Chapter 8: The Dragon’s Court

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“You want me to do what?” Jamie gasped. They had teleport to the heart of Zuy’s Volcano. Jamie could feel the heat, even though her elements were protecting her. “I want you to walk through this lava fall” Flint said very slowly, like he was talking to a child “But I will be burnt to a cinder!” Jamie exclaimed. “Oh! How silly of me, I forgot you a a soft mortal casing! You need to grab on to my tail, I can’t believe I forgot that important point! How would I explain to the elders if you were just a pile of ash!” Flint chattered anxiously through his mindlink “Hey, it is OK, no harm done!” Jamie said gently as she felt a tail placed into her hand. She was surprised how light and warm it felt.  “Come on the Elders are waiting and you don’t want to get on the wrong side of them!” Flint said as they moved forward together.  Instead of feeling the burning, she felt a warm tickling session flow over her body before a cool one.  Jamie felt the surrounding temperature drop significantly before saying “We just gone through a portal!” “Gate actually. Portals are only temporary, whilst Gates are permeant” Flint said “To where?” Jamie asked “The Dragon Realm of course!” Flint said like it was completely normal “Of course!” Jamie said mentally rolling her eyes.   “Stop your chattering Flint!” A deep voice boomed in Jamie’s mind and she suddenly felt her body been pulled. This sensation lasted a few seconds before it stopped. “Flint?” Jamie said “That annoying child has been put back in the nursery where he belongs. We only needed the child because he was small. Dam air dragons don’t know when to be quite!” A old grumpy male voice boomed. “Hush Stormbringer, you are going to scare the poor girl” A old female voice boomed “She has the soul of the Moon child, so I am sure she can cope Icewing” Stormbringer snapped “Why are we doing this? Two leggers matters do not concern us!” A younger male voice boomed and Jamie  heard some murmurs  of agreement. “We are helping in order to keep the balance. We all know the void is growing because the Empress has upset the universal balance. The Moon child is the only one that can correct that. Not that it is up to you to question your elders Mylrocress!” Icewing snapped. “You are losing your mind due to old age” Mylrocress growled. Jamie at this point was getting a headache with all the mind linking. These Dragons obviously had incredible power and they were not dampening it down at all! “Excuse me! But can I ask why I am here?” Jamie asked “You have no right to speak at the Dragon’s Court!” Mylrocress snarled at Jamie. Jamie called her elements and said “ You brought me here!” “Do you really think you can take on a Dragon in your weakened state? How arrogant, just like a typical two legger!” Mylrocress said continuing to snarl. “Stop it now! You are scaring her!” A young female voice said and Jamie felt a dragon move near her. Jamie could feel the blood running down her nose “We should just tell the Chaos Empress where the Moon Child is  and broker a deal. Not help this pathetic creature! Hand her over to me now Taryrre!” Mylrocress said suddenly moving towards Jamie.  Taryrre moved Jamie under her and growled. “How dare you attack an invited guest! Water, show him the importance of manners!” Taryrre snapped. Jamie felt a very strong surge in Water Elemental power in the air and she saw blue swirls of power in her minds eye. The swirls encased a Dragon shape in thick ice. “Your a water dragon!” Jamie said  “Yes, contrary to popular belief, we are not not just fire creatures”  Taryrre said gently. “Enough! There is no fighting in this Court, as you well know. Mylrocress, you have disgraced our clan and yourself. You will going to our home and remain there until I say otherwise. The rest of you can go as well. The court has made their decision, there is no need for this circus!” Stormbringer boomed. Jamie felt magical presences disappear until there was only three left. “I am sorry Moon Child that you had to witness that. I am happy my daughter was there to protect you” Icewing said gently “Thank you everyone, but I...I” Jamie said feeling faint. She used to much power up calling her elements.  “Please sit” Stormbringer said as Jamie felt a chair appear beside her.  Jamie gratefully sat down before saying “I am sorry, I am not normally like this” “We know, it is why we called you here. We want to help you get rid of the foul creature, I am afraid the Queen won’t be able to do it. We will have to do it” Stormbringer  “What is the cost?” Jamie said “What?” Stormbringer said, Jamie could feel his surprise in her mind “There is no cost Moon child, you may not remember but you were a good friend to our people” Icewing said “You spent far to much time with mortals, especially that King of Rouges” Stormbringer grumped. “I appreciate your help, but please don’t bad mouth my mate” Jamie bristled. “He means no disrespect, he is just old and grumpy” Taryrre said gently  “So how do I get rid of this thing?” Jamie said ignoring the grumping sounds Stormbringer was making. “That is not easy child, especially when a Soul Parasite is implanted in the Dream Realm. Unfortunately, there be only one way to get rid of it” Icewing said “Which is?” Jamie said “A soul burning. It is where we temporarily separate your soul your body and then cleanse it with fire. We return your soul parasite free back into your body” Taryrre said “Why do I have a feeling there is a but?” Jamie said. There was always a but in these sorts of situations Jamie thought. “Well from the obvious high risk of death, there is also going to be pain. A huge amount of it in fact” Icewing said seriously. “I am dead anyway if I don’t do it  and I am use to pain. So when can we start ?” Jamie asked.
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