
The Reaver Chronicles: Rayne (Book 6)

childhood crush

Being the Hand of the King of the Fire Court has it perks. I would never deny that. My powers span far and wide. I can do many things with my title, things that help to keep this realm and its inhabitants safe. So when A fiery woman with bright silver eyes, dreamwalks into my dream, you can imagine I was curious. Dreamwalking is a Fae attribute, but this woman, she wasn't Fae… So how exactly did she achieve this?

My curiosity only gets the best of me, even at the worst of times… And I know this, yet, I can’t stop thinking about her and her realm. I have heard whispers of other supernatural creatures and the powers they may wield in other realms. I'd even come into contact with one of them… In fact, I'm in contact with him every day. But the things we discuss hold no candle to the knowledge I truly seek. Knowledge is power, you know.

I formulated a plan, and put it into action… But tell me why I proceeded to gain the knowledge I so desperately seek, and instead, ended up with feelings for the fiery woman with bright silver eyes? She is everything I've imagined and more. Fiery, breathtaking, bold, a leader… But I can have both, can't I? I can have her and the answers to the questions I seek. The magic I wield allows me this.

I know she will never go quietly. But to be honest, I wouldn’t want her any other way than kicking and screaming in my arms. The struggle only makes me want her more. She can’t escape me. I can infiltrate her world as easily as she infiltrated my dreams. I can manipulate her, force her to complete tasks for me, control her mind and take her memories if I choose. All of this with a snap of the fingers. But are my feelings worth more than the task I have assigned myself?

She is my end game, and the more I convince myself of this, the harder I will try to achieve it. I do not fail. She will be mine, even if I have to tear her entire realm down, piece by piece, and kill every single person she has ever loved… I wont sleep until I have completely and utterly destroyed her. Then I will rebuild her until she forgets she ever had a life before me.

Rating 18+ for graphic s****l content, language, kidnapping, forcible s****l relations, mind control, physical abuse, and s****l dominance. (This is the 6th and final book of The Reaver Chronicles Series)

