Ch 1

1167 Words
"THE DEVILS HERE!" Someone shouted as the noise began to die down. Panic stired in many of the civilians, causing them to flee in terror. Several began to bow as a man began to walk through the streets. "My servants, my how I missed you all." They said stopping in the middle of the street, grinning as millions fell to their knees. Few began to speak in tongues, praying to the devil while others fled with fear, making him smile. Then suddenly, a shadow appeared at the end of the street. "So you're the devil, huh?" They said with a gravely voice. He laughed. "Why yes, I am." The devil said, drawing a shooter from his hip. Everyone who was praying went quiet, watching as this person disrespected their God. How dare they disrespect him like that? What gall they had to stand before their lord like he was equal to him. The person looked around the town, seeing how abadon buildings of the towns folk that fled. "They say you make deals and capture souls. THATS IT,the devil's ears perked at the stranger. "That's true, what's your......" Was all the devil could say before a stray bullet went past his cheek. "I have no deal for you." The stranger said, shooting again, forcing the devil to scurry to cover. "How can this be?" His followers fled from the streets watching from the buildings asking questions about their God. "Who sent you, stranger?!" The devil asked as another bullet connecting with his hat, sending it flying off his head. "No one sent me." The stranger said, shooting as they move forward with every ring of bullets. "I'm here to face my own demons, and you're in my way." They said to the devil. A shadow engulfed him. "D......damn. it." The devil said as feared pertained every muscle in his body. He had to do something move,flee,shoot something anything! Suddenly, a shot ran out, echoing across the silent streets. "YOU ARE NOT GOD'S CHAMPION!" An angelic voice shouted, calming all fear the devil had washed away. He smiled his teeth sharp and jagged. The shadow that loomed over him began to fade away. He sighed with relief as a bright light encased his vision. "Who the hell are you?" He asked as a new figure appeared before him. "Calm Luci, it's your sister." His eyes widen, shocked to see Uriel standing before him. Her blond hair fell to the ground, raidenting her presence. She smiled, sticking her hand out to him. "Long time no see Luci. Hope you have been well, big brother." Gladly, the devil took her hand rising to his feet with her help. "So whose the spook?" He asked her as the shadow figured was almost out of sight. "His name is Nash. A man who is finding himself." Uriel said, saddened as they watched Nash disappear from the horizon. "He lost himself after your four horsemen raided his farm." The devil looked at Uriel."Wasn't that dad's plan? Send us out here to cause chaos. Stir the pot, so to speak." The devil said to Uriel. She nodded, acknowledging his statement, "But Luci, some of those you all attacked some have made it their mission to kill you all." The devil raised an eyebrow."What's your point? I'm doing my job well if they made it a mission to kill me." Uriel waved her hand around, exposing all the bullet holes that Nash made. "My point is dad doesn't want to see you die. He still loves you. Becareful if Nash was a better shot, you would be dead." Uriel said to him before she stood on her toes and hugged him. "Luci, none of us want to lose you. Please be careful." She said before she revealed her wings and flew away. "Be careful..." The devil mumbled, kicking his feet in the dirt as if he was a child who was told no. "I'm the devil. I don't need to be careful." He said, raising his arms to the sky as if to spite his father and siblings. "The devil huh?" A voice said from behind him sending a shiver down his spine for some unknown reason. He slowly turned around to see a man standing a foot from him holding his holster. "That's right the devil." The devil said, puffing out his chest. The man stood unfazed by the devil's attempts to scare him. "Good......been lookin for you." The man said to the devil. He smiled at the him with steel blue eyes, his hair short and black as the night sky even in this dusk morning you could tell this man had a hatred in his heart. "What do you want with asking me such a question?" The devil asked the man who still didn't remove his hand from his gun. He actually looked excited to see the devil was this a follower of his? Who was this man? Questions stired in the devil's head as the man stood there. "No reason jus to test myself."The man drew his gun with quickness, knocking the devil's gun from his hand and sending it flying across the ground, blood oozed from the bullet hole left by the man. "Now now we aren't done here yet mr devil." The man said. Once again feared overcame the devil "What do you want with me?" He asked holding the his hand that was bleeding profusely from the bullet wound. The man just smiled "To kill the devil." He said shooting the ground around the devil. "I want to see how big and bad the devil really is." He told the devil "I've had so much bad happen since the end of the world and I think you an your horsemen are the reason." The man dropped the hammer, three bullets sprang from his gun connection with the devil's leg forcing him to kneel. "How dare you!" The devil screamed shooting fire at the man. With fast reflexes the man jumped out the way only burning only the tail end of the man's duster. "Nice shot." The man aimed his weapon "Now it's my turn." He said firing at the devil. "LIKE HELL I DIE HERE!" The devil bellowed, stopping the bullets in the air. "Heh that's new trick." The man said ready to dodge the bullets if they were sent back at him. "Who are you?" The devil asked out of curiosity. The man smiled "Who am I?" The man pondered the question tapping his free hand on his chin. "Hmmm how do I tell you." He said as the devil gathered his strength. "Now is my chance." The devil said to himself. He pushed forward the bullets with all his might towards the man who seemed lost in thought. "Oh yea." He said vanishing in a second. "I'm jus your average killer." They said as their voice echoed in the wind. As soon as they arrived they vanished. Sending a shiver down the spine of the devil.
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