Story By XxGift37xX


The Reaver Chronicles: Raziel (Book 1)
Updated at Feb 19, 2024, 11:17
My name is Rayne and I've always been alone in life. Except for him… The Demon that watches me in the night. Reavers are ruthless, blood thirsty creatures. Disguised as distinguished gentlemen in suits and ties, the brothers will kill without rhyme or reason. I have only ever known to fear them. Everything about them is made to attract you. To make you forget that you should be fucking running the opposite direction. And it works… It works well.   I live under the protection of the most feared Alpha of the most powerful pack in the world. But even he is afraid of the brothers. The Reaver with eyes of molten gold, hunts me like it’s a fucking game. He follows me, watches me in secret, and makes himself known if I do something he doesn’t like… It's been 7 years since he laid his claim on me, but he should have let me fucking drown.   He tries to control every aspect of my life, but I will do what I want, when I want, and I would like to see him try and fucking stop me. In fact, I'm counting on it… I refuse to be anyone's puppet. Not the Demon who watches me, not my Alpha's, and sure as fuck not the Demon's younger brother. My Wolf, Wynter, may be infatuated, but all I am is determined to prove that I don’t belong to anyone.   I've heard the whispers. I know there's something different about me... But that gives exactly no one the right to think they fucking own me. How much am I willing to give up to prove that point? I ask myself this question, and then make a choice… A choice that nearly destroys me. But now I'm fucking pissed.   Lucky for me, The Darkness would never let me face this trauma alone… With The Darkness on my side, I feel fucking invincible, and I'm going to go out of my way to make sure that everyone knows exactly where I fucking stand.    Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, murder, stalking, kidnapping, trauma responses, and sexual dominance.  (Book 1 in The Reaver Chronicles Series)
Obsidian: Raven (Book 3) (The Reaver Chronicles Spin off Series)
Updated at Feb 7, 2024, 19:41
I've always been different than the other kids. This is not a secret. With my platinum hair and bright icy blue eyes, I look nothing like my mother. She says I look like my father, Asher, but she refuses to talk about him. I don't know if he's dead, or alive… Or if he even knows I exist… That alone is enough to make a girl have daddy issues. School at Obsidian is hell. There is one boy that has the same eyes and hair as me… Talus, Alpha Drake's son. He's insufferable to say the least. He always has been, ever since we were kids. He's always picked on me and called me names. Slams my locker shut when he walks by, knocks my lunch tray out of my hands, makes fun of my outfits. He even made fun of my hair and his hair is the same damn color! Even 21 years later he still finds way to torment me. Ignore the fact that he's literally the most attractive man I have ever laid my eyes on… An ugly personality, paired with a black soul makes you ugly, even if you are ethereal on the outside. Talus will never be anything in my eyes but a very dark and unkind person. Even if he apologized to me right now, I would laugh at him and walk away. He doesn’t deserve my forgiveness, and I would never give it to him. I hate him… I hate him more than anyone in this entire world. I can’t wait until I turn 21 in a week. I'm leaving this pack, and I will never have to see the insufferable Alpha's son, ever again. I will admit that it wsa difficult going to school for my last week… Why do we have to go until we are 21 anyways?? Who's stupid idea was that? I would so much rather be outside playing in the snow than stuck in this fucking prison. Mid week I start to realize that Talus isn’t being his usual self. He hasn't bothered me at all, and I'm starting to wonder if he's ok. Not that I care… But in 21 years he's never missed an opportunity to terrorize me… Yet earlier in the week he opened the school gates for me… Maybe he decided to be nice since my birthday is on Friday? I don’t know and I don't care. But when I see him in the halls Friday morning, time stands completely still for both of us. It feels like ice shatters, surrounding me an unhinged panic as I realize that the God's have different plans for both of us… Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, violence, bullying, and sexual dominance. (This is Book 3 in Obsidian, the spin off of The Reaver Chronicles Series)
