Chapter Fifteen

2512 Words
Hugo’s POV “Wake up Little Claws” Her voice flowed melodious in the air like a calm whisper. My hands raised at the voice, as if I desired to catch it before it vanished. My arms couldn’t reach high enough, and the ache in my shoulders caused me to groan aloud. “Ahh, what the . .” I grumbled in pain. I finally succeeded in flinging open my eyes to the well-lit space. I was lying on a bed with my arm attached to an IV bag. I began to wonder what I had gotten myself into as I scanned the room with half-opened eyes. The concept of time had been lost on me. At this moment, I would be grateful if someone merely pointed to the date on a calendar and displayed it to me. The sound of the door creaking open caused me to flinch. Shivering, I leaned back against the bed and covered myself in the comforter. I recognized the strong-built man with slick white hair who strolled in with a broad smile on his face. “Ah good, you’re awake, son” “Alpha Theodore,” I managed to respond, startled by his cordial demeanour. He sat quietly on the chair adjacent to the bed. I glanced up at him to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating and he wasn’t a figment of my imagination. Alpha Theodore had silver hair and a beard, he was muscular and the kind of man you shouldn’t piss off. So far, our interactions have never been pleasant. He’s always despised me, and I’ve always sought for his approval. “Call me Theodore, son. I’m glad to see you’re recovering well” He said. On the other hand, perhaps I got a concussion when I collapsed and I was simply imagining stuff. “Thank you for . . saving me” I responded, recalling the fight with the Kaos Pack that may have turned out quite differently without his interruption. If I had known Alpha Theodore any better, he would not have sent a pack of his own to my rescue. But something must have changed for him to reciprocate in such a polite manner. “Of course. Just know that you’re under the protection of the Shadow Pack now. We won’t let some mere mediocre pack attack a hero like you” He assured. “Hero?” I gulped at his words. There was clearly a major misunderstanding. “Yes, hero. Izzy didn’t sleep a wink after learning that you’d been captured by the beast. But when I heard about your escape, I decided to return to Falcon Valley and offer my support. Every pack in every city is searching for you right now, son. You’re the most wanted beta right now” “Me? Why?” I inquired, astounded. No way was every Alpha looking for me right now. Was my life in danger? “Son, no one has ever escaped the beast before. You know more than anyone of us about its location, and seeing that you managed to escape, maybe its weakness as well. But enough about all that, what’s important is your recovery” Alpha Theodore answered. I’ve never seen such kindness towards me from him before. Maybe it was the shock of it all, but I couldn’t comprehend being under the protection of the Shadow Pack. When it was all I had wanted, once for what it seemed like a long time ago. “I just got lucky. That’s all” I kept my glance down because I couldn’t meet his. I couldn’t tell anyone that I had escaped thanks to the services of a witch. But I also couldn’t take entire credit. “I’m sure there’s more to it than that. But for now, let’s take it one day at a time. And I’m sure, you’re wondering where Izzy is at, I’ve informed her that we have you safe and sound and she’s on her way here.” Alpha Theodore smiled. There was a heavy thud at the front door right then. We could both hear the footsteps become increasingly apparent. “Ah she’s here. That’s my cue to leave. I’ll let you guys catch up” Alpha Theodore rose from his chair and walked to the door. The door swung open before he could touch the door knob, and Izzy walked inside gasping and struggling to regain her breath. “f*****g hell Hugo . . you almost . . gave me a heart attack” She wailed as her father chuckled and exited the room. I gazed at Izzy, puzzled and apprehensive. Quite some time had passed since our last conversation. She looked the same. The same brown wavy hair, brown eyes, and tan complexion. But something felt different this time around. “Izzy .. what are you doing here?” As she neared the bed, I inquired. She sat next to me on the bed and rested her palm on my cheek. The lights in the room flickered slightly but I wouldn’t be surprised if I had just imagined it at this point. “I came as soon as I heard. Are you okay? My gods, your shoulder is all bruised up” She delicately stroked her palm across my shoulder. I could sense she was concerned about me. “I’m.. I’m okay. I’ll heal in a few days once I get my strength back” I assured her. Her hands travelled to my chest. I stayed neutral to her touch and I wondered why. “Well I’m glad you’re safe. I was so worried about you.” She said leaning a bit forward. I could smell her scent, and it didn’t bother me enough to draw myself back. “I’m okay, really.” I replied. “No, you’re not. How could you be? You’ve been captured and tortured. You’re malnourished. And now there’s Alpha’s tracking you. You must be overwhelmed” Izzy whispered. Her eyes seemed to be longing for something. She pursed her lips and approached me. I retreated against the bed, pretending to adjust one of the pillows. “You shouldn’t be here, Izzy. Not when it’s not safe” I said, gazing at her. Despite our past, I felt as if I was meeting Izzy for the first time. When I was captured, I locked up her memories and hadn’t thought about her since. “I’m not leaving your side ever again” She stressed her words like she truly meant them. “Look, we have a lot to talk about. But before I say anything else, I just want you to know that I’m sorry” She sighed and grasped my hand in hers. “For what?” I asked despite knowing the answer. The lights in the room wavered again, and Izzy noticed it this time. But she opted to ignore it and continue speaking. “For abandoning you. When you needed me the most. I’m sorry. I said really mean things and I thought I was doing you a favour so you can forget about me easily” Her voice cracked as if she was trying to hold back tears. “It’s okay Izzy. It’s all water under the bridge” I replied with a slight smile. “Yeah I know you won’t hold that against me because you’re literally the nicest guy I’ve ever met, but there hasn’t been a day since then that I haven’t thought about