Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Beta Seans twins were the first to arrive and this was normal. They always came early and gave me a report on how their Reaver powers were progressing. We had to train in private when it came to their powers and they knew to keep them hush for now. Beta Sean and I met often as well to discuss their progress. I couldn’t help but think that someday we wouldn't have to hide it anymore. Hopefully someday soon. “Jace, Alec, you two can start warming up." I said. They both nodded then sat down and started stretching. I watched as the rest of the training class started to trickle in and joined the twins warming up. I wanted so badly to be able to focus on training, but my mind was elsewhere. It was racing in circles regarding my looming meeting with my Alpha. I didn't have any doubt that my Alpha would have my back and try his hardest to fulfill my wishes, but no one had ever suggested a blending of the species’ lands before. This would be something completely new and unheard of. We would be the first group to do it and hopefully more would end up following. Once everyone had arrived for training I instructed everyone to shift. We would be training today in Wolf form. I paired everyone off in partners and gave them a routine of defensive and offensive plays for them each to work on together. I sat back in my Wolf form watching the training class and admiring their work. It was a nice distraction for a moment from what was to come. "Still stressing about your meeting?" Raziel's golden voice infiltrated my mind. His voice was calming in a sense. "You know me, can't calm down to save my life." I replied, trying to make a joke out of it. It wasn't working though… He could see right through it. "Calm down, darling. You've got this. I know you do." He purred. He was right, I was just a stress ball. "Thank you, I love you." I said to my mate through the mind link. "I love you too." He replied, then he closed the link. He must have felt my emotions through the mate bond. He couldn't hear my thoughts unless we were close enough to each other. But through our Wolf mate bond we had a permanent link to each other's feelings, even from far away. I was grateful that we did, because he always knew how to calm me down when I was trying not to lose it. He always knew when I was stressing myself out and he was always sending me calming thoughts and energy to help me regain my composure. Wynter ran circles around each pair and we communicated through the mind link. We were helping the Wolves learn better strategies. We did a lot of training in Human form, I decided it would have helped me had we trained more in Wolf form. So, I wanted to do this at least twice a week. After a few hours of training we shifted back into Human form, got dressed, and I sent the trainees off to their jobs. “Jace, Alec, come here for a second, would you?” I said to the twins. I watched as the boys padded over to me with curiosity bubbling in their eyes. “Good job today. You guys have been doing awesome keeping your Reaver powers under wraps. I’m proud of you both. I wanted to tell you something that I think you might be happy about.” I said, and I could see them both smiling at me waiting for the good news. “I’m on my way to a meeting with Alpha Drake. This meeting is important because I plan to suggest that we merge the Reaver lands and our pack lands. If he agrees, and we can make this happen, you two will no longer have to hide your Reaver powers. It might be a process before we can get it done, but I'm sure as hell going to fight tooth and nail.” I said. “Do you think the pack would truly be accepting of us as Hybrids?” Jace asked. I could see the same question burning in Alec’s Bronze eyes. “Honestly boys, I have no idea. I don’t even know if this will work or if Alpha Drake will even think about it. But I know that there have to be more Hybrids out there like you guys. I mean, there might even be more like me who never knew they were Reavers, and grew up completely different. And if there are, they can all use our pack as an example. I want to make a change. I want this to be the start of something new, something better for everyone involved.” I said. “Good luck, Rayne. If anyone can make this work, it’s you.” Alec said. I nodded to the boys and sent them on their way. Even at only 15 years old those boys were smart beyond their years. I took a few calming breaths before I mind linked my Alpha. “Hey, are you ready for our meeting? Training just got out.” I said. “Sure, I just got back to my office. See you soon.” He said, then he closed the link. I was hyper aware that I was still wearing my training gear, but I didn’t care. I always wore it anyways, I guess it never mattered. I just wanted to make sure this meeting went perfectly. No issues. “Get your s**t together, Rayne! Damn, I don't know why you are so nervous… We f*****g got this.” Wynter cried through my mind. Of course we did. “I know, I know. I’m just nervous. It’s not just my fate that lies in Alpha Drake's hands, it’s those boys’ fates too. Plus a lot of others I’m sure are still hiding their abilities. I want the stigma between the species to be eradicated. We should be able to live together as one. I’m a Wolf, sort of, and a Reaver, and I’m mated to a Reaver. I mean for all intents and purposes you could call me a Hybrid. I’m a Reaver, but I can shift into my Wolf and I have a Wolf mate bond. It doesn’t really make sense as to why when I’m just a Reaver… In fact that got me thinking about my mother. She was a Reaver too, I assume by the color of her eyes. But she could shift as well… Meaning she must have grown up in a pack too and maybe she had no idea… Honestly, s**t doesn’t get any crazier than that. But still, even with the insanity, our pack accepted me as their Luna.” I said. “Just go in there like you own the place like you always do, and ask for the merge. The worst he can do is say no, and then you will just keep pushing for it. You have every reason to be able to give to justify why. You can make this happen. I know it.” Wynter said. I nodded to my Wolf, she was right. I materialized to Alpha Drake's office door and knocked. “You may enter.” He replied. “Here goes nothing.” I said to Wynter, and pushed the door open stepping inside before closing it softly. Alpha Drake was wearing a black suit with gold accents. I took this as a good sign. Him wanting to match the color I had been wearing much more often lately, than my chosen color of silver, that he may be more receptive to my ask. “I swear you know exactly what I'm going to wear so you can match me perfectly.” I said with a smile. He looked up from his desk for the first time and took in my appearance. A sly smile crept on the corner of his lips, but never made it completely out. “You always wear gold nowadays, it makes it easy for me.” He said. I just snickered. “Touche.” I replied. “Now, what was this crazy idea you wanted to meet with me about?” He asked. I took a breath in, and decided not to sit down. I thought it would be a more powerful stance if I remained standing. “I want to merge the pack lands and the Reavers' coven lands.” I said. I was just blunt and said it. No time to beat around the bush. No time to worry about the what ifs… This needed to be discussed, now. Alpha Drake’s ocean blue eyes met mine. An unruly storm was brewing within them and I could feel the tension he was protruding. I didn’t let him speak, I needed to calm his storm first. “Hear me out.” I said, with one hand raised towards him. The way he was looking at me, I wondered if he was even going to listen or just continue drooling. He then sat back in his chair, folding his muscular arms across his chest before urging me to continue without words. “I know this sounds crazy, this is something no pack has ever done before. Something completely new and out of the norm. I understand there will be a stigma regarding the merge. Not only from our side, but from the Reaver side as well. This will be something we would have to combat, and squash immediately. But look at Beta Seans twins! They are Hybrids, and they have to hide their Reaver powers, training with me in secret in order to learn, as to not be ridiculed. Why should they have to live a life like that? It just isn’t fair. This pack has had me ruling by your side for a bit of time now. I am a Reaver… They have a Reaver as a Luna. They may not see me that way because I have always been a Wolf to them, but I am not a Wolf. I honestly shouldn’t even have a Wolf spirit. But honestly, It was a fluke, it was a strange situation that I never would have even known about had Raziel not chosen to become a part of my life.” I said and then paused briefly. I wanted to make sure I worded the rest of what I was trying to say in a way he would understand. “In essence, the pack is already being ruled by a Wolf and a Reaver. There is absolutely no reason we can’t become one land. We can still keep Alpha and Luna titles. Raziel can still keep his lord of the underworld title, but our pack and covens wouldn’t be separate. They would no longer have to fear each other and steer clear. We could blend, and live together, live as one. Help each other.” I said. I knew I was rambling, but I was really trying to argue my point.
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