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A bird cries for his mother Unable to fly he watches While his mother soar With the others The writer look at herself in the mirror and softly whisper, "What have I become?". Her voice is too quiet that not even she herself heard. She take her pen with her bleeding hands and stare at the blank sheet of paper while her blood spell the words. She hears screaming and cries from outside and her tears begin to fall. Born into a family who was never taught how to love. A family who cannot love each other because their mother is too selfish to care about anyone and blamed everyone. Her father ran away from the mothers harsh words leaving the children to defend for their selves. She is lost and alone. So she wrote the story of the Princess in the Tower waiting for a Prince to come but made her own recipe. A little less sugar and a little more bitterness. "Your majesty, as heard by the voices of god, if the Queen shall give birth to twins then this kingdom will turn to ashes!" the Priest tell his king. "What do you think I should do?" The king sigh. "Kill the twins?" He is a strong but with his god given strength, he is cursed with an unsatisfied life. "The twins will be a girl and a boy. One is cursed and the other is not but together they are nothing but poison to this kingdom" the priest tell the King. The King roll his eyes. "I ask a simple question and you can not even give me a simple answer?" The Priest back away and kneel down "Forgive me for being-" "Shut up and leave before I punish you" the King mumble and the priest walk away. "Stupid gods. All you do is ruin our lives." "A prince and a princess has been born!" A servant yell. The king did not budge from his throne. "Kill the princess" say the king. No one move. "I said kill the princess" he mutter once more sending chills throughout the room. "Do you all want to die instead?" The kings voice raise and all the guards around kneel down for forgiveness. "You" the king points to a guard, "Kill the princess" "M-me?" The guard stutter. "Y-yes my King" and he quickly walk away to the delivery room. Everyone is quiet once they see the guard. "Im here to take the princess" say the Guard. The Queen look at her babies afraid. "Sorry my Queen but as the King's order, I have to kill the princess" The Queen's eyes widen and she feel her eyes being drowned in tears. The guard reach out for the princess but the Queen scream at him, "How dare a mere guard like you touch the princess of this kingdom!" The Guard freeze "but the King ordered me to kill the princess!" "Wait" the priest come running in. "You cannot kill the princess! If she dies so will the prince!" The conversation is taken to the meeting hall with the King still sitting in his golden throne. "Speak" say the King to the priest. "I wasnt able to finish what I had to tell you before so I will now. The Princess is cursed. However only the Prince can kill the Princess." "Then just have the prince kill the princess" the King mumble "What is so hard about that?" "The prince is only a baby my King" "Then tell me your plan" the King lean forward "After all you can hear Gods voice. You are the almighty" "I-I dare not! You are Gods gift to us lowly humans! You are the almighty not me!" "Did I tell you to say that? I asked you to tell me your plan." "Forgive me" say the priest and continue "The best thing to do is separate the Prince and Princess. Lock the Princess in a tower far far away so the two will never meet! Once the Prince is an adult, have him kill her!" "Why not kill her now?" Ask the King "take his tiny little hands and put them around a knife. Then push it down into the Princess's tiny heart" "Isnt it more fun to put the princess in a tower and watch the prince kill her?" Someone say walking in. Its the witch. "More trouble for me" the King sigh "If the princess is to be kept alive and locked in a tower then I am only wasting food and energy on her." The witch laugh "You dont need to. After all the Princess can not die. Only the Prince can kill her. Therefore even if we toss her in the tower she will grow up to be a savage who does not need food or water to stay alive" The king smirk "Right. How clever. Send the princess to the tower Witch." The Priest wanted so badly to speak out for the Princess's behalf but he can't. He follow the Witch to the tower where the Princess is tossed away like trash. Crying could be heard from the tower. Once the Witch is gone, the Priest made his way up to the Princess and cradle her in his arms. He begin to cry for the Princess and decided that it is his fault that she has ended up in such a terrible state and must raise her. "I wish to name you but I must not. A name is a tattoo that once you know you cannot forget and will linger with the memories every time you hear it" the priest kiss the Princess on the forehead. Five years have pass. The Prince is strong and smart but has