Goose Egg and Bagels

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(Addisons POV) I looked down at where my black converse sneakers stood upon the entrance of the Academy. Polished granite flooring expanded out to meet with mahogany baseboards. Thirty foot pillars of solid but intricately carved mahogany beams stretched up tall to the 6 corners of the hexagon shaped foyer, then jutted diagonally at 45 degree angles to group in the centre of the vaulted ceiling above. The foyer was dark but illuminated by soft light gifted to the room by traditional torch sconces placed 3 feet apart along the walls. I slowly turned around and marveled at the beauty and elegance that could only be part of a fairy tale castle. “Come along Addison.” Ms. Calder called over her shoulder . We walked under a tall arched door frame, entering another room. This one was brighter and more contemporary. 4 leather sofas arranged in a square made up the center of the room while people (I assume students) lounged across them laughing, and speaking to one another quietly. To the right was a wide staircase flanked on either side by two six foot tall stone statues of dragons. I peered up at one and the obsidian eyes appeared to be staring back at me. I followed Ms. Calder to the left of the room through a plain glass door that read “Admissions office” A short woman with cropped blue hair sat behind the desk eating a bagel. Normal enough, I thought to myself. The smell of garlic cream cheese in the air made my stomach twist in anger , reminding me I hadn’t eaten since the pastrami sub last night. “Dean Calder! Good evening, and who pray tell might this be?” The woman cheerfully inquired around a bite of bagel . “Ah Mrs. Nordesty, this here is Addison Celt, a new admission. Addison I would like you to meet Mrs. Nordesty head secretary, she will take good care of you. My office is located on the map if you need anything feel free to visit.” We watched as Vyla strode out, and then I turned back to the desk. Mrs. Nordesty grinned at me and stood to shake my hand, a smudge of cream cheese on the end of her finger. I ignored it, returned the smile, and shook her hand back. “Nice to meet you” I said. “Miss. Celt , here is your room information including a map of the dorms, and a map of campus. There’s a printer in your room, your class schedule will be sent through it tonight.” I gave her a polite smile “Thank you Mrs.-?” “Nordesty" she finished for me with another world class grin. I nodded my exit putting the small stack of papers under my arm and headed towards the staircase. By the time I reached the second flight I was already winded , how I was going to do this multiple times a day was beyond me. According to my dormitories map my room was on the 5th floor. I paused on the third floor landing pretending to exam the art work on the wall but really I needed to catch my breath. I waited until a group of five or six girls walked past me, and restarted my assent. Finally I reached room 5001. Using the hand that wasn’t holding my duffel I turned the knob and entered. I dropped my bag to the carpet and did a small survey of the room. Lights with working switches? Check! Four poster wrought iron bed? Check! Non mildewed ceiling?! Check, check, check! I still wasn’t too sure if I was dreaming or not. If all else fails at least I got a sick room out of this endeavor. At 7 pm I decided to find my way to the cafeteria. Mrs. Nordesty stuck a brochure into the stack of papers earlier that mentioned free meals and snacks before 9 pm, and I planned to get on that horse before he rode away. I made my way down the stairs, through the commons room of couches and entered through another arched doorway that led to a long hallway. Upon getting to the end there was only two directions, left or right. I pulled out the map once more to do a quick but discreet study of it. After all, no better way to get bullied than to advertise yourself as a new girl. Ah ha! Cafeteria to the right. I slipped the map into my back jeans pocket, and took off at a speed walk, my brain focused on nothing but a garlic cream cheese bagel. I came to the cafeteria door and reached out to grab the handle when suddenly it shot outward, and smacked me in the forehead. “Aw, what the f**k?!” I let out, while rubbing the fast forming goose egg above my right eyebrow. “I’m terribly sorry , here let me give you a hand, I didn’t mean to op-.” I peered up to see who had hit me and why he stopped speaking when realization dawned on me. The guy from the Café, the guy who may or may not have been lurking under my window last night, was standing in front of me looking as thrown off guard as I felt. He immediately changed his demeanor from helpful to off-putting. He took a abrupt step back and frowned, clearing his throat. “You really should watch where you’re going. Not exactly smart to run face first into doors that say pull, chances are someone’s on the other side ready to push.” His words were laced with malice and he smirked that same arrogant way he had at the Café. Standing to my feet I was about to ask what his problem was , but never got the chance . He was already speed walking his way to the dorms. After two gloriously free bagels, and a small fruit salad I decided to head back to my room to unpack some things. I opened my duffel and laid out my life on the bed. Some clothes, toiletries, a picture of my parents and me, and the necklace my mom gave me one week before their accident. It was a delicate gold chain with a red diamond shaped pendant hanging from it. On the back was an inscription, but it was old and impossible to make out. Once I’d asked my mom what it said, but she said she couldn’t make it out either. Yet It didn’t matter because red was our color. I stood up and walked to the floor length mirror that hung on the back of the closet door, and clasped the necklace behind my neck letting the pendant hang at the hollow of my throat. Turning around I went back to the bed and grabbed my toothbrush and paste and walked them into the attached bathroom. There was a toilet, stand up steam shower, and a large enough counter for three girls to get ready for prom at one time. I raised my brows in appreciation and proceeded to brush my teeth. I longingly eyed the shower, but decided that could wait until morning. I hadn’t had a proper rest in days, and I had a big day ahead tomorrow. I threw my jeans and T shirt on the floor, and crawled into bed. I’m sure Ms. Calder is right , that