Chapter 1

1365 Words
Author’s note: This is the first book I have ever written. I have been too shy about my skills and about the general topic of the story that I have never shown it to anyone. Only recently I have realized it is a shame, because it is a great story about love and overcoming trauma. Still, it might not be for everyone. There are very dark scenes in the book, including a graphic depiction of a brutal r.ape. If that triggers you, stay away from this book. To those who are worried about the FL forgiving someone for r.aping her: she doesn’t. Yes, there are some non-consensual activities between them at the start, but the heavier stuff is at a different part of the story, between different people. Some things are not forgivable and I realize that it very much depends on where you draw the line. I drew my line in this book quite clearly but it will be different for each and every one of you. If you find yourself feeling uncomfortable while reading, just drop the book and move to a different one. *** Christina yawned, long fingers barely covering her wide open mouth. It was early, she had already had two coffees but still couldn’t shake the sleepiness off. Why did she always have to finish things at the last possible moment? The grant proposal deadline was in two hours and she was still tweaking some formulations and making last-minute additions and changes. Maybe that schematic should be on the next page? Yes, that definitely looked better. Now if she could only stop yawning for a few minutes, that would be very helpful.  “Chrissie!” Someone poked her shoulder. “Come on!” “Leave me alone,” she murmured. Her little sister had the most annoying voice in the universe. “I don’t want to play with dolls.” “What?” Michelle’s brows went up. “I’m not five years old anymore. Come on, get up! Why are you sleeping at your desk anyway?” Christina jumped in panic, ignoring the loud popping sound her neck made when she straightened up. “Crap! The grant!” Her fingers anxiously tapped the keyboard of her laptop which took ages to wake up from the sleep mode. “No, no, no,” she muttered nervously. If she missed the deadline… “Is that about that shelter of yours?” Michelle rolled her eyes. “Why do you need to apply for some grants anyway? Wouldn’t dad just pay for the whole thing if you asked him?” A relieved sigh escaped Christina’s lips. It looked like she filled out and uploaded everything necessary before she fell asleep with her forehead on her desk. Great, now her neck is going to hurt all day. “I already told you,” she turned to her sister. “I want to do this on my own.” “But you didn’t,” Michelle pointed out. “Dad paid for the architect. I just don’t understand why you have to complicate your life so much. You are a billionaire's daughter, you can have anything, just enjoy it!” Guess life seems simple when you are fourteen. Or perhaps it had nothing to do with age, most rich kids she knew never outgrew this careless I-have-money stage. She was only twenty-three and already felt more mature than most people from the ‘upper class’ she had met. Excluding her father, of course, Peter Anderson was the most mature and reasonable man alive. “Speaking of enjoyment,” Michelle continued when she didn’t get a response, “the big opening is in two hours! We need to be there to get the good stuff before it is all gone. If Tracy gets that new folding smartphone before I do, I’ll never hear the end of it!” Why anyone would need a folding smartphone was beyond her. “Two hours? Don’t you have school?” “Meh, who needs Spanish? Estoy Michelle Anderson. Mi padre es muy rico.” “Soy Michelle Anderson,” Christina mumbled and rolled her eyes. Her sister was certainly not the studying type. “Does dad know you are skipping your lessons to go to the mall?” Now it was Michelle’s turn to roll her eyes, her expression darkening upon hearing about their father. “Dad is in Shanghai. Look, I’m going with or without you. Actually,” her lips curled in disgust, “if you don’t at least brush your teeth and put on some makeup, I’m definitely going without you. You look like s**t, sister.” “Michelle!” Christina might have been mad at her for using such language, but she did have a point. The bathroom mirror confirmed that she has had better days. It was nothing that a bit of makeup couldn’t fix though. She never wore too much of it anyway, preferring to look natural. A few strokes of a brush through her long dark hair and she was ready to go.  “You look so… normal.” Michelle summed up her look when they met in the lobby and entered the elevator together.  Christina laughed. “Thank you.” “That was not a compliment,” her sister snorted but knew there was no point in arguing. Jeans and a simple T-shirt were always her preferred choice, Christina never felt good in the wild outfits by the latest fashion. To wear something just because a famous person wore it or designed it seemed ridiculous.  A car was waiting for them in front of the building and Austin opened the rear door for them. He was Michelle’s personal bodyguard s***h driver s***h whatever else she needed. Christina had one too, a sturdy woman named Paula who was just entering the car. Not a very likable person, cold and strictly professional, everything always had to be by the book. Christina hated having her around, but her father didn’t really give her a choice. ‘The mall’, as Christina ironically called it, was in fact a luxurious shopping center. The most prominent (and expensive) brands and companies made sure to have at least a small stall there. Michelle headed straight towards a brand new electronics shop to spend a fortune on a new phone she didn’t need. Christina just wandered around, licking an overpriced ice cream and observing the people rather than the shop windows. Such a waste of time, but it was nice to see Michelle happy. Losing a mother at this sensitive age… “I got it!” A small box carrying a famous logo appeared in Christina’s field of vision. “Look! One of the last pieces too.” Yes, they probably told that to everyone, but Christina didn’t have the heart to tame her enthusiasm. “Congratulations. You wanna go home now?” she mocked her, already knowing the answer. “Are you insane? Let's go clothes shopping! You really need it.” Christina moaned but followed her to a luxurious boutique, their two bodyguards waited outside. Michelle grabbed a couple of colorful pieces from the racks and headed to the changing rooms. Instead of tiny booths they had in normal malls, there were actual rooms here, spacious and comfortable. Christina wandered through the store but nothing caught her eye. She decided to go and check on her sister and provide some unsolicited and most likely useless advice.  The first thing she noticed upon entering the room was Michelle's long pink hair. Her sister was lying on the floor, her eyes closed. There was no blood, so maybe she just passed out? Christina thought as she rushed in to help her, stopping halfway when she registered there were other people in the room. Two men dressed in black wearing gloves looked at her in surprise.  Her eyes widened in fear when she realized what was happening. She turned around to flee but strong hands grabbed her and something pinched her shoulder. Everything started to go dark, the last thing she saw was a pair of hazelnut eyes staring down at her. Dad was right with the bodyguards. Too bad it didn’t help. 
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