
The Female Alpha's Hostage


Hugo Shaw seeks safety in the Kaos pack after discovering that a beast is capturing and murdering betas in his hometown. However, his world turns upside down when he’s captured by the beast. The beast that is Alpha Talia. The beast that is in heat.

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Chapter One
Hugo’s POV Between the night's ominous clouds, the moon sparkled. Strong winds caused the trees to sway to their rhythm. I kept a close eye on my surroundings while inhaling the oak-scented air of the woods. Leaping off the rock's ledge in my wolf form, I grabbed the moist forest floor before lunging forward into the deep end of the woods.  As the full moon drew near, I felt the energy in my body change.  Finding Izzy was the only thing I had on my mind right now. I ran as swiftly as my paws would let through the forest. While tracing her scent, I eventually found her waiting in front of her pack house. After shifting, I wrapped myself in the filthy blanket that was on the ground. Out of the corner of my eyes, I notice Izzy's father shutting the door with a grunting expression of disdain. But I didn't care. I wanted to see her.  “Izzy” I called out to her. “Oh good, you’re here. I was worried I wouldn’t get to say goodbye” She replied. “You’re really leaving, aren’t you?” I managed to say, finally realizing there was no saving this so called relationship.  “This town isn’t safe anymore, Hugo. I’m leaving with my pack. And if you’re smart, you would too!” She said sternly.   Izzy's chilly demeanour perplexed me, so I just gazed at her. After pursuing her for the past two years, I've finally come to terms with the fact that she wasn't interested in being with me. She's always considered me a friend, nothing more. “I can’t leave this place. This is my home” I replied softly, pleading with my eyes for her to stay. “You and I both know that you don’t belong here anymore, Hugo. Your home has become a graveyard. I’d prefer to not see you in it” Her words had me taken aback. Although it stung, I hoped deep down she meant well. Despite the fact that my entire pack had perished, I clung to the hope that one day I would be with her, having mated with her and having beautiful pups to raise. But I could never be the man she needed, at least not in her eyes. “Maybe I could . . come with you?” As the words lefts my lips, I braced my heart for the impact. Even though Falcon Valley was my home, I would have accompanied her if she had just asked. However, I was gradually coming to the realization that perhaps this gave the impression that I was simply a desperate man. “No, Hugo. I'm sick and tired of your constant neediness. You don't possess a dominant trait. I bet, you can't even protect me from some irate omegas. And, to be completely frank, it's pathetic given that you're a beta. Where has all that passion, anger, and animal instinct gone? You can hardly protect your own sentiments, much less those of a family. You don't have what it takes to breed anyone"  I continued to look at her while feeling as though someone had just crushed my heart. I bit my lip in an effort to keep my tears from emerging. But it was too late; as I looked down, I could feel tears streaming down my face.  “I had a feeling you’d start crying. This just proves my point, Hugo. I know you were pursuing me, but my father, Alpha Theodore would never approve of our union. I hope you can accept my rejection”. She turned away, but she paused as if she had something else to say. I was fragile and heartbroken as I stood in front of her.  “I strongly advise you to leave Flacon Valley tonight, Hugo. We heard that beta’s are dying, one by one in different cities. And it’s all because of that Alpha. I’d watch my back if I were you”, She muttered before scurrying off into the woods with her pack. Covering my face with my palms, I fell on to my knees. I genuinely thought Izzy was my mate. But hearing her say those words, cut through like a knife. I’m not manly enough for her, because I have emotions? Part of me wished I wasn’t this sensitive. Part of me wished my lone wolf was angrier, destructive, and toxic even. But that’s not who I am.  I’m Hugo Shaw. A Beta wolf with no family, no mate and no home. Maybe Izzy was right, maybe I’m not worthy of love or having a family of my own.  Taking small steps, I walked back into the woods. I could hear faint mumbling from a distance. I knew there was a pack close by. Even though I was a stranger, I wanted to see if they would shelter a lone wolf for a few days.  “Who’s there?” A tall man appeared before me. “Hey, I bear no threat. Just a lone wolf needing shelter”, I raised my arms and walked towards him. “I’m sorry we don’t let in strays”. Another guy showed up. “Oh, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I’ll go” I did at least try. I anticipated that tonight would be difficult. It’s every pack for themselves, especially when a serial killer is still at large. Who was I to condemn them for protecting their pack? When I couldn't even protect my own. “Wait” a voice spoke out. The tall man tapped me on the shoulder and directed me towards their leader. “Come on over, loner boy. We don’t mind you hanging out with us for the night”. The Alpha of the pack rose from his seat. “Uh sure, thanks” I retorted as I moved cautiously into their domain. I hear grunts of disapproval from the rest of the pack as I approach their tents.  “Do you have a name, Loner boy?” The Alpha asked. “Hugo” I mumbled under my breath. “Shaw” I felt a pinch in my gut as the name left my lips. “Ah the Shaw’s. You’re the last one left, eh? No need to worry, Hugo. The Kaos Pack will take care of you for the night. I’m Alpha Xander by the way.” His sneer was both aggressive and kind. I pondered whether coming here was, after all, a wise idea as I gazed at the rest of his pack. “Pleased to meet you all. Thanks for letting me in” I managed to say. "Well, lucky are the betas who won't be snatched by the ravenous Alpha every full moon. We must seek shelter, look out for one another, and weather the storm together” His words gave me the chills. What Izzy had said was true. Every full moon, an Alpha kidnaps a Beta. No beta has ever returned alive enough to tell the tale, therefore no one truly knows why. I could use all the defence I could muster to survive the night. But having no pack of my own, I felt alone and scared.

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