An attack on the four HATS!

1778 Words
“Return….. Return…… Return” whispered a man sitting in the dark as his dreadful voice echoed through the wall, “Return….. Awake and ARISE!” right after these sentences, a bright light shone in the lower room of the building at the side of the building.   Meanwhile, in the dark passage, four young boys passed through the hall way, with just the moon light leading the way from squares to windows. Jin asked, “What do you think we should do ?”   “We should search for that creature just like the mission is been assigned” answered Joe in grave “there is no turning back now. On the other hand, there is also asked to stop the Summoning guy. We don’t know who he could be but, one thing is for certain, this summoning person is from one of the WIC  company”.   “Are you speaking about a title?” asked Jan surprised. Stopping by the stairs, Joe replied turning to others by a nod, he explained them that it could be possible that creature, either a human or a humanoid whatever he or she is that creature is called by a title. Remember, what Reaper mentioned before his departure, everyone in the company are known by their titles not names so our task is the summoner.     “To make it clear we are going to battle each other……” added Jet which made the three skip a beat by the terror. Joe coughed little agreeing,   “Exactly, which is kind of sad thing at the start”.   “But! We haven’t even met each other!” argued Jan in frustration, “We haven’t even known how many there are? What type of people they are! How they got trapped into this! We don’t know anything then why should we take each other’s life!” no one replied to this. They were all silent like the dead atmosphere. No one had a perfect answer to this. They were all depressed by this similarly to the way he himself was.   “Darn it!” punched Jan the wooden handle of the stairs for not receiving any other option. His friend Joe gawked at him, rested his palm on his shoulder saying,   “Hey, come on, be brave buddy. Whatever happens let’s give our best shot, mm?” Jan looked at him worriedly when sudden a liquid dropped on the arm of Joe. All stunned looking at it. “EWWU, what’s this?” swiped the boy his gloved palm over it when it resulted it’s long threads of stickiness, all pasted on his glove.   “It’s a saliva!” exclaimed the boy in terror   “Above us!” shouted Jin pointing above. All shifted their sights up and turned pale.    Hanging on the top upside, with its silver claws nailed on the wooden roof, it’s jaws leaking saliva, with its core red sharp eyes, a beast stared at them like a hungry animal toward it’s prey.   “It’s” stammered Jin, moving back.   “The Werewolf! RUN!” shouted Jet and grabbed Jan to his side.  In a sudden jump, the beast jumped on them, at that instead all scattered away and it landed a crush landing on the floor, crushing the wooden surface of the floor. It scanned here and there. As it could view in the dark clearly just like any wolf or fox does at night, it saw two legs at its left, running away back to where they arrived. As the light of the moon was reflecting on it, The werewolf had black furry body with muscles arches over it, a long fluffy tail and it stood barely like humans with two legs. The worse part here was this creature, was in black color which means darkness was its friend. Jet and Jan stopped at the center of the hall as they twirled back getting petrified.   “JIN!” shouted Jet calling out. Under it’s large paw, Jin was trapped by laying under it. The heavy paw blocked the boy’s movement making it difficult even breath for the lad.   “He got him!” cried Jan.   “No matter, why it didn’t rush on us to attack! It already had a prey with him” said Jet in anger as he caught his stick.   In a swipe effect, the item changed into a long heavy looking gun, appearing a sniper on his palm. He raised it straight aiming at the beast. The huge werewolf stared at it prey who was struggling for some oxygen under the colossal paw. Getting closer, it opened it’s wide mouth, enough big to bite in the boy’s head into one gulp. Thus, the Werewolf was ready to have it’s first juicy meat for the night when suddenly   BANG!   ROAR! A gun shot echoed through the entire hallway, followed by a roar the werewolf jumped away fading into the darkness.   “Jet, how did you do that?!” surprised Jan looking at him as it was unbelievable for him to see his friend shooting. Unfortunately, Jet lowered his sniper, returning back to it’s duplicate form and replied,   “Sorry Jan, it wasn’t me who fired”   “What?! Then who did it?” shocked the boy when a called alarmed,   “HEY! JIN! You OKAY!” the boy turned dump to hear that familiar voice.    “Come on!!” ran Jet following Jan with him. They arrived to Jin checking on him gladly they found him unconscious.   From the froth floor to the lower third floor, there was the stairs where the four Js came across the werewolf. Tragically, it was havoc with no sign to climb on. The upper fellows were left up.   “HEY!” called the voice again, luckily, not all was lost.   Seeking down, Jan found Joe at the floor gawking at them. Unexpectedly, he was holding a rifle in his hands. He watched waiting for any reply, “Did he just shoot with his gun?” thought the blue hat boy perplexed. “JAN!” called out the lower floor lad as he was pleased to see his friend safe and sound. He asked him how were they?  Before Jan could speak, a reply came up,    “We are fine. No worries however, there’s a child taking a nap up here” replied Jet coming from behind.   Joe smiled helplessly by his word realizing whom he meant. He added, “I tried to hunt down the werewolf, did anything hit or was there a result?” On the reply, Jet told him that it was a Jack shot. It was possible the werewolf was hit cause there were tints of blood on the floor. “Lucky for you, he didn’t attack you back”.   The boy at the lower floor lowered his rifle as it returned back into an umbrella. “Hey Joe!” called Jet sounding serious “get back to the track. We must hurry with our mission”.   “Huh?” surprised the boy “by leaving you all up there?”   On some occasions, it seems to be possible that their mission must be having duration of limit without any given warning, “Which is why go ahead and carry out, we will catch up later”. Joe thought for a while then replied with thumbs up, nodding and ran further.   These four Js had un-example trust with each other. Nothing could be symbol to their co-operation. No matter the path they took or no matter the choices they made always, every time and everywhere they had a strong knob of trust for each other in their hearts. A true remark of friendship was engraved within their chests for one other. Taking this flaming courage of each other, in his fist of courage, Joe left for the third floor to carry out the mission.   Meanwhile, at the upper section, Jan stood up asking “So, what should we do now, Jet?”   “The same as we discussed” was the answer “let’s take him back to our classroom and break his sleep” he carried Jin over his shoulder by his arm and reversed his paces towards their classroom followed by Jan.   When they arrived into the room suddenly, they froze perplexed at the entrance. Out of nowhere, a young lady was inside the classroom, standing in semblance of the teacher’s desk. She was seeking through their boxes that the boys left behind.    How did she get there?   Weren’t these four the only people who left the room few minutes ago?   No one appeared to greet them in the hallway not even during the attack then how on earth did this being arrive into their classroom?   Did she cross the damaged stairs and got here?   But, how?   Jan got goose bumps all over his body, as he was getting closer to his friends whereas, he black suit friend turned grave questioning “Seeking on other’s properties is a theft act?”   “Oh really?” spoke the Lady in a slow tone “it’s not when we are companions”.   “Companion?” surprised the insecure boy   A short pause caught the surrounding. She was checking in Jan’s stuffs when she turned to them, closing the box “so you are the three haters who joined us tonight?” her voice sounded threatening as she spoke on “three young boys among us…. What a coincidence, school adults that also. The Reaper must have made a mistake on selecting you three?” “Amm, Madam, how do you know the Reaper?” asked Jan growing puzzled. “We are working with WIC remember” smirked the Lady “and to your knowledge this building is one of the company’s public properties, so we share one set you know”.   An evil atmosphere began to gather inside the room. The place they cherished as their own classroom was no longer but, a dungeon of evil trap.   “Come inside boys” weaved the strange women at the three lads “we should get to know each other well, don’t you think? Me and you three?”   On the other side, Jan grew frail from entering the room whereas, Jet was lost in his thoughts with just one quizzing in his mind,  “Why is she mentioning three? Not four?” Is she looking at us thinking that the fourth one will be checked on later? Or maybe that Reaper must have done something that other candidates of the WIC aren’t acknowledge yet?”   What was actually going on around them?  
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