Disdainful memories

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"There can never be a minute silence in his house because Alina and her dog lives here" Brad said as he walked in with a terrible frown on his face. I stared at him with same frown on my face hearing the name he called Alexis and even though I have complained a couple of times he still insisted on calling her that. "Good day Alpha Brad" Alexis greeted with her head slightly bent down. That was Brads new decree that anyone who lived in the palace as a maid should greet him with a bent ovation. " Shut you mouth, you stinking pig. What are you doing in ALINA'S room, you never do you work in this house but keep hovering around your leader fool saying all trash" he said looking at her sternly but I said nothing but with a scowl I looked at him. "Aren't you supposed to be making lunch now?"he said. "No Alpha Brad, it's not my turn to make lunch today, it's Becky's turn and she is on it"Alexis said with her head still facing down trying to avoid a stare from Brad. " Can you even listen to yourself you pig, so because Becky is making lunch then you can't help out but rather it's better for you to hover and faff around for no just course. I don't blame you, rather I blame your foolish ma'am" He said and looked at me. I was boiling with anger within me, but I said nothing but tried my best to control myself and not pour out all in my mind because it's going to affect me later. "I am sorry Alpha Brad" said Alexis. "You'd better be sorry you punk, get out of here before I lose it" he roared with a loud voice and the sound of his tone alone made Alexis fidget as she zoomed out of the room in haste. " And you, why must you always sit your sorry ass here making extraneous noise. You know that this always gets me irate but no you still make yourself a nusisance"He spat while shaking his head. " I really don't appreciate you talking to Alexis that way" I said with the little boldness left In me. " Oh really" he said and came closer to me looking me deep in the eye and then started to walk round me. " Yes, it's so harsh. You know she is more han a maid to me and more like the only friend I have. Mom also treated her as her daughter, and you treating her this way doesn't seem good"I said while he still walked round me. "Oh please educate me more."he said now standing in front of me and glaring at me with a devious smile on his face. I said nothing but just stared at him. Then he slowly grabbed my hand gently and i wondered what he was up to but still I didn't pull my hand out because I wanted to find out what he was up to. After holding my hand gently then he began to apply pressure more and more and More. . " What is wrong with you Brad, please stop, it hurts" I said with a squeezed face. The pain was colossal and my eyes were painful and pepperish as well. I could see a smile on his face as he continued applying more pressure to my fragile hand. " No I thought you wanted to educate me and tell me what and what not to do, so please go on I am Listening" he said while still smiling the whole time and now his claws were piercing my wrist slowing and it magnified the whole pain. " Please Brad, please stop it" i wailed but he didn't listen to me but kept on with what he was doing while smiling. I struggled and tried my best to overpower him but obviously he was more stronger than I was so all my efforts were futile. "Thats a lesson, the next time you ask me a question or try to educate me then I am going to do more than this or better still to give you an everlasting remembrance then I am going to cut off your wrist you murderer" he said and freed my hand but then all of a sudden the smile he broadly had on his face disappeared and it turned to a vicious frown. I stared at my hand and saw it bleed for some seconds before it healed back. " Why are you always doing this to me? For crying out loud I am your elder sister but you seem not to see me in that regards." I said staring at him with tears now forming in my eyes. "Oh we are siblings, I never knew" he said and shrugged. " Why do you treat me so badly Brad. I remember when we were kids, we you to be the best of siblings in the whole of Palaska but now it seems we are now arch enemies. How did this all happen. What have I done to you that you can't forgive me Brad?", I said shaking my head slowly. "To me I don't see you as my family but rather you are my enemy and I am going to make sure to treat you like one. You are so worthless and stupid to the pack and you are clearly not even needed you b***h"he said and this words pierced deeply into my heart. I didn't even know when tears started dropping from my eyes. "Oh jeez, I am so sorry, did I hurt your feelings with my words? I am so sorry about that, please don't cry princess."he said taking his hand to my face and tried drying and dabbing the tears which was still flowing from my eyes. I sniffed and still Just staring at him completely broken. My heart was heavy an my lips burning. I didn't even know what to say or do. " What have I done to deserve such treatment from you?" I said with my eyes still overflowing with tears and my hair suddenly turned grey as it always does When ever I was cold and broken. I know I am worthless but this is the only thing that I think the gods blessed me with as an artic wolf and it made me look unique. "Oh you are asking what you have done to me?" He said and the all remorseful look he had on his face suddenly disappeared and anger filled him again. He quicky grabbed me by the neck very tightly and with the speed of light he moved me to the wall where he pressed me to the wall while still tightly had a grip on my neck. I managed to breathe and couldn't speak but just groaned in anger. "What is... Is th.. is", i managed to articulate. He frowned tightly and eyes pierce through my soul. "Why wouldn't I hate you b***h? You were the first child but still all the importance was accorded to you even when I was born after you I lacked love because mom and dad saw you as the artic wolf and so they felt you were he best thing to have ever happened to them. I lacked love and no care came from either dad or mom to me. I smiled then but my heart was completely broken. But still I loved the both of them and then you went ahead to kill mom and now Dad for your own selfish reasons but i will make sure that I am going to make you go through hell and you are going to confess the truth very soon you killer"he said and my eyes widened on hearing what he just said. He looked at me sternly and added more pressure. If I hadn't been a wolf and was a human, I would have died a long time ago. He finally freed me and my hands went straight to my neck as I managed to inhale air to get back to life. "What are you talking about Brad? What made you think I killed mom and I also killed Dad? I really loved mom and still do with all my heart as she was the only one who still loved me even though they all found out I couldn't morph to a wolf. she still loved me regardless, so why then would I have killed her? And again there was no segregation between me and you from our parents. Mom and dad loved us equally when we were kids. As a matter of fact dad stopped loving me and started maltreating me when after all this I still couldn't shape shift so he felt I was worthless to him and he channeled all his love to you. So I really don't know what you are talking about?", I said still had my hand on my neck even though the pain was gone I still pressed it gently. "Oh really, that's the more reason why you killed them because after you realized he channeled all the love to me then you got jealous and killed him. But be rest assured that I am going to prove that you killed him and yes you are going to pay dearly for your crime", he said glaring at me. "I didn't kill Dad!!!!!" I wailed.... He stared at me and walked closer to me. we were now breathing on each other's face. His eyes shined devilishly as I could also hear him gnash his teeth. He said nothing but then suddenly raised up his right hand.....
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