Our First Encounter.

1976 Words
Theresa got ready for the day. Pulling on black tights, a red tank top and a black jumper due to the sudden gust of wind outside. She pulled her thick frizzy curls up into a ponytail, she looked in the mirror one last time, plastering a fake smile once again she walked out. Theresa walked to the eating area and filled her plate with chicken pesto pasta and salad on the side. Seeing her group on one of the benches she makes her way over, Denaya chomping on her chips as she threw glares at the new couple who threw flirty glances and whispering sweet nothings. Her heart tightened to the point, she felt like throwing her whole tray at the two, , she let out a shaky breath ignoring the two and she sat next to Denaya, taking a few of her chips. "Did you bring the sauce?" She asks, Denaya who looked after shocked cleared her throat and shook her head "Sorry Tessa, I didn't know they were going to sit here. Let's go find another-" Theresa grabbed for her hand to stop her. "Don't. I'm ok." She whispered as she chewed happily at her remaining chip. Theresa ended up talking to Denaya the whole time, not saying a single word to Ryan. She ignored the flirting's from the other side of the table, Denaya gripped onto her fork, screaming and fighting the urge to stab a certain someone. She didn't want to see her best friend like this, the girl that stayed with her during high school, the girl who helped her through her worst. Denaya knew her so well, even the so called smile Theresa was plastering made her angry. "Theresa-" Denaya snapped when Ryan called out to her so she stood up and pulled Theresa away. "Hey Tessa let's go for a walk." Denaya glared at Ryan who seemed to be confused, "Sure." She smiled as they both stood up taking their trays with them. Theresa was very thankful that Denaya pulled her out, she didn't know that the conversation Ryan and Charis would hurt so much. "Thank you." She whispered Denaya gripped tighter on her hands "You're too soft. I'm your best friend, let me.. your amazing, gorgeous badass sister protect your heart." Denaya smiled, Theresa felt tears brimming in her eyes, instead a laugh came busting from her is "You sound so cheesy." Theresa was then pulled into a headlock and Denaya gave her a nougie "You little brat." After their moment Denaya was called by Charis to ready their bows, whilst Theresa wandered into the woods, she wanted some quiet time so this was a good time to gather her thoughts and sort out her feelings. Theresa was so deep in thought that she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings she went deeper, and deeper into the woods. "I did say I was going to give up on him." She sighed kicking the dirt and cursed at herself as she saw the white vans stained with dirt. Shaking her head, she reminded herself the while reason why she out here in the first place "Oh well. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Maybe I shouldn't rush these things, I just have to wait, I must be patient." Yeah! Patience. Who knows maybe the love of my life would pop out of the woods. Theresa chuckled to herself. "Please, I love you!" A sudden shout scared her as she stopped in her tracks as she finds where the voice was coming from. "Well that was fast." she mumbled to herself. Squinting her eyes, she sees a familiar figure, but she doesn't recognise the girl. "Ryan you i***t. I knew you were popular but this is just ridiculous." She mumbled as she crossed her arms and leaned against the tree. "You said you'd marry me!" She screamed, Theresa's eyes widened as she nearly slipped "What the hell?" She whispered. "You must have heard wrong." He chuckled, Theresa noticed that his voice was a bit different, it was deep and mello. "What a d**k!" Theresa whispered anger boiling through her as she thought of an idea. Pulling a sly smile, she pulled at her hair tie letting her thick frizz bounce behind her, Theresa ran up to him and hugged his back. "How could you! You were cheating on me?" She cried, squeezing at his back. Huh? Theresa raised a brow....when did he get so ripped? This morning? What's he taking? Steroids? He was more taller, bigger and very muscled. "Who are you?" The other woman asks. Theresa didn't dare do look at him, but she just pulled away and stood in front of the shocked woman. "He's my fiancee, and I am pregnant with his child!" She smiled petting her belly, silence. Theresa enjoyed every moment, she couldn't wait to see that smirk he always had ripped off his face. The other woman couldn't hide the shocked expression, earning a triumphant smile from Theresa. 'You should be thankful Ryan! I'm saving your ass once again.' She thought "You're a f*****g player Dwayne." The woman steps up to the man behind her and slapped him. 'Oh damn he got slapped.' She thought, biting back a laugh, she paused for a moment realising something wasn't right. "Wait. Dwayne?" Theresa turns around quickly thinking to find her friend, only to see someone different yet slightly familiar. He was more mature, larger built, his skin is a bit darker, instead of seeing the brunette she came to find dirty blonde styled back, and instead of warm chocolate eyes she came to meet with two azure blue eyes, he had a light stubble with a jawline so incredibly sharp you could cut something with. 'Dear God.' She heaved. 