The Reaver Chronicles: The Keepers (Book 5)
Updated at Feb 7, 2024, 19:39
I’m Dominik, the dark side of an Archangel. I have no good in me, and I haven’t loved anyone, ever, in my entire life. Yet, here I am, falling for a frail Human girl with bright blue eyes. How? If spending a Millennia inside of Pandora's Box with my brother has taught me anything, it’s that I want to get the fuck out of here, and get the fuck away from him. Ever since we were imprisoned here, he has been a thorn in my spine. I have done nothing but scheme ways to escape. Not that I don't appreciate Hilda and everything she has done for us over the years, but my freedom has always been my main priority. So tell me why I am so enamored with this little Human? The way she laughs. The way she admires me when she thinks I'm not looking. The pink flooding her cheeks when we meet eyes… The problem is, The Keepers would be looking for their amulet, and Master Rowen would be looking for his pet… I didn’t know which one was a bigger threat. Both were outcomes I wanted to avoid. Her time here would be short, that I was sure of. But I knew when the time came, and I had to do what I had to do to get us out of here… It was going to hurt me more than it would hurt her. I even contemplated not doing it and just staying here, with her… But the Keepers couldn't be so kind as to leave her be. I knew I could no longer play house and pretend that I wasn’t in this for a bigger reason… My plan was here, the time to execute was now, and I forced her to take us back with her. I didn’t do everything I did to save her when she arrived, just to allow my fucking feelings to get in the way. Guilt flooded my chest when I manipulated her. It flooded my chest again when my brother shoved a flaming hot Angel blade right through her… What did I do? Oh, yea… I left her there to bleed out… And now that I've ruined any chance I ever could have had with the little Human… I'm going to open Pandora's Box and unleash hell onto this world. If I have to hurt, so does everyone else. Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, blood, murder, and sexual dominance. (This is book 5 in The Reaver Chronicles series)
Shadow Seeker
Updated at Feb 7, 2024, 06:08
My name is Ivy, and I'm the governors daughter. I was raised in an immaculate home where image is everything. I have to eat certain foods, speak a certain way, walk a certain way. The cameras are always rolling, and to my parents, Image is the only important thing. I secretly wish I was born elsewhere and that I could be different, but I can't seem to get out of my tight shell. At least not to the public eye. My parents would kill over if they knew I secretly practiced Witchcraft and rode a pink and black Yamaha R1 street bike. So far, I've been able to keep my appearances up and my secrets to myself. All while maintaining my perfect 4.0 grade average, and being the head of my snooty school clique of friends. That is, until I met him... Steele Alexander, the new kid at school. He's incredibly sexy. A dark, mysterious man, complete with tattoos, piercings, deep golden eyes and jet black hair. From day one he's had his sights set directly on me… He's like a dark god come to whisk me away from this hell.. And I want to let him. He is forbidden to me, and that just makes me want him more… After an unexpected meetup with him in the cemetery, he cant seem to keep his eyes, or hands off me. I've never felt feelings like these… But I can’t tell a single soul. They would just say that I'm playing with fire, and I just don't realize it… That, or I just doesn’t care anymore… Image is everything, though… Right? I can’t bee seen with Steele… Not at school, not in public, and my parents sure as hell can't find out its been him who's been texting my phone… Honestly, Steele is the last thing I need in my life, but he seems to be the only damn thing I want. My perfect image isn’t the only issue though. There is more to Steele Alexander than meets the eye. In fact, there is so much more than I ever could have fathomed... But there is more to me too… Harsh secrets soon begin to unravel around us both. Can we survive the truth, or will we lose ourselves and each other, while trying not to drown? Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, murder, physical abuse, child abuse, child rape (not depicted), mental instability, PTSD episodes, murder, and sexual dominance.
