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AUTHOR’S POV: It is not a speculation but a psychological truth that every human has several personalities, some of which lead the host to good deeds while others attract the host to wicked and cruel deeds. These personalities are formed as a result of their parents' DNA, upbringing, education, and values. Our story is about a man who, through education and principles, became a man - a good man - yet his parents' genes turned him into a demon.... YEAR 1999: The elderly lady paced in front of the doctor's office. Soon after, the doctor emerges, holding a thin blue file. "How is my grandson?" She pleads, worriedly, "Please follow me ma'am, there is a lot to discuss." The doctor spoke firmly and walked towards what appeared to be a meeting room. "Doctor, please don't scare me. "Please tell me what's wrong with him." The elderly woman stated, "After going through your grandson's reports we have come to the conclusion that your child is suffering from a hereditary genetic disorder." "What do you mean, doctor?" said the doctor. The old lady inquired. Her expression conveyed all of her anguish and concern. ""His mother went insane, and his father attempted suicide. With all of these situations, I believe the disorder your child is suffering from is in it patient is attracted to a special object. For example, your grandson is attracted to beauty." He believes that everything that attracts or excites him is solely his. And by destroying them, he is convinced that no one else will be able to obtain those items." "How it can be treated?" The old lady inquired, her eyes welling up with tears. "Love and education in a better atmosphere...If the child receives a lot of affection and grows up in a better atmosphere with excellent company, he has a 99% probability of having better mental health...If these precautions are not performed, there is a 1% possibility that your grandson would suffer the same fate as your daughter-in-law. He might have to spend the rest of his life in a mental institution." The doctor elaborated. Everything the doctor stated was processed by the elderly madam. Her heart was broken. She had lost her only son and her lovely daughter-in-law, and now her grandson's life was on the line. So she exhaled deeply and wiped her tears. "I got it all, doctor." I will not allow my family be destroyed like this again. I'll save him. I will save my child at any cost..." The old lady remarked this as she rose from her seat and exited the room. "Let's go, my son." She murmured this as she clutched the tiny boy's hand. "Granny, why are you crying?" The youngster inquired innocently, unaware that he was the source of those tears. "It's nothing. "Let's go..." The old lady responded, offering him a little grin and going out of the hospital determined to save him. 20 Years Later New York: FEW HOURS AFTER MISS SOLARIS CONTEST – BELLA NICHOLAS’ HOME: Bella sat down in front of her vanity and took off her earrings. The moment she set the jewelry on the table, lightning hit, signaling an impending storm, and the lights went out, a shadow passed by. Bella, startled, twisted around on her chair. "Who's there?" Looking into the darkness, she inquired. "Hey, sis, could you please pass me the candle?" It's in the first drawer to the left of the TV." Anna's voice pierced the darkness and howling storm from the bathroom door. The young woman made her way to the TV lounge slowly and steadily. Lightning struck once more. "Who's that?" She inquired as to when the shadow will pass by again. She got to the drawer, took out the candle, lit it and slowly walked towards the bathroom. A man struck her from behind before she could reach Anna. His white gloved right hand covered her mouth, while his left arm was tightly wrapped around her waist. He picked her up and tossed her against the wall. Turning her to face him, he straddled her with his left hand. To defend herself, Bella kicked the attacker in the groin, freeing herself and giving her time to run towards the door. "Help!" When Bella was attacked again, he caught her in his arms and tossed her on the coffee table in the living room. The assailant clutched her hair and lifted the wretched girl to her feet. Bella put up a fight, flailing her arms in an attempt to injure her attacker, but her efforts were futile because the attacker was far larger and bigger than her. The wicked man took the girl into her room, slammed her down on the floor, and pulled out a heavy black whip. He began punching Bella as soon as she got back up. Bella was smashed into her vanity by his single powerful strike. The sound of glass breaking and faint pleas for aid alerted Anna in the bathroom, and she wrapped a towel around her body and opened the door slightly to see an unknown man assaulting her sister. While the attacker placed Bella on the bed and hovered over her, Anna remained transfixed by the door. A terrible scar trickled blood down her gorgeous face. Seeing that all of her fighting energy had been expended, the assailant let go of the whip and grabbed a little syringe from his jacket pocket, filled it with a dark brown liquid, and injected his victim. Bella became tired as a result of the fluid, and she stopped fighting. The assailant proceeds to the next step now that his victim is in excellent condition. He took a large silver knife from his back pocket and slit Bella's throat in one rapid motion. The eyes that had been full of life only a few hours before now lay underneath him without any light. Anna passed out after seeing her sister's death. The assassin got out of bed, went to the toilet and pulled Anna's lifeless body across the room towards her sister. He returned to the bathroom, leaving Anna near the bed on the floor. He cleaned his gloved hands, and the blood of the innocent washed away. He took off his gloves, slipped them into his pocket, and removed his glasses. Coming out of the bathroom, he picked up Bella's corpse and stepped outside into the darkness of the night.
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