Chapter 3

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Kat’s POV I don't want to be his at all... Standing on that stage was one of the worst moments of my life and when the guys started bidding I felt sick to my stomach. Every time a number leaves a guy's lips, my head would snap at that person. My eyes caught something in the back. It was my new owner strangling someone. I was so relieved when he didn't bid. The one guy bid and I looked over at him. He seemed nice enough, he was smiling up at me nicely, not like all the other men did with lust in their eyes. Suddenly, I heard a loud voice growling a price. I looked over to the guy that was bidding on me while still strangling the other guy. My heart raced. This can't be happening. The nice guy bid again and I felt a little relieved. That relief was shattered when the other guy appeared at his side, breaking his neck. My whole body went cold. I could feel myself paling even more. Then those words were said. "Sold to the nice werewolf over there!" I flashed back to the present and saw him taking a step closer to me. "No! Miss Fiona, please help me!" I looked over my shoulder to see she was gone. She left me here. I now belong to him. "Shh you don't have to be afraid of me. I’ll never hurt you, I promise." His words sounded sincere, so I calmed down a bit. "Man, that wasn't cool. You could have killed me!" The guy he strangled walked in. I met his golden gaze. "Oh hi there." He smiled at me warmly. I was going to greet him back, but swallowed my words as a fierce growl erupted from my owner. "I told you to stop looking at her and what do you do, you talk to her!" I cringed away from the words as he spat them out menacingly. He had the guy by the throat again, throwing him hard against the wall. The wall actually cracked, leaving an imprint of the guy's skull there. He laid on the floor not moving. My owner turned to me smiling. I could see his canine teeth gleaming in the light. He got closer to me. "No!" I turned and started running. I was caught by strong arms. I looked up to see Matt. "Please don't let him take me. Please!" My tears started to fall as I grabbed on to Matt's shirt. "I can't do that. You are his. He has already paid for you." "Rufus!" He appeared next to us. "Please take Kaitlinn back to Dillan." Rufus grabbed me by the arm, pulling me along with him. "Please, Rufus, don't give me to him, take me with you." Rufus may only want me for s*x, but at least he hasn't killed anyone in front of me. "No can do kitten. It is an appealing offer, but I know not to get on Dillan's bad side. You see the scar on my chest, he gave that to me when I simply got in his way when he was in a bad mood." I started crying again. "Hey Dillan, loose something?" Rufus asked him, smirking. "Get your hands off my girl now!" Rufus immediately let go of me, making me stumble forward. I fell into Dillan's arms. He stroked my hair. "What did you do to her?" I could feel his whole body trembling. "Nothing! I swear!" Rufus said, holding his hand up. "Then why is she crying?" Dillan growled again. "Because she is afraid of you." The trembling stopped. He pulled me away at arms length. "Is that true, are you afraid of me?" I didn't answer him, so he lifted my chin so that I could look at him. This was the first time I actually got to see him clearly. He has dark brown eyes that are framed by long curled blonde hair that hung just over his ears. "You shouldn't ever be afraid of me, my love." I just kept quiet. He pulled me to his chest again, just holding me. "What the hell is going on?" I recognized the voice of the old man that Fiona talked to. I turned my head and looked at him. He took in the whole scene, me crying, Rufus standing there watching us, the cracked wall and the still body on the floor. "I'm sorry about your wall, I got mad. He is still alive. You can have him as payment for the damage." "Isn't he your Beta?" The guy asked, Rufus. "Yes, but he talked to my girl a bit too friendly." The old guy looked over at me again. I could see that he was worried about me. "Okay then, enjoy your slave." Not worried clearly enough. "She isn't my slave, she is my love!" He said, looking down at me. "Now come on, the car is waiting outside for us." I sent one more pleading glance at Rufus before I was pulled out of the door. There was a car idling at the curb. We walked over to it and got in. I noticed the file in Dillan's hand. He opened it and stopped momentarily, turning to me. I could feel his stare as I directed my eyes to the outside world. "Candice!" "Candice!" I felt as his hand grabbed my arm, tugging me towards him. "I'm talking to you!" He growled. "I’m sorry Master, I didn't know, I thought you were talking to someone