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I went back to where I left Christian at the counter, but he was nowhere to be found. I turned my head from side to side to check for the other fuckers and that’s where I found the other dickhead as well. They were all talking to different girls. I get it now, he wanted to get rid of me so he could check a girl out. Well, maybe they’re too bored with me these days. And definitely, I can’t be as attractive as a girl. I better keep my distance and let them enjoy.  So, I went to the bathroom to clear my head and when I came back I wanted to get another drink. When I started to go to the counter I bumped into someone. “Excuse me,” she said and my eyes met with the most amazing hazel eyes. It was her. The red-haired girl I couldn’t stop talking to. “Blossom, you changed your mind I see.” I decided to tease her. Obviously, it was an accident that we met again. I smiled sincerely. I was very pleased to meet her again. I couldn’t stop staring at her eyes, her pink full lips, her rosy cheeks. Is she blushing for me now?  “Love, I just bumped into you.” she snapped but I could tell she was happy to see me again. “It must be fate, then. Come dance with me. Just one and I will leave you alone.” I suggested. I really don’t know what’s up with me now. Why was I so attracted to this girl. It ever happened to me before. It’s like I couldn’t stay away from her. Thankfully, she did not protest and just came to me. Who knew it would be that easy?  The music changed to a Latin beat. I didn’t really know what it was called but I went with the flow. I could tell that she knew more than me about this dance. She was really enjoying it and for a moment I could finally see her relax. She was even more beautiful this carefree. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from her.  After a while, the music changed beat and we were both tired so we went somewhere to sit. My mouth was really dry and I needed to make her relax even more so a drink was due. I signalled to the bartender for two drinks and he prepared them immediately. I saw the surprise in her eyes when she noticed the colourful drink in front of her. “Mmm...It’s delicious. What is it?” she asked. A smirk appeared involuntarily in my face. “ You like it? I chose it especially for you. It’s s*x On the Beach. Everyone loves it.” I said hinting to else. Was I ready for it though? Did I want anything of that kind with her? Or anyone for that matter? But I couldn’t stop though. I was attracted to her like she was the light. Chatting with her felt more than natural. It was like we had known each other for a long time and we just knew how to complete each other’s sentences. It was creepy in a way but sweet in another. I had never had anyone that would understand me like her. I never had this kind of connection with anyone. Not even with… I won’t go there tonight. Tonight is about me. Tonight is about self-love.  _______________________________ Maybe the many drinks we had without even noticing, maybe the attraction we had towards each other itself, but we were in her apartment now. She opened her door shyly. Here she comes again. I love this side of her. It makes me feel like I should take it carefully with her like I should protect her from everything in the world. Wow. Where did that thought come from? I cupped her face with both my hands and raised it to look at me. I wanted to have a chance to check her beautiful eyes again. I was addicted. Her pupils were bigger now. Her irises were a magnificent painting of green and brow that God had created just for her. They were perfect. She was perfect. I felt so hypnotized that I pulled her in for a hot kiss. I knew what was about to happen. She knew it, too.  The kisses were hot and wet. Full of passion. I couldn’t stop myself and I could tell that she couldn’t stop herself as well. I slid my hand near her butt but then I decided to stop. I didn’t know if I was pushing her more than I should. She kept on kissing and some bites were thrown in between our game of tongues. That gave me the hint that she wanted this, too, so I pushed her on the wall while ravishing her mouth and neck. I could be sweet but my dominant side came out from time to time. I wanted to show her that I wanted her in some way but I had to be very careful not to push her more than needed. I knew how much we drank and I didn’t want alcohol speaking to her. We were supposed to be having coffee by the way. That’s why we came here. Suddenly she stopped and in a fraction of a second I thought she was doubting this, but she took my hand and pulled me towards a room. I assume it was her bedroom since the apartment did not seem very big.  She wanted this then. My body lit even more with the thought that she wanted me as much as I wanted her now. As soon as we went inside, I unzipped her dress and it went down like a feather. I could finally see her amazing body. It was hotter than I could tell from her dress. I had been dreaming about her body for a while now, but it was better than I expected. My member got even harder if that could be possible. I wanted her and now but I had to make sure that she was 100% sure.  “Are you sure you want this, Blossom?” I asked expectantly. ”We can stop right now if you changed your mind.” I finished, but I didn’t want her to stop this. I was hoping not. She nodded and that’s all I needed to take her right there and then. Sweet and wet kisses were spread on her neck and collar bone as well as on my shoulders. I bit her from time to time and I could tell that she loved it. I loved it, too. Her sweet moans spread around the room and it made me go insane. I wanted to bury myself in her as soon as possible. After I put a condom on, I went between her legs. I could smell her arousal for a while now and it got me eager to enter her. With the tip of my member, I started pushing in and a growl escaped my mouth at the same time that a moan escaped hers. I hope I didn’t hurt her. I took it slowly at the beginning which let me tell you didn’t last very long because I got more and more eager to devour her in every way. I seemed like our bodies were made for each other. I could sense a connection that I never felt before. I felt in peace with the world. I definitely was in peace with myself. I haven’t felt like this for a while now. I never wanted this feeling to stop. I poured myself in that act. I put all my feelings in there. In every kiss, in every thrust, in every inch that my hands were touching, I wanted to make her feel everything. I could feel her insides contracting and making her entrance even tighter. I felt her getting closer to her explosion so I put a finger on her clit and it did the trick. A sound between a moan and a growl came out of her mouth and I could feel my d**k getting wetter on the outside from her juices. The arousal that could be sensed in the air made me lose myself and I came harder than I ever thought possible.  I don’t know what I was feeling now. I felt complete, but I was scared. What did this mean? Was this just a one-night-stand? Or, was this the beginning of something more?  I tried to catch a glimpse of her face but she ran to the bathroom. It didn’ t feel right but that was only normal. She came out after a short while and there was still this silence. She didn’t seem pissed or cold, just detached. It was probably a one-night-stand for her. She didn’t strike me at the type but you never know. I didn’t know what I wanted from this myself. Was I ready for more? Did I want to put myself in the position of getting hurt again? I don’t know. I need to detach myself now. “Can I use your shower?” I asked and she nodded. I went to the shower and after I finished my business I went back to the room. An incredible sight caught my eye. She was covered in her sheets, completely naked. Her hair spread on her pillow. Eyes closed. Lips slightly parted. She was asleep. A real sleeping beauty. All I wanted to do now was to cuddle her. Without thinking I climbed on the bed and held her from behind for a short while. This is all I missed. Being able to feel the heat of a human being in the most romantic, sweet and arousing way possible. I instantly loved everything about that moment. Her scent, the warmth of her body next to mine… I want this again in my life, but if it’s going to be with her is only her choice now. I wrote my number on a piece of paper I found, got dressed and left.  Now it’s your choice to call me or not, my love.
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