listen very carefully, run at full speed and as things start to bulr, think about where you want to go, and that is where the portal should take us. Sheba told me Now focusing on what Sheba told me to do, so I took off running. I get my speed up and tell Ryker to hold on. As things start to get blurry I think of the cabin we were at and the pool. All of a sudden out of nowhere Something comes into view.
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