1390 Words
The dawn appears as beautiful as a sin, mesmerising the catching eyes of the observer but the sun does not bring a shiny day for everyone. The small birds are chirping their favorite song, awakening the other creatures from their sleep.  The snow white skinned brunette witch is taking a bath in an open pond. Her body gives a vibrating sensation in the water. She poured the transparent liquid over her glass shining body and the liquid turned white as milk, contrasting with the color of her skin. She got out from the pond and wiped her naked body with a cotton rag. She wears a light pink shaded cotton dress and turns her hell back to the home. The wet strands of her hair drips water on the back of the dress which clings to her skin. Elijah watches her ascending on the porch of the small wooden cottage. He is looking at her with his dark, lustful eyes but conceals the feeling erupted in his heart quickly. He did not want to show her any hope of their relationship.  Carmen noticed him watching her coming back to back. She intentionally put her hair on one side of the neck, revealing the other side seductively to him. It was an awkward situation for both. She can’t forget to remember him but he wants to forget her for good, still the destiny brought them together again. For how long? No one knows. “What are you looking at? Am i still tempting your nerves?” Carmen smirked at Elijah. “There is no doubt that you have a sinfully curved body and I am still getting it hard to sulk but I love Silver.” the way he said was normal but the words pitched Carmen’s heart. “I don’t want to repeat myself over this as i know what you feel after hearing her name but I Can’t do anything to ease your pain. It will be better if you don’t expect me to love you again.” Elijah stated without making any eye contact. “Since when you become so stone hard?” Carmen asked while taking a lump down to her throat. Elijah stared for a while but stayed speechless. Carmen took that as a sign to divert the topic. “Would you like to eat something?” Carmen smiles at him. “I will prepare something for us, you worked all night for me. I can do that for you at least.” Elijah relaxed and went to the kitchen to prepare a heartful breakfast as his treat to his friend. Carmen went to her room and opened her trunk to retrieve the pendant she found last night. There were some mason jars on the table filled with different coloured liquid, green, purple and golden. Carmen picked the golden liquid filled jar which was hardly one spoon nectar present. She observed the pendant for a while and twisted the end of the pendant to reveal it as a container. The pendant was whole from the inside and it can store anything in that, specially something liquid. She poured the golden nectar in the pendant and closed it carefully. A smile erupted on her lips and her face showed a satisfied look. Elijah filled up the plates with pancakes and arranged the table for them. “The breakfast is ready!” he called Carmen, and they both took their place opposite to sit. “It’s been a while since I tasted something made by your hands.” carmen complimented on Elijah’s cooking skill. They eat in silence but it feels awkward. Elijah was busy on munching the food while Carmen glanced at him in between. Her eyes softened every time she looked at this man. If it is possible to get his love back, she could have done that long before. It is not impossible to use witchcraft to get Elijah back in her life but there is always a price for something to get in return for the black magic used. Carmen is a witch, but she never performed black magic, like her family do. She wants to help everyone in need with her magic. “What are you thinking?” Elijah asked her. “Nothing! I have to create the portal before noon. And I doubt that it leaves us with much time.” she informed him. “Why?” Elijah furrowed his brow. “The magic in the forest detected your presence and so did the other creatures. There are spies from the island staying here and I think they must have informed them about spotting you here. The soldiers will be on their way here and I want you to escape this place as soon as possible.” Carmen explained to him. “Why didn't you tell me this before?” he asked in frustration. “I just got to know about it. The magic works for me the same. They will be here soon. Pack your stuff and i will perform the ritual.” Carmen left the table and got into her room to get her stuff to perform the ritual. She shifted some of the furniture to the other room to make space for the marking. Elijah watched her in fascination as Carmen drew some circles and random symbols on the wooden floor. She sprinkled some herbs on random places in the circle she made. She took out a sharp knife and placed it in the centre. “We are ready! Bring your daughter so both of you can escape.” Carmen informed Elijah, and he went inside the room to take his daughter in his arms carefully and came back to the room. Carmen brought the pendant in a chain and tied it around the baby’s neck. “What is this?” Elijah is concerned. “It will protect her. I have cast a spell on both of you so you will be invisible to supernaturals for a few weeks. I hope i will work for that much time. When you reach on the other side of the portal, take the pendant out and give her when she will turn eighteen.” she elaborated to Elijah. Elijah nodded and gulped down the green liquid from the jar Carmen offered him. It was bitter, and he frowned but for the sake of his daughter he gulped it down quickly.  Carmen mixed the purple liquid in milk and made the baby drink it through the bottle. After completing the necessary steps, she made them stand in the middle of the circle. Suddenly, she gasped as she felt an uneasy sensation travelling through her body. Elijah noticed and asked, “what happened?” “They are here!” Carmen exclaimed. The eyes spoke fear, and she started performing the ritual without wasting another second. She sliced the palm from the shape knife and poured the blood on the middle of the circle. The circle she made glowed with the blood and Elijah felt a gravitational force coursing through his body. Carmen chanted a spell in an alien language and the objects present in the room vibrated. There was a storm growing in the cottage and the lightning over the ceiling made it thunk scattered with loud noises. Carmen keeps chanting, and Elijah is scared with the magic happening around him. He was regretting his decision but do he have any other option? Even if he thinks of the possibility of escaping this, it's already too late. He tightened his grip around the swaddler of the baby. He can’t lose her. The floor vibrates in a tremendous jolt but it was some energy that was keeping them stuck in the circle. Carmen was chanting each phrase like a sorceress. “It’s the time!” Carmen opened her eyes wide and  blew some sand out of her hands. The floor beneath the circle disappeared into a pit, and Elijah with his daughter fell into it. Carmen spelled another phrase and everything became silent like nothing happened. As soon as she sighed in relief, there was a loud knock on the door of the cottage. Her heart thumped immediately, and she forgot to breathe for a while until there was another knock on the door and this time it was louder. She knew there were soldiers of the holy kingdom. She hesitated to open, but it was too late to escape. The patience of the soldiers was running out, and she peeked out from the window to notice that the soldiers had encircled the cottage. “Open the door!” The voice was demanding and aggressive which made Carmen surrender. “Sire?” She opened the door and noticed a platinum blonde with a heavy guard standing outside her cottage. “We have a warrant to investigate your little place!” The prince of Verglasia glared dealy at the witch standing in front of his eyes.
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