Chapter 5: Welcome Committee

1676 Words
The Sea Mares arrived on the beach of Zuy to find all her three guardians waiting for them on the beach. “Took you long enough” Fluff huffed through his mind-linked as the three riders dismounted. “You have been here all along, why didn’t you help? How did you get through?” Lux snapped “Because we are guests and of course we can get through the barrier, we are direct descendants of the animal Gods!” Amaethon mind linked with a mental shrug. “Thank you so much for you help Sea Mares” Jamie said  “We hope you to see you again soon” Mare Nubium as the mares disappeared into the sea. “I am impressed you were able to call Sea Mares, they are so fickle” Windsoul snapped. “Don’t be jealous, you are my favourite mare!” Jamie said and she could feel Windsoul feel happier. Windsoul came over a nuzzled Jamie, making sure it was her scent was all over Jamie. “What now?” Dion said “The Merfolk said that we need to go to the castle in the middle of the forest” Jamie said “Is that why you smell of fish?” Fluff commented. “Well we best get going” Dion said trying to get his bearings. Suddenly there was a large rumble and 6 Guards emerged from the sand. They were all dressed in leather armour with helmets on. “Who are you and why are you trespassing in Zuy? One of the Guards said “I am Lux and this is Dion and Jamie. We have come to seek help from your people, our friend is sick...” Lux said smoothly. “We don’t care, leave!” The same Guard said “Can we at least speak to Queen Gaia? I know that King Stephan would really appreciate it” Dion said “Ah so you are the Riverwell Arcane Pet!” The Guard said “And who might you be?” Dion said coldly. “Major Stormswell” Major Stormswell said  “Stormswell?” Jamie said “That is what I said! Are people from Riverwell deaf as well as stupid?” Major Stormswell said “You not any relation to Rosie Stormswell?” Jamie quickly asked “Yes, she is my do you know her?” Major Stormswell asked “I am in the Elemental Guard with her” Jamie said “You are Jasmine Blackwell? Rosie’s friend? But she can use all four elements!” Major Stormswell said “I can!” Jamie said and she made her elements form visible balls of their element. She heard the guards gasp. Jamie started to feel sick and had to let them go. “Incredible! The stories are true and you are most welcome here. I know her Highness will be very keen to meet you” Major Stormswell  “Good, let us go” Lux said walking towards Jamie. “No not you! I said she is welcome, not you or the Arcane Pet” Major Stormswell said “But they are my friends!” Jamie argued “Then you need to seriously reconsider who you make friends with! They are not worthy of your friendship. Now come here and we will escort you to the Queen” Major Stormswell. “I am not going without them!” Jamie said firmly as she backed off. “Oh I think you find you are!” Major Stormswell said.  Lux and Dion saw the Major signal and the Earth Elemental Guard moved his hands. Jamie suddenly felt the  ground beneath her feet lurch and her been moved forward to the guards. “Oh no you don’t!” Lux said as he let Loki take over. He was flying to retrieve Jamie, but he felt the air push him down and the sand covered him.  Amaethon bite down on one Loki horns and was desperately trying to pull him out of the sand. “Let her go! torquem retrieval!” Dion shouted and Jamie felt a rope tie round her middle and pull her back. “Ella! Bind him now!” Major Stormswell shouted and Dion was suddenly was covered in vines. Dion burned them off, but more kept appearing. “Fluff help him!”  Jamie said and Fluff jumped on the vines and started attacking them with his sliver claws. Windsoul moved in front of Jamie and stamped a warning with her hoof. “Let them go please!” Jamie pleaded  “No! They are trespassing in this realm and now they are paying the price” Major Stormswell roared. “Let me take over, I can save them from these pathetic mortals” A unfamiliar low voice said  “Please, we will go! Just stop hurting them!” Jamie said as she heard a loud ringing in her ears. “We are not letting anyone go!” Major Stormswell said “See, they are so unreasonable! kill them all! Destroy there pathetic island” The low dark voice said again. “I said let. Them. GO!” Jamie said as the wind whipped around her.  “Or what? You are blind and sick, you are weakness itself” One of the guards said in a mocking tone. The mocking tone suddenly angered Jamie and she felt something well up in her.  Her sickness and pain stopped as she felt a surge of power flow through her. She flung her arms open and called the sea to her aid. Suddenly there was a roar as a  60 foot wall of water formed at her back. “Destroy, kill! These mortals are not worth saving!” A dark voice screamed in her mind.  Jamie could not fight the urge anymore and felt the dark power take over. Her eyes became blood red and black blood started dripping from eyes and ears. “Vanth what are you doing?” Lux screamed through his demon mind link  “This is not me!! This is the parasite, it infecting her soul!” Vanth replied “Oh no!” Fluff said arching his back “How dare you think I am weak? You have no idea who you are dealing with, but you will. I will destroy this pathetic little island and then I shall return to Thule. There I will be Queen with my one true mate and serve the one true Empress!” Jamie shouted above the wind as the sky darkened. She pointed at the Guard who mocked her and he started choking.  “Don’t fight her! She will loose total control if you do!” Dion shouted, but it was too late a Guard threw a fire ball. Jamie stopped it in mid air. “How quaint!” She said before turning it into black chaos fire and throwing it back at them. Luckily, they all managed to get out the way. However, it made the Elemental users who were holding Lux and Dion lose concentration and they were suddenly free. Loki dug himself out of the sand and flew to Jamie’s side. Dion unbound himself and quickly cast a perfect cube round Jamie. She screamed in fury as the water users gently let the wall of water go. Some other elemental users were working together to put out the Chaos fire. “Princess! You got to stop this now!” Loki shouted and Jamie stopped. She turned and looked at him. “Ahh one of the traitors I see! It is too late Loki this soul is mine unless you return her to Raoul! This is the Empress’s will. Take me to Thule and the Empress will forgive you!” Jamie said in a low voice that was no longer her own. “You know that is never going to happen!” Loki snapped, his black power starting to ripple off him. “Interesting, you like this host! Such a shame her soul will be consumed and returned to the void. I do enjoy hearing her screaming though, she is such a fighter. Maybe that is why Amon likes her so? How crazy do you think he will go when he finds his poor little slut dead?”  Jamie said and she laughed as Loki roared and flung himself at the cube in pure rage. “I had enough of this! Sleep!” Windsoul suddenly boomed through her mind-linked and Jamie fell to the ground unconscious and twitching. “I did not know you could do that!” Amaethon said shocked “My Aunty was a Nightmare and so I have the ability to induce sleep” Windsoul explained “About time!” Fluff said as Dion dismissed the Perfect Cube. Fluff ran over and sniffed Jamie’s face. “Leave now or we will kill you!” Major Stormswell ordered  “You mortals are all the same! She is one of your own and yet you reject helping her! Yet you look down on us demons, least we look after our own!” Loki said frustrated. Major Stormswell look liked he was about to reply when a voice boomed in all their heads: “I never thought Elemental Users would be taught manners by a Demon. Take them to the castle, I am interested to see the Moon Child and her Guardians”  The male voice said Major Stormswell sighed and said “follow us and no funny business or I will personally drown you in your own bodily fluids! Understand?” “Perfectly!” Loki growled as he lifted Jamie and placed her on Windsoul. Dion magicked some ropes to make sure she would not fall off. “What did you think about that voice? It was not the Queens and the Guards look scared” Dion muttered  “I don’t know, but it was old, very old” Loki said before letting Lux take over.
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