I’ll love it here by the end of tomorrow…that is if I don’t run into him again. (Killians POV) I lay on my bed staring out at nothing in particular spinning my staff ring around my pinky finger. The morning sun rays heating up the black duvet I fell asleep on top of last night. Addison Celt. That was the name at the top of her campus map when she dropped it outside the cafeteria doors. Her name suited her flawlessly and I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about what a complete ass I’ve been to her. When it really came down to it though I didn’t have a choice. I’ve made my fair share of enemies over the years, and the worst one by far is almost on my coat tails. Not that he knows it yet, but he’ll figure it out soon. I don’t really care though, I know I can deal with him. What I can’t deal with is Addison getting hurt or worse killed, all because I couldn’t stay away from her. I’ve f****d my fair share of women, but that’s all it’s ever been . No female has ever gotten a rise out of me other than in the sack. Until that day in the Café. I intended to go in professionally, give her the card and leave, but when I stepped foot inside and my gaze fell on hers…well s**t. Something woke up inside me that’s been dead a long time. If she wasn’t so beautiful I may even hate her for it. Lifestyle aside I’m the physical education professor at the Academy , and even though there isn’t a written rule that says professors and students can’t engage in romantic relations, I assume it goes without saying. God dammit. I need to get this chick out of my head, I’ve only seen her twice and I’m acting like some hung up tool over it. BLEEP! My pager sounded and I got up l, and walked across the room to check it: Prof. Saint, your presence is requested in the deans office after second period. -Mrs. Nordesty Hmm, wonder what that could be about. (Addison’s POV) My first day as a paranormal student. I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous in my life. I was half tempted to skip my first day, and just hide out in the steam shower instead. That thing was absolutely marvelous. I wrapped my towel around myself and begrudgingly pulled out a white t-shirt, black blazer, and black skirt from the rooms stocked closet. Last night I discovered that uniforms were mandatory here. Ugh. At least they aren’t lemon yellow or something tacky like that. The black uniform was form fitting with the name Calder embroidered in thin gold threads at the wrist cuff. I grabbed the academy issued black book bag from off the floor, and shoved my schedule and list of maps inside, giving one more take of myself in the closet mirror. Then strode out the room, locking the door behind myself. I kept my head down as I walked through the halls towards room 204 History of magic 101 with Professor Dane. I made sure to study the map as best I could this morning so I wouldn’t be walking the halls looking lost. My nerves were getting the best of me so I opted to skip out on breakfast and leave my dorm at the last possible minute. Entering the room , I took a seat at the back right next to the door and glanced casually around myself. I met the eyes of a few girls a table over and instinctively gave a small smile that fell as soon as they began giggling and whispering to one another. For f**k sakes, it was middle school all over again. I flicked my eyes back to the front of the room and decided that’s where they would stay for the remainder of class. Thankfully Professor Dane was laid back and didn’t ask me to stand up and introduce myself. The hour passed fast enough. I stood and gathered my belongings preparing to leave for my next class. “Ms. Celt a word?” The professor requested from behind me. I made my way to her desk at the front of the room and nervously fidgeted while I waited for her to speak. “I understand you’re new here, how goes your first day?” She stood and sat half on her desk smiling. “Um, so far everything seems what I’d expected. It’s only first period so I guess we’ll see" I chuckled. “That’s fair” she laughed, “well if you need any help or someone to talk to you know where to find me. The dean hinted you’ve only just discovered your abilities so I understand if things seem out of your element. Just remember we’re all here to help if you need anything. Good luck with the rest of the day.” I thanked her and walked out feeling genuinely relaxed and looking forward to the next period. I found my next class effortlessly as it was the only door on the south wall, I walked in and paused scanning the scene before me. This room was much different than the last. Whereas the last class was a typical classroom this was a full on auditorium with rows of seating climbing up. What was more was that everyone was already seated and their focus was on me. It was dead quiet in here that if a pin had dropped I’m sure everyone would jump. “You’re late" a voice boomed, echoing in the room. I startled and looked over to see an elderly man on a platform peering down at me with displeasure. “I’m sorry I had to stay and talk with-" I began. “Excuses will not bode over well for you in this class. Please be seated. I suggest being on time for the rest of the semester as punctuality will make up ten percent of your grade.” He gave me a pointed look and I scurried past the snickers of fellow students to find a seat. I took a seat in the 8th row and tried my best to look casual. “Don’t worry he always says we’ll lose grades for being late but he never actually docks them.” A girl with black hair and freckles leaned over and whispered. “I’m Taryn, you?” Thank God someone was talking to me , after the bitchy girls in history I was ready to accept my fate as a loser at this school. “Love your name, I’m Addison" I whispered back with a grin. “Hey thanks! You’re new I take it, meet up for lunch?” She asked. I gave her an eager nod. Professor Lettie cleared his throat glaring in our direction. We both turned forward to attention, pretending we were listening. Seeming to approve he continued droning on, and we looked at one another and smiled. I think I just met my first friend here. After class Professor Lettie stopped me, and handed me a slip of paper without saying anything, and then turned away. Weird dude, whatever. I unfolded the slip and scanned it: Addison Celt please visit the Deans office prior to lunch hour. -Mrs. Nordesty. Hmm hope Taryn doesn’t mind that I’ll be a few minutes late.
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