The Hunter
Updated at Feb 7, 2024, 06:03
I was determined to break the mould and be the first woman in my family line not to become a Vampire Hunter. I wasn't going to join The Academy, and I wasn't going to kill anyone. I have been saying this since I was just a girl… But things change, especially when a Vampire kills my mother. I was only 12 when it happened, but I remember every detail… How the hell could I forget when it happened right in front of me? I'm 28 now, and I'm renowned in the Hunting world. Everyone knows my name, everyone knows what city ill be in, and who my next contract is... They also know if they follow me I will end them, all but Xavier. Good thing I like him… On occasion. The issue is he always wants more. And me? Well, I just want one thing, and it comes in a large package between his legs… He knows how I feel though, I have never led him into thinking there could be more between us. There never will be. My kill count is one of the highest The Academy has ever seen… Little do they know those are only my contracted kills. My actual kill count is much higher. Revenge has been ingrained in my mind since that day. It's all I ever think about. Unhealthy, I know, but I don’t care. Avenging my mother is worth every single bloodsucker who’s tasted the bitterness of my knife… Even if they don’t come with a fat paycheck. My next kill is someone named Damien…. Mr. Edge Enterprises they call him. He's a high priority kill with a 3 million dollar payout. I'm already in Maine, so why not? The thing about Damien is I already met him last night, before I accepted his contract. He just so happened to be at the Vanderwood ball. What was he doing there asking me to dance? I have no idea, but he was nothing like any bloodsucker I had ever met… He had me curious, of course. I always stalk my prey, and he was no exception. But when I find him stalking me instead, things take a different twist… He knows I'm a Hunter, and he knows exactly what I'm here to do. Yet still, he pursues me? Bold… Once I get him alone, I'm driving this knife so far into his chest he will bleed silver… That is, unless he kills me first… Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, graphic murder, language, hellbent revenge, kidnapping, forced sexual relations, and sexual dominance.
Obsidian: Tryss (Book 1) (The Reaver Chronicles Spin Off Series)
Updated at Feb 6, 2024, 16:56
I've been an orphan my entire life. Growing up in foster care and bouncing from home to home was hard… Really hard. So when Andy and Erica adopted me, I actually cried tears of joy. It wasn't long until those tears changed into tears of pain and anger. Andy drinks too much, and Erica enables it. Mere weeks was all it took before Andy turned his wrath on me. The kind hands that once held me and promised me safety are now the cruel hands that hurt and try to control me. My anger issues only got worse the older I became. "You’ve been in 27 fights this year." The principal told me. Since when was it a crime to defend myself? Long sleeved shirts and large black sunglasses can only cover so many scars and bruises. When my classmates see them they make snarky comments as if I'm not standing right there… Don’t they know I deal with enough belittling at home? I don’t need it at school too… So yes, I kick their asses. And I'm not going to apologize to a single fucking one of them. I don't want their pity, and I don't want their remorse. There is only 1 school left that I can transfer into. Obsidian, a fancy Charter school on private property across the river… Ugh. No one says a word to me here. The insanely gorgeous twins that I swear came straight out of a body building magazine, seem more than happy to see me. If I thought the whispers were bad before, they're nothing compared to when I'm on the twin's arms. But something is strange about them… In fact, something is strange about every single person in this school and I'm determined to find out just what that is. Everyone here has the perfect hair, the perfect bodies, the perfect smile… And on top of that, one of the twins did something to me that I keep pretending didn’t happen… Because it's not possible… Humans can't… No… I must be going crazy. No, I'm definitely going crazy, because now I can’t keep the voices out of my head. I want answers, and I wont stop until I get them. Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, graphic physical abuse, child abuse, mind control, murder, and sexual dominance. (Book 1 in The Reaver Chronicles spinoff series, Obsidian)
The Reaver Chronicles: Rayne (Book 6)
Updated at Feb 6, 2024, 16:51
Being the Hand of the King of the Fire Court has it perks. I would never deny that. My powers span far and wide. I can do many things with my title, things that help to keep this realm and its inhabitants safe. So when A fiery woman with bright silver eyes, dreamwalks into my dream, you can imagine I was curious. Dreamwalking is a Fae attribute, but this woman, she wasn't Fae… So how exactly did she achieve this? My curiosity only gets the best of me, even at the worst of times… And I know this, yet, I can’t stop thinking about her and her realm. I have heard whispers of other supernatural creatures and the powers they may wield in other realms. I'd even come into contact with one of them… In fact, I'm in contact with him every day. But the things we discuss hold no candle to the knowledge I truly seek. Knowledge is power, you know. I formulated a plan, and put it into action… But tell me why I proceeded