362 Words
“That's because you're not human" My jaw dropped when she said that "what? how? how can you be so sure and what am I and.." I asked confused as she cut me off “shhh save those questions for later when we reach our apartment its not safe here" she said as she started the car... Thirty minutes later, we reached the apartment. “Look, Yasmin do you remember every time you got wounds and they healed so easily not like other humans?" she asked and I noded my head. “Thats when I knew that you're just like me”.she said making me more confused “Like you? what are you?" I asked her “ I am a were wolf " she said making me jump from the bed. “I..I don't understand what you're saying.What type of alcohol did you take today?" I met Kara two years back when she joined our school saying her dad thought she would grow when she went schooling in a school far from home.We became friends when she stood up for me against some bad guys that were bullying me. I showed her around school and we started sharing an apartment. “ I am not drunk girl and you know it.Were wolves do exist and they can shift when they're 18 I guess we will confirm that when your birthday comes "she said “The thing is I don't know much about myself since my mom died when I was born and I was taken to the orphanage where I was adopted by drunk parents so I don't know about my dad either "I told her and she looked at me with sad eyes trying to sympasize with me but I shrugged it off I didn't want to feel sad. I don't know why but I found this interesting so I asked her to tell me about were wolves.she told me about her dad being an alpha that he is what we call the king in human world,her mom a luna a queen as well in human world she told me about simple stuff so we agreed after graduation she will take me to visit her pack.
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