
Uncovered Lightly

magical world

A life of lies.

Is it worse to live a lie in happiness or to live the truth in fear?

Mara chose the former for her little sister in an attempt to free her from what she knows would be her destruction. It may be selfish, but Mara knew the risks of exposing Cici to her world, so she decided to shield her from the truth.

What will Mara do when their mother goes missing? Will she be forced to reveal the truth to her sister? What will happen if she does? Would Cici embrace this change and rebel against everything she knows or will mistakes be made that could cost the lives of thousands.

A war of all wars.

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Chapter 1
“Are you serious?” Cici asked her sister in an incredulous tone, leaning forward in surprise. Mara sat on the adjacent stool, a determined look covering her face as she stared down at her breakfast. Their mother liked to call it the pooper face, which Cici loved to use when making fun of Mara. She also recognized that when her face became all poopy (as Cici learned to describe it), Mara always meant business and wanted no arguments. Seeing this, Cici slammed her spoon down on the counter, knocking over her bowl in the process. “I don’t know what else to do, we have to go.” Mara spoke quietly, ignoring the milky mess that had started to drip on the floor. Convincing Cici had never been easy, a headstrong little girl who had been sheltered from the dangers by Mara and their mother. “What do you mean? Mum said it’s good here, and I don't want to go, can’t we just stay for a bit longer?” Cici began to question, unsurprisingly confused by having to move locations so soon. “No.” Mara snapped, quickly irritated by her sister's questioning. A familiar sting behind Cici’s eyes alerted her to the growing feeling of frustration; a feeling that she had come to know greatly and often overshadowed other emotions that were brewing inside her. “Just a few more days, please Mara, I'm begging you.” Mara guiltily looked away, trying to hide her sadness from her sister. After a short moment of silence, Mara moved to Cici’s side and slowly began to comb her fingers through her hair just as she had seen her mother do countless times, in an attempt to calm her. “Look, Cici, I know that you’re scared, but this is alot bigger than mum told you.” Cici reluctantly shrugged Mara away, jumping up from her chair as the tears finally started to flow. Very angry that Mara accused her of being scared. She was scared. But that did not mean she liked it being pointed out when she tried so hard to believe everything was okay. To believe everything that her family would tell her, she tried to believe the lies, because they sounded so much nicer than the truth. “What are you talking about?” She spoke through gritted teeth, it was the first time Mara had said something that proved Cici’s thoughts of their apparent safety not being real. Mara froze, “I will tell you once we get out.” “No, that's not fair! I want to know now.” Staring at Mara, Cici stood firm, waiting for her sister to cave and finally tell her the secret that would change everything. She unknowingly had waited so long to find out the truth, yet she doubted if she even wanted to know. Her life wasn’t great, constantly hopping from one place to another, but she was kind of happy. Cici was never alone, always having her mother or Mara around to annoy her. However, their mother had been gone for 2 days now, and she could see Mara becoming increasingly fearful, which was very abnormal. Mara was the levelheaded one of the two, being 4 years older than Cici at seventeen. She was great at appearing content with their situation when in reality she was anything but. Mara ignored her sister’s harmless glare and moved her attention towards cleaning the spilled cereal. “Whatever Mara, you never tell me anything. I’m always the last one to find out stuff and…” having had enough of the argument, Mara sternly interrupted Cici to avoid the tangent that she knew would ensue if she allowed her to carry on her rant. “Cici stop. We are going, get your coat on.” Shock and anger raged through Cici. Shock at her sister’s fuse finally exploding and anger for always being left out of the loop. “Now, Cici!”

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