to gain the knowledge I so desperately seek, and instead, ended up with feelings for the fiery woman with bright silver eyes? She is everything I've imagined and more. Fiery, breathtaking, bold, a leader… But I can have both, can't I? I can have her and the answers to the questions I seek. The magic I wield allows me this. I know she will never go quietly. But to be honest, I wouldn’t want her any other way than kicking and screaming in my arms. The struggle only makes me want her more. She can’t escape me. I can infiltrate her world as easily as she infiltrated my dreams. I can manipulate her, force her to complete tasks for me, control her mind and take her memories if I choose. All of this with a snap of the fingers. But are my feelings worth more than the task I have assigned myself? She is my end game, and the more I convince myself of this, the harder I will try to achieve it. I do not fail. She will be mine, even if I have to tear her entire realm down, piece by piece, and kill every single person she has ever loved… I wont sleep until I have completely and utterly destroyed her. Then I will rebuild her until she forgets she ever had a life before me. Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, kidnapping, forcible sexual relations, mind control, physical abuse, and sexual dominance. (This is the 6th and final book of The Reaver Chronicles Series)
The Reaver Chronicles: Rowen (Book 4)
Updated at Feb 3, 2024, 19:03
Being a Vampires pet is a fate no Human ever wants to endure… I had no choice. I was 6 years old when my parents were killed and I was captured and taken to the pet store. A 6 year old cannot make choices for herself, so why am I being punished for something my parents did? This question has haunted me since that day. Instead of playing outside with other kids, learning and growing, I grew up being groomed and trained to obey my Master… Whoever it ended up being. I was to be the perfect pet. I was to be a maid, a sexual partner, a nurse, a blood bag… Anything my Master wanted, that was what I was expected to give. Obedience… That is what the Ringmaster prided herself on with her selection of pets. She didn’t get so lucky with me though. Madame Vienna and I clashed hardcore. I learned quickly not to speak out of turn, but it didn’t stop me from throwing a snarky remark here and there when I felt that I was healed enough to handle another punishment. This may be the only reason I lasted so long without being sold. But it didn’t matter, my time had come. I was on display for the world to see. Tattered and torn, but it didn’t seem to matter to the man with the rose gold eyes who made the Vampires tremble without even saying a single word… What kind of creature was he to cause this type of reaction in an apex predator? I clenched my eyes shut as he brought me to the counter to check out. Madame Vienna was uncomfortable. "Come, Ambrosia." The man purred after a moment. Shaking, I followed him, trying to take in any and every small detail of the outside world… "You can do this. Pretend it's just a bad dream… You know how to survive." I whispered to myself, as I followed my new Master to what was sure to be my death. Rating 18+ for Graphic sexual content, language, mental instability, imprisonment, physical abuse, manipulation, scare tactics, and sexual dominance. (This is Book 4 in The Reaver Chronicles Series)
The Reaver Chronicles: Ramses (Book 3)
Updated at Feb 3, 2024, 18:05
Ramses Kane, the international playboy. Voted the Sexiest man alive as per People magazine for 7 years in a row. Of course he is… I've heard it all, seen it all. He and I have been 'together', if that's what you could call it, for longer than I can even count. I am his main love interest, he is my only love interest. I have long gotten over the fact that if I want him in my life I have to share him. I learned long ago that Ramses will never truly settle down. If he ever did though, it would be with me, and I am very confident in this fact. So when he brings another woman into my bar, and introduces her as his girlfriend… I know something is awry. I have a terrible gut wrenching feeling about her from the start. I know that this awful woman has done something to Ramses, but he doesn’t seem to be any the wiser. I am not a jealous woman. Being with Ramses has shown me that I have to be anything but, however, all I can feel is rage when I see Haven's face. I have been a Witch since birth and I am powerful. Attempt after attempt fails as I try to use my magic to uncover the truth, and I realize that in order to save him, I have to do something forbidden… Forbidden by not only the Witches of the French Quarter, but by The Ancestors... The monthly ritual that I pulled power from, goes off without a hitch, but The Ancestors are beyond angry with me now. I knew this was coming, but I had no idea the sheer consequences of my actions… Saving Ramses was worth the risk, but what is a Witch without her magic? The ritual to visit The Otherside is immensely dangerous, especially to a mortal, but I don't care. I am determined to meet with The Ancestors and plead my case. I'm not sorry that I abused my powers to save Ramses, and I would do it again in a heartbeat… I plead my case, but The Ancestors have other plans. If I become one of them, I will never leave this place. Unfortunately, I dug my grave, now I have to lie in my coffin while they slam the lid shut. Rating 18+ for Graphic sexual content, language, infidelity, mind control, and sexual dominance.
