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Elijah They said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but today; I stand on my knees and weakness breaks my will to fight. I am no longer that stone's heart Elijah i pretended to be for f*****g twenty years. My daughter has been missing for two days and there is no damn clue about it. But the news I just saw reminded me of something that happened 20 years ago. The way those murders took place tell a different story. Someone slaughtered them. It refreshed all the memories that Silver did to save herself from the danger. Is it a sign?  “Oh, my god! That’s too cruel!” Daphne commented. “I guess i need to leave. My heart says that my daughter is there and she is in grave danger.” I stated before grabbing my keys from the table. “Are you saying that Abria did that?” Daphne stopped in

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