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1 (Rayne) Raziel materialized us back home after he became a Keeper, and it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I know it wasn't my responsibility to keep that amulet safe, but it seemed like we had finally found a solution, and that's what everyone needed.  We had stopped the Angels from actually opening Pandora's Box and releasing its inhabitants into our own realm. And in doing so we effectively stopped the opening of the portal to The Otherside.  We took out The Others, or most of them, and split the amulet into six pieces, entrusting those pieces to six of the most powerful beings within the realms. We also had a plan for any future attempts on the amulet or Pandora's Box. Things were planned and within our control. It felt nice to just be done with it all. At least for now.  We all knew that eventually we would have to deal with them again, but for now we were good. It was nice to have that piece of mind and get a bit of a break. Now, it was time to let my mind wander, and release some of the plans I had been holding in until the time was right. Mainly, the merging of the pack and covens. How was I going to talk Alpha Drake into agreeing to merge our pack with my covens? I was definitely going to use Beta Sean’s twins as my main argument. He knew those boys were Hybrids, but Beta Sean will not talk about it. He won't even reveal who their mother is in efforts to keep her safe.  If I could merge the lands and make Wolf and Reaver see each other as allies, we could let things, like who their mother is, out in the open. Inter-species relationships and even mates could be allowed and not frowned upon. Hell, I might be a Reaver, but I didn't know I was. I grew up as a Wolf and I fell in love with a Reaver.  If I was only a Wolf, I would still love him and still want to be with him. I would never hide it, even if I was ridiculed. I want to make this a place where something like that wouldn't be a concern. I want to get rid of the stigmas and try to blend the species. I know we can do it, I just need more than myself and Raziel to do it. I need Alpha Drake too.  I decided to mind link him to prepare him for our meeting that I just now decided was going to be tomorrow. “Hey Alpha.” I said. “Yes, Rayne.” Alpha Drake purred. “I have a crazy idea, and I mean crazy. But I'm going to need your help to pull it off. If we can do this, we would be the first of our species to even fathom it… Meet me tomorrow morning after training? We can talk about it.” I said.  Alpha Drake chuckled through the mind link. “When don’t you have a crazy idea?” He said. He wasn’t wrong, I was full of them. “You know me, always the dreamer.” I replied. “I'm intrigued though, and you know I would do anything for you.” He purred.  “I want you to know that I just rolled my eyes, hard. Like, really hard.” I said. He just laughed. “Yes, my Luna. Meet me tomorrow after training and we will discuss whatever you like.” He purred. “Thanks, I’ll see you then.” I said, and then closed the link.  I had become a master at ignoring Alpha Drake’s not so subtle hints. He was clearly still in love with me, and used every chance he could to try and win me over. He knew full well I would never cave, but I think he thought it was fun. I know I will have him on my side, he will literally do anything I want him to. This included. I just had to phrase it correctly.  I decided to let it go, for now. I needed to get ready for bed. I was distracted from my thoughts when I could hear Raziel’s thoughts through our Wolf mate bond. I was in my mind link with Alpha Drake and I didnt even notice him come in, but he seemed to be admiring my ass.  "Oh so you like these shorts then?“ I said out loud, with a snicker. He raised an eyebrow and shot a small smile in my direction. My heart fluttered at his action.  He rarely smiled, and I knew I was the only one who ever got to see it. I reveled in it every time he did. "I would like them better if they were on the floor." He growled, through the mate bond, making my cheeks turn a bright red shade.  “That can be arranged.” I said, turning towards him with a smile. He closed the gap between us and took my face in his palm, laying his soft lips directly onto mine.  “You know I would love to ravage you like a vulture eating his first meal in days.” He growled against my lips. “But?” I said. “But, it’s already past midnight, and you have training in the morning, plus a very important meeting with your Alpha. You need your sleep.” He said, releasing me from his hold while I grumbled my dissatisfaction.  “We can sleep when we’re dead.” Wynter growled, causing Raziel to chuckle. He wandered into the bathroom to brush his teeth, pulling his shirt off and tossing it to the floor at his feet. I couldn’t help my thoughts, they ran rampant anytime he shed even a piece of clothing. He was literally like a Greek god, standing before me, chiseled from stone.  “A god huh? What, like Aries? Or Zeus?” He said, with a sparkle in his eye. I just narrowed my eyes at him. “You would out sexy even the sexiest of gods.” I purred. I ran my fingers across his bare back, tracing his rippling muscles with my fingertips as I walked by.  “You better be careful, I may change my mind and then you won't get to training in the morning.” Raziel mumbled under his breath. I could hear his thoughts, I knew exactly what he was thinking. I smiled to myself.  “Mission accomplished.” Wynter snickered. Then I shed my clothes and hopped into bed. My plan was to sleep naked, and hopefully tempt him into following through with his threats. But if it didn’t work then at least the satin sheets would feel amazing on my bare skin. It was a win, win. Raziel climbed into bed shortly after, pulling me to his chest. His warmth flooded over my bare skin and the sparks and tingling sensation from our combined marks danced through my veins, softly lulling me to sleep. 7:00am came far too soon for my liking.  I reached over and pressed every button on my cell phone trying to shut it up before grumbling and realizing that my plan didn’t even work last night because I fell asleep basically as soon as my head hit the pillow.  I laid there for a moment just contemplating how bad it would be if I just slept in when Raziel's husky voice, thick with sleep, rang through my ears. “Not a chance.” He purred, and released his grip on me, allowing me to sit up.  I did so, reluctantly, and grumbled as I headed to the shower. I actually had a lot to do today, but my meeting with my Alpha was at the forefront of my mind. I got in the shower and let the hot water wash over my face and body as I contemplated just how I would go about bringing up my idea to merge the pack and coven lands.  It really shouldn’t be this hard, I was just stressing myself out, really. I was going to meet with him after training and just lay it out on the table. It wasn’t like he didn’t already know about Beta Sean’s twins. Not like I was having to inform him for the first time. I just wanted the stigma behind Hybrids to no longer be an issue…  “Rayne, darling. No need to stress. You will present an amazing argument.” Raziel’s silky voice infiltrated my mind through our mate bonds. I smiled. He always knew how to calm me down.  “Thank you, I will be fine. Alpha Drake will listen to me, and even if he doesn’t agree right away he will come around.” I said through our mate bonds as I shut the water off and reached for my towel. I quickly dried off and wrapped my hair in the towel.  I stepped out of the shower and headed over to our closet, when I realized that Raziel had already picked an outfit for me. It was on the chaise lounge at the foot of the bed. I smiled and walked over to it, throwing on the gold sports bra, and black shorts with matching gold high tops.  “Thank you, my love.” I said to Raziel through our mate bonds. “Anything for you, darling.” He replied. I combed out my hair and let it fall straight. It would dry on its own. I headed downstairs where Raziel was sitting in front of two breakfast plates. I sat down next to him and started to eat.  We ate in silence although my mind was racing so it wasn’t really silent for Raziel. I knew I had this, and I could do this. But it didn’t stop the doubts or stress from circling my thoughts.  Once we were done eating I materialized upstairs to brush my teeth, then met Raziel back downstairs in the foyer. He had a Coven meeting today, and he promised to bring up the merge to his Priests. He was going to gauge their reactions, and I would do the same with my Alpha.  “Good luck, darling.” He said to me, pulling me into his arms. “Good luck to you too.” I said, and I pressed my lips to his softly.  The mate bonds were going wild at our touch and Wynter was swooning. I wanted nothing more in that moment than to just stay there and never let go.  He was the first to pull away, he was always stronger than me when it came to willpower and the mate bonds.  I sighed and let my fingers run down his muscular arms while I stepped back out of his grasp.  Then I materialized to training.  One thing at a time, Rayne. One thing at a time. I said to myself as I walked into the arena. 

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