The Reaver Chronicles: Raphael (Book 2)
Updated at Feb 3, 2024, 17:47
Vampires, I have never seen one up close before. That is, until one tried to kill me in the park on my way to school. But he saved me… Raphael. I know he's a Supernatural creature, and I'm only Human, but the more I learn about him, the more intrigued I become. He scares the ever living hell out of me, but I pretend he doesn’t. I've done my research though, I know he's one of the 4 brothers who run the Underworld. I know he kills people without warning or trigger. I know the other Supernatural creatures fear him, and I know what he says goes… Period. Being around someone with that high of stature is intimidating… Every single time I'm around him I have the most intense butterflies I've ever felt in my entire life, but I know better. From my studies, a Reavers charm is programmed to entice you… He pulls me in without even trying, and I know I should run. I want to run, but I can never bring myself to lift a single foot in the opposite direction. Call me a thrill seeker, but the sheer intensity of the warning signs only make me want him more… I've pushed my luck and I know this, but playing with fire has never felt so satisfying. It's not until I wake up in a strange place, surrounded by multiple Supernatural creatures, that reality kicks me straight in the face. I have now become the woman in all of the love stories that is used as collateral in order to hurt the protagonist… And it's in this moment that I regret ever pursuing the man in the silver suit, who meets me in the diner… I already knew that merely being acquainted with Raphael, puts my life in terrible danger… But now I'm living it… I refused to stay away, and now I find myself smack dab in the middle of it all. I've read enough love stories to know that love is a man's greatest weakness…. Could I be his? Or will we both die trying? Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, murder, light torture, graphic suicide, physical abuse, drug use, illness, and sexual dominance. (This is book 2 in The Reaver Chronicles Series)
Obsidian: Reya (Book 2) (The Reaver Chronicles Spinoff Series)
Updated at Jun 24, 2023, 08:29
People say they don’t know what happens when you die… Do you feel the pain? Does your body goes into shock so you don’t feel any pain? Do you reunite with your lost loved ones? Do you go to another place… Hell? Or do you simply cease to exist and sit in the darkness… I'll tell you that all of those things happen, and none of them happen… All at once. My name is Reya, and I was murdered when I was 13 years old. Sure, I was young when it happened, but I vividly remember every single moment of it. Down to the moment the last drop of blood flowed from my veins. I also remember the moment my brother, Drake, resurrected me. I'll spare you the details of what happened in-between. You’re just going to have to find that out when your time comes… But being murdered and resurrected doesn’t come without a cost… I can see the dead now… And speak to them, too. I keep this quiet, of course, I don't want anyone to think I'm crazy. On the other hand, my Wolf powers, well… They didn’t fare so well. I've shifted exactly 1 time since I returned, and I don’t have a Wolf Spirit in my head, she only comes through very rarely. Something about being dead? I couldn’t tell you. My brother tries not to be overbearing, but I can understand why he worries about me. I am basically Human living in a pack of Wolves. I know they don’t understand what happened or why, so I try and keep to myself as much as possible. I am quiet, timid, and very shy. So you can imagine my surprise when I finally decide to go The Edge, a nightclub that borders our pack, and accidentally bump into Havoc, the Vampire King's son. He is absolutely breathtaking. Ignore the lightning and intense pleasure shooting through my body where our bare skin touched, it was his eyes that caught me. Piercing blood red, with just a hint of something lighter peeking through. The entire club had gone silent, but I barely noticed. I knew nothing of Vampires and I just want to get the hell out of this awkward situation. Unfortunately or me, Havoc has other plans… Rating 18+ for graphic sexual content, language, kidnapping, forced sexual situations, stalking, murder, and sexual dominance. (This is Book 2 in Obsidian, the spin off of The Reaver Chronicles Series)