'He only looked like Ryan from the back but this....this is a man. A beautiful man, who I want.' "Wait what?" She scrunched her face. Realising she said that out loud she can also confirmed to the expression he had on. "What?" He asks, Theresa felt like her legs could give in at the sound of his voice once again, if not for his hand holding her arm steadying her. "Uh- I...I got the wrong person haha silly me!" Theresa pulls a face and turns to run away, she felt a hand snake around her waist, another gently gripping at her wrist. He brought his head down beside her ear "Now now love. You can't just leave me once you claimed that you're carrying my child." He whispered so sweetly that it sparked something inside Theresa, the sound of his voice rose the hair on the nape of her neck stand up, her body trembled to the deep tone vibrating from his chest. 'What the hell is this?' She questioned herself. Her heart racing at his closeness, at his touch, his voice. It was different, different from whatever she felt for Ryan. "I-mistook you for someone." She felt her face heat up, she pulls at her wrist only to be spun around and look up at the handsome stranger once again. "My, what beautiful honey colours eyes you have." He leaned in, lips inches away from hers, Theresa couldn't make sense of what was happening she panicked and brought her knee up between his legs as she makes her escape. "Oh my lord!!" She screetched. She ran through the woods passing tree after tree, her heart racing with her, her thoughts were cluttered, trying to solve her early incidents with a certain stranger, hows and why's jumped around. Not knowing where she intended to go she somehow found herself right back where she started. "Had a little run?" He smiles, Theresa slowly takes a few steps back as she nervously laugh and takes off. "You know. If i don't know any better, I'd say you're lost." He was leaning a against the tree and Theresa was out of breath. "I am not lost. I just seem to run into you." She defended. "Love, I haven't moved since you kicked me in a place where most men do not want to be crushed in." Theresa fell to her knees, her lungs burning and apologised for the earlier incident. "Would you like me to help you?" He asks, Theresa hesitated and nods. "Alright. Let's go." He brightens up as he held his hand out to her, Theresa stared at his hand "Take the hand child." He laughs to which she got annoyed and gripped it hard before pulling herself up, earning a low whine from him. "Alright, where do we go from here?" There's a asks as she looked from one side of the forest to the other, her friends were gonna kill her if they found out she got lost, again. "This way love." He gestured his hands to an opening she somehow missed, she men5ally slapped herself. Could I be any stupider? The walk was quiet. Theresa was someone who liked to strike up a conversation, having to not talk would kill her, and so being the talkative person she is, she broke the ice with a question "Where are you from? I assume you're English since you liked saying 'love' so much." She shrugged her shoulders as she kicked the autumn leaves waiting for an answer. Theresa watched from the corner 9f her eye as he pulled a smirk and crosses his arms "Well you're half right 'love'." He emphasised the word, Theresa shivered and tried to play it off with a quick turn of her head to look at the trees, not before noticing the dimple smile from the handsome stranger. Dear god is there nothing else that this guy doesn't have? Theresa rolls her eyes, she is now convinced that this guy might be an experiment. "I'm quarter English, Italian, Fijian and Japanese." 'I stand corrected this guy isn't normal.' Theresa grinds her teeth out of habit as she walked a bit faster "Why are you quite all of a sudden?" He asks as he followed her, Theresa was shocked, there is no where on earth could any one be anymore perfect? "Did I say something to offend you?" He asks. "Yeah your entire existence." She mumbled low enough only for her to hear "Sorry, I didn't catch that." Theresa shook her head "Nothing." It finally hit her when she realised that she was acting like quite a spoiled brat, stopping in her tracks she turned to look at the handsome stranger "Not at all. Just kinda shocked." She admitted. "Shocked?" He raised a brow, this kinda caught his attention, of course she's shocked. He seems like a decent guy, he's not a douche at all, really attractive no wonder that girl wanted to tie him down. Theresa smiled as she turns to look up at the sky, it got pretty dark. Which left her to question does this guy even know where their going? "Hey buddy, quick question. Do you even know where we are?" That stopped him from smiling as he turns to take a quick scan around their surroundings. After a few minutes of silence he bursts into laughter, scaring the young 20 year old in the process, maybe it was a bad idea to follow him, he might have been a psychotic serial killer for all she's known. Colour drained from Theresa's face as she mentally slapped herself 'Ever heard of stranger danger?' A voice inside her head reminded her obliviously. Theresa stepped away from the laughing psycho as she turns to run, if not for the hand on her shoulder she would have. "Hold on, I'm kinda embarrassed to say this but...I think we're lost." He chuckles nervously. Theresa had a moment...a wtf moment. They're both alone stranded on who knows where, with a guy who is not only attractive but has a very bad sense of direction.
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