else!" "Don't ever call me Master again!" He growled. His canines grew. "I'm sorry." He shook his head, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, I thought you were ignoring me. You just look so alike from behind... What is your name?" "It's Kaitlinn." He smiled at me before opening my file. "Okay, so let's take a look at your life." He started reading the file in silence. "It says you have a scar on your wrist and a blemish on your lower back." "Yes," I whispered. "Show me!...please." I hesitantly handed him my left hand. He turned it around and gasped before his hold on my arm tightened. "Please stop, you're hurting me." He wasn't hearing me. his grip on my alarm was so tight, it felt like he was going to break the bone. "You promised, you promised you wouldn't hurt me!" My tears were flowing again. His grip softened. "I'm sorry I didn't notice." He rubbed my arm where he had hurt me. "You look tired. Why don't you sleep a little?" I closed my eyes, letting my head rest back. I figured it was better to do as he asked. If he hurts me without meaning to, I really don’t want to know how much it would hurt if he actually tried hurting me. "Wake up my love, we are here?" How can he call me his love? He doesn't even know me. "Where is here?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. "The tattoo pallor!" I thought I miss heard him. "Why are we here?"My heart was speeding up again. I don't have a good feeling about this. I’m a really intuitive person. "We are going to cover your scar and blemishes. Candice didn't have them." I don't care if she didn't have them. I'm not her and I do have them, "No I'm not, I don't want to." He couldn't make me do this, can he? "You'll do it because you love me." This guy is crazy. "No please don't make me do this, I don't want to." "But you have to do it for me." "No please, I'm afraid of needles, please don't go through that. You promised you wouldn't hurt me." "But I won't be the one with the needle. So it wouldn't be me hurting you." I slid away from him, moving towards the opposite door. "Come on now Kaitlinn, don't make this harder than it has to be." "Please, please, please don't." I was crying hard by now. "Shh it's okay, it's only a needle. It would be for the best." "No please don't." He grabbed my arm, trying to pull me to him. I grabbed at whatever I could, but he was a lot stronger and in the end he carried me into the tattoo place. "Hi, how can I help you today?" "She wants two tattoos." "Why is she crying?" "It doesn't concern you. I'm going to leave her here. If I get back, it had better be done. If I find out you saw more of her than needed, I'll kill you." "Now love, be a nice girl and do this for me." "If she isn't here when I get back I'll kill you and find her anyway." "Please don't let me do this." I begged one last time. I don't know why I even try anymore. It never works. "Shh it's okay Kaitlinn. You are doing it for us." He sat me down in the chair and left. "You don't want to do this right?" I nodded. This guy had all types of piercing and tattoos. He flipped his dark brown hair out of his dark green eyes and looked at me. "But you know I have to do it right?" I nodded again. "I'll numb it so you hardly feel it, I promise." "I'm afraid of needles." "Maybe if you close your eyes, you won't even notice it will only feel like a soft pinch." I nodded. "Okay, where does it have to be and what tattoo do you want?" I handed him my wrist and saw him flinch. "I’m sorry my species has harmed you like this." So he is a vampire. Should have guessed by the way Dillan was talking to him. "It was done like that so that I don't have a lot of scars." "Okay, but he said two." I stood up, while blushing I pulled up my dress so that he could see my birthmark. I pulled it down quickly. "He wants you to get rid of your birth mark?!" I nodded. "Why?" "I'm not sure it has to do with Candice. He called me that before and he keeps saying that we look alike and that I have to cover it up because she didn't have it." I explained to him the bits and pieces of information I had and couldn't make sense of. "Oh, she was probably his Mate. And now he thinks of you that way because you look like her." I nodded. This was all so confusing. "Okay, so what tattoo would you like?" "It doesn't matter." "Okay, just lay down and close your eyes. It will be over soon." As soon as my eyes closed I fell asleep. "Open your eyes." As he said the words, I woke up. "I'm done with your arm. I'm using my power to make you sleep so that you don't feel anything. Take a look." I looked down at my arm. On the bite marks he made a dark wine red rose. The stem of the rose is a dark bright green, almost like a bracelet winding around my forearm. The thorns looked