ILY from Afar

1742 Words
But Jethro did not see Topaz the next Monday at school. Maybe she was late. Lunch came in and Jethro failed to see Topaz on her usual spot at school. Maybe she took the day off. But her friends look quiet today, almost gloomy. Jethro walked to their table to ask where Topaz was. “Didn’t you know? She met with an accident over the weekend. She is at the hospital right now.” The girl with the blonde hair said. Jethro remembers her name as Cindy. “What? How?” Panic and concern were too obvious in his voice. “We really don’t know the whole story. She’s conscious but she might have to be in a wheelchair.” This girl was starting to cry as she told Jethro what she knew.” “Do you know where she is?” Jethro already lost his appetite. “She is at Providence Medical Center, the hospital closest to South Park Blocks,” Cindy replied. “Thank you.” And just like that, Jethro ran outside the canteen and headed towards the back of the gym. There were no cameras there and the security guards were on break.  He climbed on the stack of chairs at the back of the gym to be able to jump outside the school’s perimeter wall. He ran towards the street, far from where the school entrance was before he decided to call a cab. Jethro was in the hospital after a few minutes. He proceeded to the concierge to ask where Topaz’s room was. He took a peek through the glass panel of her private room.  She was sleeping, and several tubes were attached to her body. Her left foot had a cast.  “Hi,” Jethro was surprised to hear the voice behind him. It was a woman who looked like Topaz, only older. He is guessing that this is her Mom. “Are you one of Topaz’s friends?” She asked. Jethro nodded. “Is she ok now? What happened? I am Jethro by the way.” “So you are Jethro? Come here, let us take a seat.” Mrs. Layton’s face looked tired but somehow she looked relieved. Topaz is much better now compared to yesterday. “She was a few blocks away from our apartment when this car lost its breaks. The driver just got his license a few months ago and panicked. Thus hitting Topaz as he tried to avoid the cars on the highway.” “I should have walked her home that day,” Jethro told Mrs. Layton. “Don’t think of this as any of your faults. It was an accident. No one knew it would happen.” “But,”  “No, buts,” Mrs. Layton was quick to interrupt. “Topaz will not like it if she hears you baking yourself for this.” Mrs. Layton tapped the back of Jethro’s back. “Wait here, I’ll wake her up. “No, let her rest. Besides, I didn’t bring anything. I was so worried I forgot to buy at least flowers.”  Mrs. Layton smiled at him. “If you insist.” She stood up to look at the door. Topaz was still sleeping. “I am getting coffee, do you want some?”  “Thank you, but I am ok. I will just wait here.” Jethro said sheepishly. Jethro stood by the door and watched Topaz sleep. He could not dare enter. Somehow, he knew that if he only walked her home that day, none of this would have happened. He would have seen her at school as usual. Maybe she would greet her in the hallways too since they already hung out the other day. How could he face her again knowing that he left her alone. When he saw Topaz move, he panicked a little. He decided to leave instead and ran away from the door. He met Mrs. Layton in the hallway as he ran away from Topaz’s room. “What happened?” Mrs. Layton was a bit worried. “Sorry but I have to go, I skipped school and the school called my Mom.” Of course, he was lying. His parents had no idea where he was. They couldn’t be bothered by such issues at school. “Ok then, I’ll tell Topaz that you stopped by.” Mrs. Layton said as Jethro hurriedly went to the hospital exit. Topaz just woke up when her mom entered the room. “You’re awake. You just missed Jethro, he was here a while ago.” Her mom told her. “He came?” She sounded hopeful. Maggie went to sit beside her daughter. She tried to be as gentle as possible to avoid moving her legs. It was too fragile just like the doctors said. “Yeah, but he seemed to have ditched school the moment he knew that you were in here. The school noticed and informed his parents so he had to go.”  Topaz bit her lips. She was quite looking forward to seeing Jethro again. She has been looking at him for several weeks now. That was one of the reasons why she would always go back to The Note Nest. The first time she saw Jethro there, her world stopped. Somehow, the sound of the angel bells started to ring, the wind blew and brushed the hair from his forehead away from his face. It felt like a movie, somehow a song turning into life. Everything stopped when she caught him looking at her too. Since then, she started going to The Note Nest during weekends. She somehow hoped to see Jethro there. And she would always do it. He would be buying a new CD every week and she too would buy a new book. They would end up at the counter at the same time, Jethro lining up behind her. He would come there as always with his black backpack on his back, headphones on his neck, and a plaid checkered polo over his white shirt and black pants. She had been trying to gather enough courage to talk to him for so many weeks now. But that day, just when she was about to turn around to talk to him, Jethro talked to him first. And he even asked her to hang out. She was so happy. And when he asked her to go to their coffee shop, Topaz was even more ecstatic. She would at least know him better. This was his chance. Was he interested in knowing her too? He was the one who asked her to hang out.  And he was starting the conversation too. Jethro was asking things about her. Does that mean that he somehow likes her too? Like. She knew he liked Jethro. Even now. And her heart jumped out of her chest when her mom told her that he visited. But why didn’t he wait for her to wake up? Maybe his mom called and was mad that he had to ditch school. Jethro ditched school to see her. That must have been something, right? Her mind was filled with all these that she barely understood what her mom was saying. “Did you hear anything that I just said?” Maggie asked her daughter. “Sorry, Mom. My head still aches a little,” she said. '' How could she tell her that she was thinking of this boy, crushing on him instead of worrying about how to get back to her feet. Literally. Somehow, her mind blocked the fact that her feet were in a cast right now, that she needed to be in a wheelchair for the meantime up until her legs are healed. If they would heal. Summer was just around the corner but she might end up going to school in a wheelchair. She would have to endure the pity in the eyes of her classmates. Topaz dreaded that moment. But somehow, knowing that Jethro came to see her made her feel better. “Did he say if he’ll come back, Mom?” Her voice was hopeful. She was really looking forward to seeing him again. “I think he will. I told him what happened. In fact, he was kind of blaming himself for not walking you home. I told him it was an accident and it could happen to anyone, to you, even if he did bring you home. Jethro wanted to walk her home. That was all she remembered with what her Mom said. Maybe he liked her too? If not, why would he think of walking her home? Jetro felt stupid running away like that from the hospital. Why did he even run away?  But he couldn't help but feel responsible for what happened. He could have asked Topaz to watch a movie, to go to the mall. If he had only taken one more minute of her time, she could have avoided that accident. She would be at school just like she used to. He could have walked towards her in the hallways to greet her good morning. Heck, he could have asked him to lunch, or to hang out after school. He was already a few blocks away from the hospital when he saw this kid selling flowers. It was his sign. He bought a rose and ran back to the hospital. Topaz needs him more today than ever. She needs someone to be there for her, to push her wheelchair at school, to carry her on the stairs. He could be someone he could depend on, especially during this point in her life. Jethro was so hopeful when he ran back inside the hospital, walking as fast as he could to get back to Topaz’s room. He was smiling when he saw the door. He took a peek inside. A doctor and two nurses were inside together with Topaz and her mom.  Although he could barely hear their conversation, the last sentence of the doctor was clear enough for him to hear. “I am sorry Mrs. Layton but your daughter may never walk again.”  Jethro unconsciously dropped the rose on his hand as he heard Mrs. Layton sob, crying. She was hugging Topaz whose face was blank. She was not crying. It was worse. She had no emotions on her face. In fact, even her eyes were blank. Topaz Layton might never walk again.
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