FIVE— The Dance And The Talk

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The hall roared to life when I entered. There were couples dancing, some were drinking and rest others were talking, looking at us. Precisely, me. They were talking about me. One could smell the richness here. I could smell the banknotes in the air, they all were dressed in expensive suits and insanely long dresses that will mop the floor after the party. William tapped my shoulder when I stopped moving along with them, reverting people's curious gazes with my cruel one's. Rolling my eyes, I moved with him where Father and Mom took their seats on the chair and Fatter snapped his fingers, asking the waiter to serve him some drinks. He whispered something in his ears which I assume was for his non—alcoholic drink. I sat beside William, sipping the mixed fruit juice one of the servant served us after a while. "Serena," Father's low yet bold voice caught my attention from my juice and I absentmindedly hummed, making him stare at me intensely, which made me sit straighter. "You won't speak in my matters of our business again, do you hear me? You ruined a very important deal with the Harris'." He hissed and I controlled my urges to roll my eyes as I nodded my head and that's when someone again caught my attention— again. He was standing with a couple of people, our age, maybe children of other businessmen and women. He was talking with them, stiffly. He wasn't happy, I can tell; the way his lips pulled in a tight lipped smile and the way his fingers curled in a fist when they cracked some joke. He wasn't comfortable. And before I could've looked away, his dark gaze met my hazel one's and they narrowed infinitesimally. My breath almost got knocked out when he tilted his head, gracing me with all his attention. "Are you hearing me, Serena?" Father glowered and I detached my gaze from Harris' to look at my father as I nodded my head and a small waggish smile formed on my face, making his eyes to narrow. "Won't you go and talk with your business alliances, Father? They are looking out for you." I spoke, nodding towards a bunch of men standing, talking with utmost seriousness. His jaw clenched and my smile widened; sensing the silent war amid us, William gripped my knee and I pinched him back. "And you—" "Me?" I cut him off again, standing from my chair, making him follow the same warily, as I looped my arms around his own hands and he looked down at me. I swear, I felt his stern, cold eyes soften for even less than a second when I smiled widely at him, before they went back to his frozen orbs. "And I'll interact with kids my age." I said innocently. "Do not do something you'll end up regretting after stepping out of this party, Serena. You won't like the consequences." He gritted out, smiling a fake curl when someone gazed at us. I walked, our arms still looped as I smiled sweetly at him. "When have I ever followed your rules, Father? Wait— never." "Serena." He warned me and I laughed softly, shaking my head before I pulled my arm and hugged him instead, making him freeze again. Too many hugs for Father today. I grinned. "I won't intervene in your business deal again. You have my words. I promise." He hummed back, awkwardly patting me in return before I pulled away and walked towards Victor Harris, who stood with other kids. His eyes followed my movements when I separated from my father, walking towards him. The way his dark gaze flared when I wiggled my eyebrows at him made me wish to chuckle. I stopped two steps away from him. Not that we stood close, I could admire his beauty closely. Holding his gaze, I pulled my hand out, making people near us to look at us, curiously. Even Harris didn't expect me to ask him to dance with me. What can I say, I always did the unexpected. "Dance with me, Harris?" If he was taken aback from me asking him to dance with me, he didn't show it. His eyes scrutinized me in his gaze, studying me. He still hadn't accepted my offer while I stood there with my hand out for him to either accept me or reject me. Somewhere, I felt he'd reject me because of our last encounter. But surprisingly, he held my fingertips. His skin was warm against mine. His unwavering gaze took me in as he walked us to the middle of the stage. He snapped his fingers before his eyes turned to look at the squad sitting beside the staircase of his house. They hastily hurried and people around us stopped dancing, giving us all their attention and I suddenly regretted asking him for the dance. Harris nodded his head at the them and they started playing a tune, making me release a breath. How beautiful can one play? His warm hands held on mine, twirling me around. I felt like that of a princess from old tales and stories, twirling with the prince of a kingdom. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Father grinding his jaw in anger. He was really really angry. Maybe more than angry but other than that his expressions gave away nothing. People stopped to gaze at us, what was it for people to seek curiousity in us! "Why are you dancing with me, Burton?" His deep voice whispered loud enough for me to hear and I grinned, holding on his shoulder while he held my waist, pulling me against him. Why are you? I wanted to wonder instead. I wanted know if you will dance with me. "To aggravate my father." I answered instead. Though it wasn't a complete lie. I meant to anger, Father. I expected Harris to leave the dance in the middle or atleast throw me a look of detest after hearing me out, instead he chuckled softly, as he kept moving with the beats. He didn't speak anymore, just kept looking in my eyes and I too didn't step back. I never really realized how dark his eyes were until I saw my disheveled image reflecting in his eyes. "Why are you dancing with me?" I asked and he smiled, twirling me around. "To know if you can really dance or not." Oh. "So what's your observation?" I asked, raising my brows and his lips curled in a smirk that made my heart to thud loudly. "I'm still discovering." Rolling my eyes, I smiled sarcastically, stretching his arm as we moved in circles. "I hope that I'm really worth the time of your discovery then, Mr. Harris." He chuckled, shaking his head when he pulled me towards him again. "You know for someone who's really antisocial you've way with your words to make somone feel insulted." I sensed sarcasm in his voice and in return I stepped on his shoes— accidentally. His eyes flashed dangerously but other than this, he gave away nothing away. "I'm not antisocial, Harris. You do know the first rule of schooling for Mafia kids is "no friendship". Do not act like you have any." He rolled his eyes, but agreeing eventually. "So?" "So?" He repeated making me snort as I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time. "What about my dance? What do you think?" "You'd be astounded by my discovery, Burton." "Is it? I'll be glad to be astounded then, Harris." "Not today, Burton. Not today. Some other day when you'll be dancing with me again." I c****d my brow at him and he did the same, nailing the game of freezing someone right on their spot. "You think we'll be sharing a dance again? So you're saying you'll be inviting us to your parties again, Harris?" "Only if you escape your own funeral because from what I can see, Mr. Burton is waiting for you to step out of here to murder your smartass." He joked cruelly and I scoffed, gazing at my father. He was indeed going to kill me. Thank you. "You really are something, Burton." I rose my eyes to meet his dark and dicey orbs and he was staring at me, already. "I never saw a girl in sweaters before in any business parties. You.... you warmed our stern atmosphere." Something warm spread inside my chest. I must be feeling hot. But it really wasn't hot but my whole body was blazing. "And do you dress up like it's your wedding tonight in every party, Harris?" He laughed, shaking his head and his expression softened, making me swallow when his arms hooked at my waist. "You have a very peculiar way of complimenting someone Burton." I bit my lips when suddenly the moments of us from our last encounter flashed in front of my eyes. Him getting angry at me because my father calling his father. Me giving him the cupcakes and muffins as a token of my apology and him licking the tray clean. 'They are terrible.' His words echoed my mind. He was lying that evening, I knew because the way his eyes rolled back while he ate the cupcakes look like he was savoring the taste of my desserts. "You— you look terrible." More like gorgeous. I lied too just like he lied the evening he loved my muffins and cupcakes. As if, understanding what I was talking about, his lips curled up in a smile that was neither malicious nor smug. A genuine smile that lit up something inside me. His chest rumbled with the chuckle that made me gulp as he gazed down at me with something raw before it got replaced by a mischievous smile. "That means I look utterly delicious." I didn't even realize that the musicians had stopped playing and we had stopped dancing. My eyes gazing into his dark ones. My skin burned and sweat prickled down, I was feeling hot when it was snowing outside. His smirk melted down as his own lips parted and his intense gaze made me shiver. Or maybe it was really cold. Are maybe you're insane, Serena. He leaned closer, his lips almost brushing my ears, making me stand frozen, all ready to melt. His words were spoken much much before I actually comprehended it. I was way too busy not to pass out for our proximity. I had bebe been this close to anyone in my whole life. "We can stand like this the whole night only if your and my father won't be looking at us, ready to kill." My eyes blinked twice before I took a step back. His dark gaze held mine for a whole thirty nine seconds before he smiled at the boy beside him, like we didn't stare for more than half a minute. I had been counting, counting to calm my breath. And when I looked back, Father did looked ready to kill. ~~~~~~~ "So, you both are frenemies now?" William wondered as he rose his fork stuffed from ravioli and I furrowed my brows