like they were digging into my skin. It looked amazing. "Wow, it looks good." "Yeah, I know I'm great." He smiled at me. "I did the thorns to show how strong you are, you should never forget to stay strong." I smiled up at him. He was the nicest guy I've met in years. "Turn around so that I can do your other tattoo." I did as he asked, before going to sleep again. "Open... Eyes." My eyes fluttered open and I looked around. Everything was still a bit hazy. I blinked a few times and when I heard a choking sound I jumped up. Dillan had the tattoo guy by the throat. "No, Dillan stop! Please don't kill him." Dillan's head snapped at mine. "But he saw you half naked!" He hissed. "I know, but he did it to do the tattoo. He is really professional. He didn't even notice my body, to him it was like a piece of paper he could do his art on." "Do you have feelings for him!" I took a few steps over to them, placing my hand on Dillan's shoulder. "Of course not. How could I have feelings for him if I'm yours." Oh those words felt so wrong coming from my mouth. It left a foul taste. He instantly dropped the guy and pulled me in to him for a hug. "I knew you could feel it too. I just knew you loved me." I almost cringed away from him. "Can I finish her tattoo now?" the guy asked. his voice sounding raspy, "Oh yeah sure, sorry about the whole trying to kill you thing." He nodded. I went back to the stool and laid down again. "This may hurt a little," he said, letting me know he wouldn't be putting me under again. "It's okay, I’m strong, remember." When he was done he showed me to a mirror and, just like on my wrist, he had made the rose on my birthmark and had the stem full of thorns forming a heart around it. 11 months later I looked into the mirror at myself. My eyes were perfectly circled with black liner, completed with a black smokey eye. My lips were glowing with red gloss and my skin paled to perfection with foundation and concealer. My hair hung straight down my back. I looked like a doll. I ripped the diamond choker from around my neck. It felt like a collar. It could have been one too. He controls me, he owns me, I'm all his! I looked down at the gown I was wearing. It was a midnight blue strapless floor-length dress. It hugged my body as it fell straight down to my feet. My room's door suddenly opened. "You can't just run from me like that. If anything happens to you, it's me that will be killed." My bodyguard yelled at me. "Exactly." I said, looking at him through my mirror. I could see lust clouding his eyes and probably his judgment. He took a step closer to me, stupid vampire. "Now what do you think he'll do to you if he sees the way you are looking at me now?" I smirked at him. "And if he knew that you were in my room...tisk tisk tisk." I bit my lower lip letting it slip slowly, a bit of teasing will do him some good. "I'll just say I was here because I feared for your safety." He has a good point. "And what would he say if he found out you saw me in my underwear?"He didn't listen to reason anymore as he stepped closer. "And how he would smell your scent on me with his wolf nose." He stopped and shook his head as I pulled a top over my bra. "You are a tease, do you know that?" "Yes I do, but what else do I have to do in this big house all by myself?" "Well, there is always someone you can do."He wiggled his eyebrows so I threw him with my high heel shoe. He dodged it just in time. "That could have hurt." exactly. "That was the point!" I sat down at my dresser table. I removed my fake eye lashes and started with the make-up. "You know I could always take you outside for awhile." I jumped up and ran to him. "Oh, will you really?" "Nope!" I smacked his chest playfully. "Now who is the tease?" I pouted. "Still you, Kaitlinn. Why are you still walking around in your panties and a top, huh?" "Well... I ..." "Shouldn't you be in that lace nightie of yours?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively "I should be but I was afraid it would tempt you too much." Oh, that is a good reason. "And what would Dillan say if he decided to check in on you and you were wearing something he didn't approve of?" "Well, he isn't coming here tonight, and you won't tell him, because he'd ask you how you knew?" "Felix!" Shoot! Dillan is here. "Go through the window! He'll kill you and then I will have to train a new guard." He was gone before I even finished. I quickly took off my top and walked over to my wardrobe. My door smashed against the wall, almost coming off the hinges. "Why was Felix in your room and where is he now?" He grabbed my wrist, pulling me against him. His hold on my wrist got stronger with every second. I didn't answer him, so imagine how I felt after 20 seconds when