My story

830 Words
This whole tragedy started in my last week of school. Everyone was excited about what was coming next. No more boring school. We were finally given control over our own lives and how did we use this power, you may ask? Well, by parting, drinking, doing drugs, and having s*x with anyone that was up for it. It was pathetic to see. If you are wondering, no! I didn't follow my generation's lack of common sense. I had clear goals and childish things were not going to distract me. I worked hard in school to earn two scholarships. I think my mistake was caring about Jeannette too much. I always felt bad for her. We had similar family issues, but we were so different. I didn't let my childhood define me. It made me stronger, but Jeannette... She was permanently scared. She had an unhealthy desire for a partner, or “to find love” as she would correct me. She was head over heels, infatuated with one of the most popular guys at school. Believe me, I told her that it wasn't love and what she called love wasn't real, but you know how people are. She claimed that he was the one and she was in love. I knew he was just using her, but she wasn't seeing it. You know when they say love is blind. Yeap, it is. That idea of being in love is blind and stupid. I must admit the guy was hot, so I understand why she wanted him to get in her pants. But... wanting to have s*x with him was not loving him. Don't judge me. I said, I don't believe in love, but I never said anything about not believing in s*x. I do believe s*x is a human necessity, like eating. We enjoy eating, so we enjoy s*x. We like good tasting food, and we like good-looking people. Back to my story. You still want to know how I ended up in this guy’s arms, right? It was a week before our high school graduation. Jeannette was driving me crazy at the end-of-school party. There was going to be, you know, the usual for desperate to prove themselves how grown up they are immature things like: alcohol, drugs, s*x and burning of our school uniforms. I'll be honest, the burning of the uniforms was kind of appealing to me, but everything else was just so stupid. Come on people, some of us have been smoking weed since we were ten and didn't feel the need to announce it to the world. Jeannette was excited about the party. She was planning to finally have s*x with this guy at the party. Like I said, he was hot but a giant douchebag. What is it that people say? You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force it to drink? Well, I tried to let her see what a douchebag the guy was, but she refused to see it. She must have been extremely horny. The guy had a girlfriend! As a good friend, I agree to go to the party with her. You know, to be there when her plans were all crushed by reality. I didn't want her to be alone when it happened, so I put on a dress. Yes, a cute dress. I'm not an animal. I like to look good, and I did look good. I normally wear black clothes not because I'm emu, but because it is cheaper this way. Black never goes out of style and it looks good on me. Oh, if I haven't said this before, I believe that I'm hot. My opinions are kind of shaky right now, but I have had many people confirm my hotness, so I can say this. It was time to party. I try my best not to be too antisocial, for Jeannette. The things I do for her. We went to the party. The most cringy music was played loudly. We couldn't see the house yet, but man… we could hear the music. The guy's house was huge. From the front gate to the entrance was like a 5-minute drive. Of course, I paid for the taxi. We entered the house. I had never seen a house so freaking big in my life. The entrance was bigger than my whole apartment. We walked in, and there he was... The guy was dancing with his girlfriend. If you are wondering, I call him the guy because it is not worth acknowledging his name. He is a nobody, a piece of s**t. Moving on. Jeannette joined the dance floor. I stood at the side watching her make a fool of herself. Then I see the guy walking away and she followed while his girlfriend dances unaware. Oh Jeannette... I was left alone in a room of familiar strangers. I took my vape pen out and found a place to relax while I waited for Jeannette.
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