Room No:13

1914 Words
“She didn’t mention her name once she arrived and met us. Instead, she identified herself as ‘A Protector’. Her job was to protect anyone, anywhere and anytime to any people of multiple types, not matter the gender, what was important was the mission she was given in order to cover up her duties. For her outlook, she seemed to be a very simple lady who may mean no harm to others. Her eyes were glittering in yellow over her brown color eyeballs. A perfect Complex of skin color with the current complication of her amber hair color long till her back with curls at the end. She wore a long airline plain violet dress over, it a dark purple coat that was long to her waist. She didn’t have any gloves but had high heels in her feet, the entire outlook referred to her title ‘A Protector’. We couldn’t say what actually her personality was but, on the occasion it was clear that she was here to protect something or making it clear she was here to protect someone”.   Upon meeting up in the class room, Jet enunciated, “A protector you say you are called. More importantly, what’s your business here with us?”   “Not much, I seek to meet up with the threats that are approaching to my master. You see this building has nearly six threats for my master. As an order, I am meeting up with them so I can learn and acknowledge them to my master.”   “Pardon me” asked Jan stepping in, that who exactly is the person that you call the master?   “My apologizes, Mister Hat” answered the lady “I cannot reveal who is my master but I can say that he is from the WIC company too doing his job”.   There was a long silence of mute communication. All three realized about whom this protector was talking about on the other hand, they easily learned what she meant, by worse even the lady learned what they were realizing without using their lips. Inside this square of classroom in the atmosphere of night, no one was dunce, no was lax, no one was stunned from each other and no one was a fury. They were all agile people able to recognize what atmosphere was drawing around them and when to stay caution for it. A voice uttered up of a fourth person,   “So you may say we are a part of it” all grew surprise when a white arm clothing lifted his arm, holding a short gun aiming straight at the protector and said with a beaming smile, “Then let’s say we have a meeting with each other and it begins now……”   “WHAT?!” stunned Jet.   “NO WAIT!” shouted Jan. the index figure pressed the trigger.   BANG! BANG!   Meanwhile, at the lower floor, a gentle boy stopped and looked up while holding his umbrella, “A gun shot twice at a time?” surprised Joe questioning himself. From the resonance of the shot it seemed like a shot gun which was owned by Jin. “Could it be they got to business right away while I am still wandering in empty hall! Darn it!!” he hurried his striding across the empty hall way by scolding himself that he shouldn’t lax on here.   In detail of the present era, the third floor wasn’t the same as the above fourth floor however it was big stretched in length. Unlike the upper floor which had only ten room on one side and windows at the other this floor had twenty doors. Ten on the left and Ten on the right with an open passage in the center enough for four people to walk along side to side. The walls were of plain cements with half wood nailed at the below level whereas the doors, floor and roof were built up with woods. They were polished woods, clear and smooth to walk in that the shoes of Joe was reflecting on it with every steps taken on it.  The same were for the furniture’s in the classroom. Each room had one window inside the square and the room was 20 meter wide in width and 30 meter high. It could be said that how much facility was provided to this school alone. The lower case was better than the upper floor.   While walking, Joe stopped at the center of the dark corridor thinking, “If I just move on to the next floor it could be possible I may lose something important behind here. But worse, that important thing may get attacked by the giant werewolf I get shoot at. But, there is something stupid in mind” smiled the boy helplessly while thinking of it. Opening all doors to door, one room after the other would definitely waste a lot of time. “I can’t just wander around” were the thoughts of the boy when suddenly the thirteenth number door got slam! It turned the boy solid in fear. With no sigh of wind or air, that door just slam! It titled room No:13   Unlike fourth floor that had no numbers, the students had to memorize their own class room’s location. Here at this floor, the number was given according to the floor division. Example a board mark said” ‘Floor 3th: Room No”15. In this way, the students could figure out their own classroom. Here the door slam called 13 and do you know what that number meant at that time period.   Number Thirteen means bad lucks, death, threats, killer, and all the horrible stuff behind this number.   Joe gulped his throat as he stared at the 12 cm, marked number 13!   “Nayaaaa……” fussed the boy weaving his hand shoking his head, “I don’t actually believe on such rumors. Nonsense thoughts….. Humph!” he picked up his guts, paced towards it saying, “I will go in and check it out. Perhaps some clue for the mission will be found here”. He spin the circle knob and opened the door, entering slowly into the dim light room. Unfortunately, the moon light was at the right side of the building and this room led at the left side due to which the light was dim here. Leaving the door opened, the room was dead dark silent with not even a single buzz of mosquito inside, dead silent with no humans around. But, even then it was haunted Joe still wasn’t satisfied on leaving it behind. The sudden slam of the door made his mindset that something was odd here. The terrible thing to notice was this room window was shut tight which mean it wasn’t easy to leave. In solemnity mod, the boy tipped toe inside his shoes steps echoing in the room, he walked aside to the teacher’s desk by diving into his coat’s pocket and picked out a match box. On the table there was a tolerance lamp, this was used when any staff member, teacher or student would stay overnight in the school holding on their unfinished business. The boy opened up the glass placing it aside he lighted a matchstick and fire up the lamp by spinning the knob in high flame. Upon closing the glass he weaved the matchstick to vanish the fire, lifted up the lamp on air that brighter the entire room with it’s yellowish orange light. Gazing around, he saw shadows of the entire furniture’s then suddenly there was a round object at the end room, not just one but three. “Come out! I have found you three out there!” Without hesitation the three figures stood up surprisingly there were humans, “Not just humans but, you are student here!” exclaimed Joe in startle. He recognized them by their uniforms. There subsisted 3 people, two girls and one boy. The boy was wearing same type uniform which Jet, Jan, Jin and Joe wore earlier whereas the girls were wearing a long grey dress-uniform with white shirt inside, white legs, socks and shoes. The boy had blue hairs and blue eye while the first girl had pink hairs and violet color eyes and the girl by her side, trembling, she had red hairs and pink colored eyes. All the three students seemed petrified, worried and anxious by something or perhaps they must have come across something horrible. Joe lowered his lamp wandering as he stood at these three youths that what on earth are these student’s doing here in this late night. He was about to question when the pink haired girl begged,    “Sir gentle man, please don’t hurt us! We are scared!” “Huh?” puzzled Joe by hearing this word gentleman who does they actually mean? He was about to enunciate when again he got interrupted by the boy,   “Please sir, we don’t mean no harm. We are just locked here by our foolish acts”.   “I see” the lamp holder and?” he veered to the red hair girl who stunned by his gaze. The girl got scare, trembling all over by him on the other hand Joe was waiting whether she had anything to say before she interrupted his sentences. On the reply, the girl began to shade tears of fear.   “HUH…….” Sighed the orange hat boy confusing, “Don’t worry, I don’t mean no harm too. Relax I am not a foe”. All three turned surprised by this looking at each other. He continued, “I heard some noises around which due to which it feared you three into this room so how about we talk outside”.   His lips was too friendly that spread a peaceful aura just like the yellow light of fire that warmed the three poor student’s heart from cold fear. His friendly smile and gentle invitation made the three students take a shine on him. Joe placed the lamp back on the table saying “Come on out, then I shall off the fire”. In comfort of confidence, the three students passed through the row of the table and chairs and walked straight to the door waiting for the gentleman. The hat boy spined the knob turning off the lamp and left the room with the others.   Coming out in the hallway the three students were satisfied for their safety with gentleman that three of them bow saying, “Thank you so much sir for your kind heart”   “That’s fine. Don’t worry.” he replied raising the palm and suggested how about we walk to the exit together “You all will be safely home!”  The three hopeless student agreed to it and began ambling into the hall way. While walking with them, Joe scanned the students for any caution when suddenly a notice in all three of them caught his attention growing solemn. There was an object around their necks colored in black that puzzled the hat boy startling him inside himself that how could student has these?  He took a courageous decide and asked, “That thing around your necks, what is that?” the boy looked up at him and replied showing him by, lifting his head up “This, it’s a belt on any necks”.   “Belts?”                                                    
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