you, Hugo” She muttered. Her teary eyes gazed into mine again. “I.. I’m glad you said those things though. I know you didn’t mean it in a malicious way but deep down I knew I .. had issues to work on” I retorted. Izzy drew in closer as she brushed her fingers through my hair. “Listen to me.. You’re perfect the way you are but you can learn to become stronger and less sensitive. I’ll help you. I just hope we can just start over, you know?” She responded with pleading eyes. With mind hazed and my body aching, I didn’t want to talk further. So I just simply replied “Sure” The flickering of the lights became more intense across the room. Izzy looked around before turning towards me. “It’s okay, we’re staying in one of our cabins up north, and the electricity may be a little unstable here, so don’t be worried about the flickering lights. The rest of the pack is staying in separate cabins; I’m sure they’re having the same power issue.” I groaned as the ache in my body heightened. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Izzy asked. “Yeah, it’s just cramps. My wolf is in hibernation, it’s too weak so the healing process is taking longer than expected” I replied. “Okay well, let me run you a warm bath then. You’ll feel the tense muscles disappear in no time “. She immediately got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Meanwhile I tried to signal Wolfie in my head to make sure he was okay. “Wolfie, you good?” I whispered. There was no reply. I needed the rest to recover completely. But, given the circumstances, I had little choice but to accept the Shadow pack’s protection in order to avoid the other Alphas. My thoughts returned to Alpha Talia. Despite the pandemonium that around me, the absence of her left me hollow. My thoughts were interrupted as Izzy beckoned for me. I put the blanket around my waist and gently tried to get out of bed. “No, wait don’t get up by yourself. Let me help you” Izzy offered. “Izzy, I’m really okay.” I replied, little irritated. “Well, your shoulder is injured so I don’t think you should really move around much by yourself. Let me help you” She insisted eyeing at the bathtub. “Uhh, I think I can handle myself okay in there” I replied quickly understanding her insinuation. “Um sure. But if you need anything, please call for me. I’ll be in the room next door.” She said with a smile. “Duly noted” As she walked away, I took small steps to the bath. It felt terrific as my body plunged into the warm water. Izzy was right; it did help with my relaxation. I leaned against the tub, marveling at the bubbles that had formed and closed my eyes. “Little Claws . .” There it was again. Her voice. I felt a little tug and a gentle pull underneath me. My eyes remained closed as I tried to figure out what it was since it pleased me. “I missed you” I felt goose bumps rise against my skin as her voice whispered in my ear. I nodded, realizing how much my body desired her touch even when she wasn’t around. Some animalistic part of me craved her, missed her as well. Another tug, and it felt like my c**k was being stroked up and down by something. When I opened my eyes, I saw her on the other side of me, both hands on the side of the tub. Her red lips curled into a mischievous smile and her curly hair that floated on the surface of the water and the bubbles. “What.. what’s happening?” I whispered gazing in to her eyes. “My feet is rubbing your c**k, little claws. That’s what’s happening” Alpha Talia smirked. “I mean.. how are you here?” I whispered again not wanting anyone else to hear or know that I was getting a footjob in a tub with the beast they were so scared of. “Well, maybe I’m not really here. Maybe you’re just imagining me” She replied coyly taking a strand of her hair and curling it on one of her fingers. I stared at her lustfully, fully erect under the bubble filled water. “Am I?” I barely managed to ask as pleasure intensified in my body. “I don’t know. Are you?” She asked playfully rubbing and stroking her feet harder. “Fuck..” I murmured feeling the intense pleasure rising. “This is so f*****g hot to watch” Talia replied fastening the pace. “What?” “You. You are so f*****g hot, Little Claws” Her words made me feel more excited. “I am?” Staring into her eyes, I asked. She jerked her hands toward her chest as she returned her lusty gaze. I observed her as her breasts came to the surface of the soapy water. She stroked my c**k back and forth while rubbing both of her breasts and playing with her n*****s. She bit her lips ever so slightly and all I wanted to do was kiss her. “You are. Such a good boy, getting hard for me. Just for me” She whispered. “Can’t help it” I mumbled. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you little claws?” “Yess” I was restraining myself from wanting to grab her and f**k her. I missed her. I missed this. It felt like it has been ages since I escaped the mansion. “My good boy...” She muttered huskily. “Yours” I replied. Her strokes continued steadily and I held in my moans. “Mine” She growled. I closed my eyes and whimpered “I’m getting close” “c*m for me little claws. c*m like you always do for me” “f**k f**k f**k” I whispered. My eyes shot wide open. Hot fluid pulsated out of me. I looked everywhere but she wasn’t there anymore. “What the...” I muttered in disbelief. So I just came on my own without even touching myself? Or was I touching myself this entire time? I stared at my semi hard c**k that was still excited for some action. Oh boy, I gotta get her out of my system. I drained all the water from the tub and thoroughly cleaned it. I washed my face next to the mirror, I noticed that both the shoulder bruise and the overall body ache had entirely disappeared. Maybe I was recovering more quickly than I anticipated. I went back into the room and looked in the closet for a towel and some clean clothing.. But they were empty. “Hugo, I brought a towel and some clothes.. oh, umm, sorry I should have knocked. I’ll close my eyes” It took me way too long to register that Izzy had just barged in and seen me naked whilst having a semi hard c**k. “Ohh umm please keep them on that table” I replied in a trembling voice. “Sure” she smirked as she did so. “Thanks” I responded quietly. “No, thank YOU” She giggled as she shut the door. The lights in the room started to flicker once more.
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