Chapter 3 — Nerdy Disguise, Wild Night

1322 Words
Titania’s P.O.V. I groaned as my head pounded, struggling to open my eyes. After a few moments, I gathered some strength and opened them, only to squint against the sudden brightness and roll over, only to land on the ground. The sound of familiar laughter reached my ears, and I muttered. “What are you guys doing in my room?” Lucy chuckled and corrected me, “This is Pete’s Basement.” “Your room,” Pete added, laughing at my disoriented state. I frowned, trying to make sense of it all. “Then why am I on the floor?” “Because you roll off the couch sometimes,” Lucy replied, her laughter persisting. “Oh,” I managed to mutter, feeling less than brilliant. A dull throb pulsed in my head, intensifying my discomfort. “My head hurts,” I complained, massaging my temples. “Maybe that’s because you had too much to drink last night,” Pete remarked, extending a cup of coffee to me. I nodded in gratitude, accepting the cup. “Thanks.” “Where is everyone else?” I inquired, curious about the whereabouts of our friends. “They’re still asleep,” Lucy replied, a hint of amusement in her voice. I hummed in response, realizing it was time to get ready for school. “I’m gonna get dressed.” “Oh, and your duffel bag and other things are in my room, along with everyone else’s stuff,” Pete informed me as I made my way upstairs to prepare for the day. Pushing open the bathroom door, the cool tiles sent shivers up my bare feet. After brushing my teeth, I swiftly shed my clothes and stepped into the warm embrace of the bathwater. The soothing sensation washed away some of my lingering grogginess. Once finished, I wrapped a towel snugly around my body, carefully navigating through the house to Pete’s room, where I knew I’d find something to wear. Let me properly introduce myself. I’m Titania Scarlet, a 5’5” girl with pale skin and long black hair cascading down to my waist. I possess an hourglass figure and have been told I’m rather attractive, but I don’t mean to sound conceited. At school, I like to keep a low profile to avoid unnecessary complications. Rummaging through the closet, I spotted a pair of sweatpants and a jersey that humorously proclaimed “nerd” on the front—a fitting choice, considering my school persona. I grabbed a pair of well-worn Converse sneakers and swiftly pulled my hair up into a messy bun, securing it with a few pins. To complete the look, I donned a pair of fake glasses. Heading back downstairs to the basement, I noticed that everyone had roused from their slumber and gotten dressed for school. “Morning,” I greeted them, receiving murmured responses in return. “Let’s go to school. We have five minutes to get there,” Pete announced, urgency lacing his words. We filed out of the house and piled into Pete’s car, remnants of the previous night’s hangover still lingering. I couldn’t recall the details of what transpired, but I resolved to inquire during lunch. Soon enough, we arrived at school, just in time to avoid tardiness. “Let’s all meet up at lunch, yeah?” Josh suggested, and we all nodded in agreement. We dispersed, each heading to our respective classes. I made my way to Math, dreading the early-morning subject. Don’t get me wrong—I adore Math, but with the persistent hangover, it felt like an insurmountable challenge. Pushing open the classroom door, I realized I was late. All eyes turned toward me, intensifying my unease. It was unlike me to be shy—I usually exuded confidence and sass. However, I had to maintain the illusion of the nerdy, introverted persona, which involved a degree of shyness. “You’re late to class,” Mr. Smith’s stern voice rang out, causing me to flinch. “I’m sorry,” I muttered quietly, my voice barely audible. “Don’t let this happen again,” he sighed, expressing his disappointment. I nodded meekly, my face burning with embarrassment. Making my way to the back of the classroom, I found the only vacant seat next to Xavier, the school’s notorious bad boy. I took a deep breath, mustering up the courage to sit beside him. Mr. Smith resumed his lecture on Math, but my attention wavered, struggling to focus amidst the lingering effects of the hangover. Lunchtime finally arrived, granting a temporary reprieve from the academic monotony. I navigated my way through the bustling cafeteria, grabbing a tray of food before joining my friends at our designated table. As I approached, the lively chatter filled the air. “Sup, everyone,” I greeted them, sliding into a seat. “Ladies,” Clark huffed playfully. “We have a man in our midst as well,” Josh smirked, teasingly. “Oh really? Where? ‘Cause I don’t see anything,” I retorted, scanning the surroundings, earning chuckles from the rest of the gang. “Anyway, do any of you know what the heck happened last night? I only remember bits and pieces,” I asked, diving into my meal. Mindy replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes, “Oh, we definitely know.” “Well, spill!” I urged, eager to fill in the missing gaps in my memory. “For starters, you put on one hell of a show on the dance floor,” Mindy revealed, accompanied by a suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows. “Huh?” I asked, bewildered by the revelation. “Allow us to explain. You were dancing with none other than Xavier, and things got pretty steamy,” Lucy chimed in, a playful smirk on her face. “What?” I exclaimed, unable to contain my surprise, drawing the attention of onlookers. Sheepishly, I smiled at them before turning back to my friends. “And you were too drunk to even recognize who he was,” Lucy added, her laughter ringing through the air. “Oh my God,” I groaned, burying my face in my hands, overwhelmed by embarrassment. “You couldn’t keep your hands to yourself,” Pete teased, a smirk dancing on his lips, joined by the laughter of our friends. Dancing with Xavier at the club was an unexpected twist—I hoped he wouldn’t recognize me, even though I had dressed quite differently from my usual nerdy attire. “Let’s not forget Josh picking a fight with a stranger,” Pete interjected, igniting another round of laughter, causing a faint blush to tint Josh’s cheeks. “Joshie-Boo always finds trouble when he’s drunk,” Mindy playfully remarked, smirking. “Aw, look, he’s blushing,” I teased, leaning over the table to pinch his cheeks. In response, he swatted my hand away, evoking laughter from me. “And how Mindy was determined to chop up a pineapple to reach SpongeBob,” Clark added, the memory prompting shared laughter, much to Mindy’s chagrin. We continued to laugh and revel in lighthearted banter, savoring the camaraderie that bound us together. The memory of last night’s escapades, though hazy, became a shared anecdote that solidified our bond. As the school day drew to a close, I couldn’t help but reflect on the unpredictability of life and the moments that reminded us of our inherent humanity. The events of last night were a testament to that—moments of uninhibited joy and camaraderie, even if it meant momentarily shedding the nerdy facade and embracing a bit of chaos. With renewed vigor, I headed towards my last class of the day, grateful for the friends who made even the most ordinary days extraordinary. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that awaited us beyond the school walls.
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