Payback time

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"And why in the Moon goddess' name do they want to make Brad the Alpha and that too seven days after the death of Alpha Beckett?" Alexis asked looking at me as I still stood close to the window after Gerald had left. "I don't know but I feel it's necessary that's why Gonzalo must have accepted it and anyways Brad is the rightful person to become the Alpha but my problem is why is it just a day after Father's burial" I said and exhaled deeply. " Am surprised as well though, but anyways we can't be so sure about this because Gerald as well didn't seem so sure" she said and shrugged. " I hope so as well" I said going back to my bed to crash. Then my phone began to ring, it was Still with Alexis and she brought it for me. " Whose calling?" I asked her while I saw her stare in the screen but she shook her head and shrugged. " I don't know, it's not saved on your phone" " Okay then" I said and I stretched my hands out and collected the phone. I stared at the number for a second and didn't know who it was, but picked nonetheless. "Hello", I said sort of Anxious and agitative wondering who the caller might be. " Hi Annette" Said a coarse and masculine voice . " Huh Annette?? Oh yes" I said firstly confused who the caller was referring to as Annette but quickly came back on track. "I Am sure you are wondering who you are talking to?"he said but actually I already knew it was Harry. " Umm I don't know who it is but I don't appreciate unserious folks wasting my time" I said but smiled in my heart because I knew those words was surely going to hurt him. " Hmmm okay noted"he said in a low key voice. It was obvious his ego just got crushed and I felt good at least I paid him back for his shenanigans. However, Alexis was standing and staring at me gesturing with her hands in the bid to find out who I was talking to in that way. " Who are you talking to in this manner" she whispered in a very faint inaudible voice. " So who are you?" I asked still loving the card I was playing. " It's Harry" he said with very little enthusiasm. " Harry?? I am not so sure I have heard that name before, are you sure you are talking to the right person?" I said. I could barely breathe because in my heart I was swollen with laughter. " Come on, it's Harry, the same guy you met seven days back on a stroll. I just came new to Palaska and you and your friend opted to show me around town" he said almost raising his voice but I could feel he controlled himself. I know right, the frustration was too much. " Oh okay, I think I remember now. So by the way I don't remember giving you my number mister Joker so how did you get" I said now crossing my legs as I sat on the bed. " Ummm I actually got it from Alexis your friend. I begged her for quite a while before I could manage to convince her to give me" he said. " Oh really, so why are you so keen to get my number and talk to me. For a time I thought the only thing you were good at and know is just making mockery of people.(I said and then covered my hand on the mouthpiece of the phone I whispered to Alexis who stood beside me and was waiting to get the full gist as soon as I was done) why did you give someone my contact number."I said. " Annette I already told you I am sorry about that day, I agree I was a jerk then but am really sorry. At least forgive my first err which happened out of ignorance". "Oh so now you agree that what you did was dispeakable. You said it was just a joke isn't it" I said and then I could see the nod from Alexis and her looks changed and am sure after hearing this sentence she might have figured out who I was talking to. " Am really sorry about that day, I promise to find a way to make it up to you. Please can you just forgive me please?" He said with a tender voice . " I never said I was angry with you. On the contrary I had forgotten if anything of that sort actually transpired between the both of us. I rarely remember extraneous things", I said. " Okay then, I am sorry though that I had to collect your number from Alexis without your permission, but I needed to talk to you and apologize as the guilt was eating me" he said. "Oh really?? So you felt the best way of quenching the grief and guilt you claim to feel is to steal my number using my friend as your puppet isn't it?" I said and he hesitated some seconds before he replied. " I Am sorry about that, that's now how I meant or wanted you to see it"he said still in a calm voice. I was actually loving the goosebumps all this gave me. I couldn't believe that I was the one being all bossy to someone because that was the opposite character and attitude I had. "Anyways it's fine" I said uninterested now bringing the whole drama to a partial end. " So umm how are you Anne?" he said. Alexis on the other hand kept tapping and troubling me wanting to hear our discussion as she also placed her ear close to my phone but I had to continue pushing her away. "I Am quite fine", I said now standing up from the bed, and guess what, Alexis followed as well. " Ummm I don't know umm if maybe we can meet one of this days , I would really appreciate if you agree to it "he said. " And if I may ask, we should meet for what reason? The last time you managed to cajole us because you said you needed someone to show you around so you could navigate around town but ended up mocking your navigator. So this time what do you want me to help you out with?", I asked now relaxing askew on the Window and stared outside from my room which was upstairs. " I thought you said you have already forgiven me about the mockery that I made of you the last time?" He said. " Of course, didn't just say it but I actually meant It, I have forgiven you and hold no grudge against you in regards to that", i said playing with her hair, packing it to the back while Alexis was still on my neck. "But you are still restraining and referring back to it which gives the hint that you still haven't forgiven me". "The fact that I am referring back to it doesn't mean I haven't forgiven you. You don't expect me not to make references to a crime you committed even when the need arises." I said and winced. " Okay if you say so. And about why I want to see you, it's because I want to apologize to you in regards to my misdemeanor, as I feel that would be more preferable and moreso it won't be so bad if we turn out it be friends" he said. " I would agree about the first reason, but the part of we being friends; it's a no no for me"I said with a scowl. " What's wrong with you Alina, why are you treating him this way?" Alexis said without obvious vibration in her Larynx. I just gave her a very bad stare. "Now you are sounding as though you haven't still forgiven me because if in fact you have then there should be no issue with us being friends, after all i am new and I would love to make new friends as well", he said. "I think friendship shouldn't or can't be forced, or should it? I said swallowing a handful of saliva. " I agree with you it can't or mustn't be forced, however am not forcing you or am i? It was a humble request of mine". " Okay then, I am sorry but I think I have to turn down this humble request of yours". " That's painful though, but as you said and I agreed that friendship can't be forced so I would hold my peace. So when are we meeting?"he pitched. " Hub? What do you mean by when are we meeting, I thought we just had a mutual conclusions that friendship can't be forced?" I said with broadened eyes. " Yes quite alright I do agree with you that I said friendship can't be forced but being friends with you wasn't the only reason why I said I needed to see and talk to you. I want to apologize to you facially, remember?" " Oh, that?", I said and sighed. " Yes that, so when and where are we going to meet?" He asked and I couldn't help but be silent for a while.......
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