I finally gave in. "He was in my room because he was afraid for my safety. I went home without telling him. And when I told him I wanted to get undressed, he took the quickest way out, being my window." He let go of my wrist. "Oh I guess I just thought the worst immediately, but I should have known you wouldn't cheat on me, you love me too much and you aren't that stupid." I just kept quiet, because there simply wasn't a right answer to that. I turned to my closet again. I hated being in my underwear in front of him. The outfits I have aren’t really much better, but I felt more comfortable in them. I picked up a pink satin night dress and pulled it over my black underwear. "Why did you have to go and cover yourself up?" Yeah, that is covering myself up. The dress ended right below my ass and then it had slits too, not to mention it had lace at the top-front- showing my cleavage. "Because it's time to go to bed." Before I could turn around, I felt his heat right behind me. He pulled my hair to the side and whispered into my ear. "I'm going to join you tonight." He inhaled my scent. His hands rubbing down from my shoulders to my hands and back up. His touch makes me sick. "Come on let's get into bed." He slapped my ass. I swallowed walking to bed. I climbed on the bed, crawled over the king-sized bed to the top, giving him a butt show. All my clothes are so perverted. I got under the blankets while he went to switch the light off. I felt the bed dip as he got in next to me. His arm snaked around my middle and in a quick and swift movement I was tight against his chest. I could feel it rising and falling, I could hear his breath just above me. "I have a surprise for you, my love." His surprises are never good. My first surprise was my Brazilian blow out because Candice didn't have such curly hair. My second was this prison of a house and my third a bodyguard- They usually only last a month. Felix is going for his second. The list is long and can go on forever. "Aren't you going to ask me what it is?" His hold on me tightened, my breath caught. He doesn't notice it, but when he gets irritated with me, he looses control of his strength. "I was about to, you just didn't give me a chance." I smiled, because I knew he could see me in the dark. "Ask then!" I took a deep breath before placing my smile on my face again. "A surprise for me, you know you shouldn't have! What is it?" Kill me now. "Well I was going to keep it a secret, but I just can't say no to that sweet face of yours K." Yes K, he sometimes forgets and calls me Candice and when he does want to call me by a name he says K because he doesn't like admitting that I'm not her. I smiled again. "Well, I knew how much we both want to get more intimate, but can't because I would want to mate you. And that would kill you because you're not a werewolf, so I decided I will turn you when you turn 19." The blood rushed out of me. I don't want to be a werewolf. I don't want to be his mate! I don't want to be his-period! I closed my eyes to fight away my tears. "And I know it's really hard to do it and you may die, so I have arranged a witch to help me." "A witch?" "I will have to bite you multiple times and I would scratch you too. I’ll do anything it takes. The witch will make the bite's poison, my saliva, more powerful. You'll be in so much pain that you'll die and she will just restart your heart with electricity that she'll be pumping through your body. There will also be a lot of blood lost, so I'll have blood hooked to you and to complete it all I’ll take your virginity and mate with you! Doesn't it sound perfect?" I feel so sick to my stomach right now. The tears were flowing down my face, I couldn't stop them anymore. "Why are you crying!?" He growled. I wanted so badly to shrink away. "Tears of joy, love." I closed my eyes and held in my real thoughts. He leaned over and kissed me. I didn't respond. I couldn't. "Why aren't you kissing me back?" "I'm just really tired." He sighed before, pulling me closer as if it was even possible. I couldn't sleep with him next to me, touching me. I waited for him to fall asleep before I opened my eyes and just stared into the blackness. "Dillan wake up, I heard something." Staying awake the whole night might make me paranoid, but I really did hear a big 'bang' sound. Sound travels in this house. "You were dreaming, just go back to sleep." "Dillan, I wasn't sleeping!" Urg he frustrates me to no limits. "Then you are hearing things because you're tired." Really can he be this lazy? "Come on Dillan, I'm afraid you could at least go and check. It'll make me feel better and then I’ll let you sleep." He sighed before getting out of bed and leaving the room. I sat up hugging the blanket. I heard