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The ice marbled floor of the palace trembles when the heavy footsteps echoed in the long and empty corridors, heading towards the throne hall. The tribal guests and the King’s men stand and bow down in respect on the King’s arrival. Lucian raised his hands and silenced the hall. He took his place on the throne and observed every face present there. His eyes focused on the leader of the tribe and he passed a genuine smile to him. The leader took a few steps forward and bowed to him, “your majesty! I am honored to stand in this holy ground of the goddess’s kingdom.” “We are honoured as well. Please, come to the point. As a father, I am curious to get back to the Princess.” Lucian gestured to him to speak after him. “My lord! Few days ago, after the war was over, my guards noticed a woman roaming on our territory but as soon as they reached to catch her, she disappeared. But, we sighted her near the kingdom’s border, dragging a man’s body to the seashore and she disappeared again.” He continued, “when we heard about the abduction of the young princess, we tightened our security and to amaze you, we noticed an unfamiliar man dressed in all black outfit was running away hurriedly to the way to the dark forest. We followed him but he was too fast. He drew a thick wall of ice and none of my men could cross the magical barrier he created.” Lucian’s eyes constricted, and he showed a keen interest in the conversation, “why haven’t you informed us right away?” he asked. “My lord! We sent our messenger on your land but I guess he lost his track. He hasn’t returned yet to us. It made me worried, and I gathered a few of my guards and we visited you here, personally.” Lucian’s eyes met with Zohar’s and he left the hall immediately. Zohar approached the tribal leader, “we are glad that you brought some useful information to us. The king needs to discuss his plans to his men. My guards will show you the way to the guest house.” he smiled and the tribes left the hall with the guards. Zohar followed Lucian to their personal study room. Lucian smashed his fist on the glass table. The glass scattered in pieces. “Someone was planning this abduction for a long time, under my nose. He was one of us.” Lucian gritted his teeth. “But the question here is, who this traitor could be?” Zohar furrowed his brows in confusion. “Someone close to us. He was keeping his eyes on my children. He knew when I would be most vulnerable and he hit me at my weakest point. But he was not alone, someone helped him. Try to find out who was this person and who helped him.” Lucian ordered Zohar. He added, “one more thing, don’t tell anyone about this plan. Your wife is pregnant, Zohar, she will take things way too seriously and my queen doesn’t have to know everything right now.” Zohar understood the message and nodded in agreement. Lucian exhaled deeply after Zohar’s departure. His thoughts are wild and the fury of his anger can be seen easily through the eyes. They are demanding justice for the queen. Soon after Zohar left, Lord Vikram entered the study. “Your Majesty, is that true what these men said down there?” he asked to clarify his doubt. Lucian turned to Vikram, “what they are saying might be true but its up on us to find how much this is related to this kidnapping. I believe someone close to us dared enough to do this.” “But who could have thought of doing something horrible like this? Everyone knows well what is the punishment of betraying the royals.” Lord Vikram stated. “Whoever did that is not alone. Someone is helping him, but i am not sure if the person is an insider or outsider.” Lucian added. “How is My queen coping up with the news?” Lord Vikram asked. “I haven’t informed her about this. She is already going through alot. I am in pain to see her suffering like this. Lord Vikram! I want to find my daughter and bring her back here. She is important to me.” Lucian cried. “I can understand your emotions. Though she was Elijah’s daughter but she is a part of your life too.” “I don’t want my wife to feel that I have given up on her daughter because she is not my blood. I have to find her, no matter what.” Lucian disclosed the discussion over the topic and left the study to see his queen. He went to his room and noticed Silver sleeping on the bed. He did not dare to make a noise in case she woke up from the distraction. She barely slept these days. His eyes moved to Daphne who is standing right next to Silver, covering her with the thick blanket. Lucian gestured to her to see him before leaving. He went to the balcony of his room and gazed on the kingdom. “Lucian! What’s the matter?” Daphne asked.  “Did she have something before sleeping?” he asked. Daphne shook her head, “she is too stubborn to eat. She is making it difficult for his son too. Lucian, you should make her understand keeping faith in god. Her daughter will be back soon.” “What if we never find her?” Lucian asked her with his voice stern. “Then I will think that the king is not capable of keeping his promise to his queen.” she started with the same stern. Lucian’s eyes moved at her, “I am doing my best to get to her. I have sent forces in the Arctic ocean and the Scotland’s border to catch him.” he hissed at her. “Still you failed to catch him yet.”  “I am doing what I Can do. What are you doing to save your niece? Isn’t it your responsibility too to find her whereabouts or you are with the traitor who helped him to abduct her?” Lucian spitted venom. “Shut up! You might be the king for everyone but for me, you are still the son of the traitorous Rudolf! Keep your stupendous comment to yourself.” she sneered at him and left abruptly, leaving the King speechless. This woman dared enough to insult the king. She never admits to him the king though she respects him only because of Silver. Daphne left the room and Lucian went inside. His eyes soften at his wife, who is sleeping peacefully. “I will bring her back!” he whispered to her in sleep. Lucian went to sleep with his wife and woke up a little late then usual. He heard a baby’s cry and stood up straight. His eyes softened and he sighed to see his wife holding their son in her arms and trying to make him sleep. “Did the prince wake you up?” Silver smiled at Lucian when she noticed him. Lucian got up from the bed and hugged his wife and son, “I am happy to see you getting normal. I promise you Silver that I will bring our daughter safe. “I trust you, Lucian! I know you will bring her back!” Silver smiled and kissed him gently.
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