at him. "What?" "You and Harris." He said in duh tone, as he chewed on it, making me roll my eyes. We were neither friends nor enemies. Rivals— maybe but that too from his side because I was just a girl named Serena, who has no enemies other than her own dependency. "We are not frenemies, William. And that term is....... ridiculous." He shook his head side to side, doing a poor mimickry of me and I rose my brows at him. "I'm supposed to be eighteen here, William, not you. You are to behave like a responsible adult, you are." "Don't become second Dad now, Ser. One is more than enough to tolerate." I laughed, throwing my head back and he too joined me as I hit his arm. True, though. "I'm happy being your sister. It gives me chills even to behave like Father." I shook my head, dramatically and he chuckled, shaking his head. Once we were done eating, William was called by Father, leaving me alone since Mom was also with her ladies friends. Some people kept staring my way, like I looked like an odd woman out. I gazed at the window, hidden behind the curtain, leaving only a small gap amid two curtains, enough to tell me, it was still snowing out. I looked around to see every member of my family busy with their own group and a small smile crept on my face as I quickly strolled out of the hall, outside where they had a small garden. It was getting dark. Really dark and snowfall at this time felt heavenly. I closed my eyes, breathing in fresh air. No music, no people around to make me feel uneasy. The snow falling down at this minute wasn't harsh, it had slowed down. I bent down to pick up the cold snow on my palm, numbing my skin. "Beautiful, isn't it?" I jumped, my hands taking the defensive stance before they lowered down at the familiar dark gaze staring at me with amusement. A girl has to be ready for her worse situations. My lips pulled slightly, not enough for a smile but almost in an attempt of it. "What are you doing here, Harris?" "Why, is it only legit for you to watch beautiful things, not us? Not me?" His stare made me tremble or maybe it was the weather, I didn't knew. I shrugged my shoulders, staring back at the darkness. "No, I mean it's your party. You should be inside. You're the host." I pointed out. "Hm, my party." We didn't speak for a while as we stood in silence until he spoke again, making me look at him. "What are you doing here, Burton? Don't tell me our party is that boring." He chuckled and I somehow didn't felt the need to retort back. I just.... didn't. "Parties ..... parties make me uncomfortable. They aren't really my thing." I confessed, breathing out through my nose. "What's your thing then?" He asked again and I just laughed, not really knowing the answer myself. "Being real, I think. These parties are way too posh for me and I see a lot more of depression clothed in Armani, here." I laughed, shaking my head as I continued. "Everyone here laughs fake smiles just to hide that they're.... depressed." He didn't speak, just kept staring at me while I snorted at the irony of it. As if knowing he had been staring at me blankly all this time, he snapped out of it, his jaw tensed as he nodded towards the direction of his house entrance, asking me to come inside. "Come on, let's get inside before either of us falls ill. It's getting cold out here." He turned around to move but I was frozen on my place as I called him out and he stopped before turning around to look at me questioningly and I suddenly felt timid. How do I ask a favour from him? And what if he denies? That would take my freedom away from me. "Burton? You were saying something." I gulped, nodding my head. "Can you..... can you please not tell your parents or anyone for that matter that I don't live with my parents anymore." Before he could've said anything I spoke again. "I know that we aren't really on good terms but could you please—" "Burton." His rough voice cut me off and I gazed at him only to find him sighing. "I know we are rivals. I know you don't think so great of me. But I'm not evil. I could— I would never use something like this against you. So don't worry about it. Anything else?" I shook my head, a small smile slipping on my face and he scoffed, shaking his head but he froze when I called him out again and he turned back tiredly. "What now, Burton?" "I— thank you, thank you so much." "Can we get inside now? Before your family blames me for your cold?" I snorted, nodding my head but my heart wished to be here, away from the fake smiles in the snow. "Burton." His patience was running thin and I almost rolled my eyes. "Just a few minutes more. See how calm it is outside. You go back, I'll be back in a moment." He sighed as he waited for me, not walking back inside without me. I bit my lips, not usual to the feeling of somone being patient for me. I shook my head. He was waiting for me. For me. I can't make him wait when he wishes to be inside. So I nodded at him, walking back inside with him behind me. Maybe. Maybe Harris' aren't as bad as they show themselves.
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