a scream. I quickly jumped off the bed and lay on the ground next to it, hiding. My room's door opened. Oh please don't let anything happen to me. Sure, I say I want to die, but I don't mean it, I just don't want to be here anymore. "Kaitlinn, where are you!?" I heard Felix asking. I don't think I have been this glad to hear his voice ever. I peeked over the bed and looked straight into his green eyes. "Nice hiding place." He said sarcastically. "You are supposed to keep her safe not talk to her at a time like this." I saw Dillan coming into my room. "What's going on?" I was scared, like really scared. My heartbeat was racing, my hands were sweaty and I could feel the urge to cry. "We are under attack. It's rough. If they smell blood they will go insane, so you, a human, being here isn't good." Felix suggested. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him. "Come on Kaitlinn, we need to get you out of here. I just can't lose you again!" Really, in a time like this he is thinking of Candice. I stood up, walked over to him and Felix. Dillan handed me a big shirt of his to pull on over my dress. Even now, in an emergency, he is worried about men seeing me. Dillan walked in front of me and Felix behind me. I could hardly see anything in the dark hallway. I clutched onto Dillan's arm hoping I didn't walk into anything. I heard growling near by and it wasn't like when Dillan growled, no way those growls sounded like real animals. Dillan stopped suddenly, making me bump into him. He was staring ahead of him. What the hell was he seeing? I heard Felix hiss, so I looked at him. He was also staring into the darkness. The hallway's lights switched on, hurting my eyes for a moment. When I could see again. I whimpered. In front of us were two wolves. One was a sandy color and the other one a dark chocolate brown. But what frightened me wasn't that they were such big wolves. No, the blood covering them is what made my skin crawl. I have seen Dillan as a wolf one time. I really upset him, but that was all the experience I had with werewolves. The wolves in front of us were still growling, their teeth shone in the light tainted by red blood. "You can take anything you want, just let us leave!" Wait what Dillan, the big bad scary alpha is negotiating. But according to what I've heard, rouges don't listen to reason. So what's the point? "Kill him!" I heard a girl's voice, but I couldn't see her. The next thing I knew, Dillan threw me back against Felix. The one wolf jumped at him, snapping at his head. Dillan grabbed the wolf around the neck. He was focusing on the one wolf he had a hold on so much so that he didn't see the other wolf coming. "Watch out!" I yelled at Dillan. He turned his body, holding one wolf as a shield against the other. The force he got hit with was strong, so he fell back both wolves on top of him. So now you're wondering why I did warn him. It's simple, he was the only one who could save us right now. The dark brown wolf got up and steadied himself. The sandy one didn't move. I saw Dillan opening his eyes, thank goodness he is still alive. He threw the sandy wolf off him. He stood up a bit wobbly. The dark brown wolf growled again, getting ready to pounce. "Stop!" I heard the girl's voice again. The wolf stopped mid air. He landed on his paws before turning and walking away. I saw something in the corner of my eye. The next thing I knew, someone in a black cloak came running towards us. You couldn't see the person's face at all. The hood of the cloak was shielding it. No one expected it and that is how Dillan was caught off guard. He reached out to grab the person or hit it. I wasn't completely sure, but the cloaked stranger simply avoided it all together. Dillan was tackled to the floor. The person sitting over him, straddling him with its legs. The person bent down whispering from what I could hear. "Missed me!" When it came back the hood slipped off. I couldn't believe my eyes. I first took in the blonde hair and then the blue eyes. It was like looking in the mirror at an older version of me. It was creepy. "Candice! No, you're dead! I saw you get buried!" She rolled her eyes. She caressed his cheek. "That's what I wanted you to think, love." She giggled cruelly. He didn't even notice the venom in her voice. It was like he was in a trance. She pulled out a dagger and plunged it into his heart. "Having a mate only makes you weak, love. You should never have let down your guard." He choked trying to say something. She leaned down, kissing his lips as the life drained from him. Her eyes glowed neon blue as she looked up at me. I could see golden mist flowing from his lips to hers. And then she smirked.
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