Ch 2

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Not long after, Nash had left the devil in the state of fear. Nash joined up with John and his friend, whom he never got a name for. "So did you kill em?" John asked, his brown eyes perieced through him. John stood over Nash, towering over him, actually. Nash shook his head. "A angel saved that piece of shits life." He said as his friend and John looked at him with anger. "Your mission was to cut the head off the snake, not let him go." John grumbled. Nash nodded. "I know, i know." Embrassed, he failed to kill the devil. The trio stared at each other for a minute, decyphering what to do next. "Death has set up an organization of worship." His friend said to the two. "Do we take out Death......" John stated, walking to his horse. "How?" Nash asked, rushing over to John. "She probably has tons of worshipers by now. Besides that, we don't even know where to start looking for Death." Nash said to John, who only smiled at him. "I've been keeping track of the four horsemen's movements I know exactly where she will be at." John said, mounting up on his horse. "Come now, we are burning daylight. Nash nodded as he and his friend mounted up on their horses and began to ride behind John. Night turned to day for three days they rode across the sandy desert, only stopping to eat and sleep. Soon, they reached a town named Zucha city of the dead. Nash swallowed roughly, notcing the town to look dark and dreary. Blood caked some of the bulidings dripping from the freshness. "I'm not too sure about this, John." Nash said uneasy about this. "It's fine Nash just stay the course." John said, holding his shooter close to himas they proceeded deeper into the gloomy city. The deeper they traveled, the more chanting they heard. "Dear lord! Take this sacrifice in your honor!" a voice bellowed out. Nash could hear screaming in the direction they were closing in on. "We're not here to save people remember were here for death." John said as Nash began to feel sick. "So where is she? I can't stand this place anymore." Nash said on the verge of thriwing up as the smell of rotting flesh pertained his nose. "Hmmmmm, looking for m, young men?" A smooth voice said from infront of the, stopping them in their tracks. A clocked figure appeared from the shadows standing in their way. "Are you death?" John asked c*****g the hammer back ready to shoot if need be. They laughed "Why of course I'm death silly." She said, revealing her face. Amazed by her beauty Nash stood memorized by Death. "Not what you thought huh?" Death said with a slight giggle. With hesitation John drew his gun and began to fire. Each shot looked from Nash they warped away from Death who didnt seemed fazed or care that she was shot at. "Wh.....?" John started to ask when suddenly roars could be heard from out in the distance. "Our lord is in trouble!" Worshipers began to clutter the streets covering death. "Damn it." Nash said finally drawing his weapon. Bullets began to rain down on the trio as they ran for cover barely evading the shells. "So whats the plan John? " Nash's friend finally said breaking his silence. John steeled his nerves "Nothings changed kill Death!" John said leaving his cover to lay down fire. The two nodded acknowledging the plan. "We need to retreat first!" Nash said knowing they couldnt hold them all off with the numbers death had it would be bear impossible to get to her. "OUCH WHAT THE HELL!" Nash heard in the crowd "Got her yall retreat ill take her out and meet up with yall later." Nash's friend said sending more bullets down the way. John thought for a second before he decided "Take her out and get out of here in one piece." John told him before grabbing Nash and fleeing. He smilied seeing opportunity after opportunity to take out followers and attack Death. "WHAT THE HELL! I WANT HIM ALIVE!" Death shouted to her followers. With every shot he took another follower out. Death retreated farther behind her followers all ready to die to protect her. Then it happen he heard the click."Damn out of bullets." He said as they surrounded him.Slowly he raised his hands to the sky. One of of the worshipers slamed his gun into the side of his head knocking him out. When he awoke he was chained to the floor in a small room. his clothes ragged and destroyed. A slide on the door infront of him opened there he saw the most beautiful green eyes he ever seen "Oh good your awake." They said to him. "Dont move much save your strength for your public execution." The man's heart dropped for a second,the walls began to close in around him. He realized this was the end. Once they opened the doors and led him out, he would meet God. He lived on the edge of life. Fought one of the devil's top generals and, in his mind, won. One of the baddest beings on the planet right now was scared of his presence. He could go in peace knowing that. Hopefully, Nash and John got out in one piece. He thought to himself. As the light burned his face through the cracks in the ceiling. He could hear the roars of the people outside, probably forming a mob to watch his death. "You thought you could escape this place heathen?" One of the guards said, pushing him hard, knocking him to the ground. "Like he could." The other guard laughed, kicking him in the jaw. Blood spued from his mouth. He could taste the iron of his blood as it filled his mouth before he couldn't take it anymore, and he spit some out. "You are the true heathens." He mumbled under his breath as they pulled him to his feet. They finally reached the doors,the roars calling for his head echoed now. "KILL THE HEATHEN!" "FOR THE DARK LORD!" The people shouted.WALK!" The guards shouted, shoving him forward. Slowly, he began to walk forward. "BOOO!" Someone from the crowd said tossing a bottle at his head, shattering it across his head, knocking him off his feet. Dazed a guard kicked him square in the ribs "GET UP NOW!" They shouted as they connected in his ribs. "Psst." He heard someone from the crowd say. He peered over in the crowd to see a small child dirty and unkempt looking at him. "Take this." They said sliding a small knife towards him. Quickly before anyone could see the knife he hid it in his ragged shirt. "I said get up!" The guard shouted sending a shock wave of pain through his body forcing him back to his feet. He struggled to keep his sense about him as they began to drag him to the pedestal. He could see the rope being knotted smiles grew in the crowd. He reached the pedestal, and they put the rope around his neck. Death appeared as if she was floating from the sky. The crowd erupted, seeing her appear. "Thank you. thank you." She said, bowing to the crowd. "We are gathered here to see the execution of this man." She soon pointed to the man. "This man and his cohorts attempted to kill your beloved Goddess." Boos waved through the crowd. The man's eyes darted to the sky,he bowed his head. Ignoring everything going on around him he began to pray "I'm not sure if you're listening to me but I'm scared...... save me."
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