fallen ill. The Princess is cheerful and full of life. She, however, felt sad. "What is wrong?" Ask the Priest. "I feel sad" she whisper and look out the window and point towards the castle. "Coming that way" The Priest knew what she was feeling. "A twins connection" whisper the Priest. "There's something that makes me want to sing" she whisper and begin to sing. She begin to cry as she sing. The Priest stare at the Princess and notice a warm and light aura around the Princess. It wasnt there before until she sang. His eyes widen. He knew right then what it meant and hurry back to where the Prince is. The Prince has become healthy again and better. He knew then that the Princess was special and not curse. Still he wonder why the Gods would tell him such a tragedy if the Princess could heal the Prince. The Witch watch from afar and she smirk. She talk with the King and his eyes grew darker. "You are to be locked away and die from starvation" say the King to the Priest. "Why?" Ask the Priest. "I have done nothing wrong!" "You commited treason!" Yell the King. "Be glad Im not cutting off your head" The Priest glare at the Witch beside the King and he silently walk away to prison. The Princess waited for the Priest. She reread the fairy tales he has bought her. She felt connected to Repunzal and waited for prince charming to save her. The Priest has told her that if she were to get out without true loves kiss then she will immediately be melted by the earth. So the Princess waited patiently inside. As more years pass by the Princess became thinner and thinner without food or water. Her skin became as pale as snow. Her hair dark as night and long as Repunzal's. She push her hair outside to see if its long enough to help a prince climb up. It certainly has grown long just as she has aged to become an adult. The Prince has become charming and brave. His arrows went through anything and his sword sliced through everything. He has become a great Prince. Until he fell ill again and again and again. He wonder what his illness is. Then the witch appear with a pure white dress and a glowing smile. "You have been cursed when born by a witch" say the witch and the Prince glare at her. "You're the only witch here" he mumble. "Am I?" She smirk "Youll find out once you reach that tower. A witch in the tower. Every time she sings you will become ill and every word she sings will make your illness worse." "A witch in the tower?" The Prince whisper and then growl "what nonsense are you spouting" "Its the truth" say the witch "believe it or not". The Prince wonder if it is true and ask his father, the King. The King is still sitting on his golden throne, bored. "Yeah" say the King "Its true someone lives in the tower and is the reason for your sickness". "So that means I have to go and talk to this witch and..." he didnt want to say that he has to kill her. "You were born and destined to be King" say the King. "However, you must kill that person in the tower before becoming king". "So you wont hand over your throne until I kill that witch?" Ask the Prince. "You're only 19. Take your time" say the King "Or your life may end up boring like mine" The prince smile. "Ill be leaving tonight then. Please give me directions to that tower soon" Night time came and the Prince walk a path towards his future. The Princess drop her hair down the window and smile to herself. Shes still waiting for Prince Charming. She felt in her heart that someone she knew was coming. But it hurt her heart somehow. She begin to sing painfully and before she knew it, her hair is burning. The Prince is in pain. His illness has started to act up. He loses his conscious but once he wakes up he hears the voice of someone singing. He follow the voice and see a tower. Just as the witch told him, another witch is living there and is singing. He sees a young girl and is frighten. She is too thin and pale that from far away she looks like a skeleton or a corpse whos body has been decomposing. Her long tangled and messy hair is down and she is defenseless. The Prince grab his torch and lit it up. He shut his eyes close. "Sorry" he whisper before setting flames onto the Princess's hair. He heard screams and cries but at the same time he could hear singing. Once the Princess becomes quiet the Prince climb the tower and realize that this is no witch's tower but a little girl's. The space is small but theres a small bed for a kid and fairy tale books scatter around. Theres drawings all around and broken coloring pencils. He look at the burnt body of the person he has burned. A soft quiet sound came from the body. Even after being burned the princess is still singing. The Prince start to cry and suddenly a word came out of his mouth, "Sister". With that last word he collapses to the floor and stops breathing. End. The mother is the King. The father is the Priest. The Writer is the Princess. The sibling is the Prince. The Kingdom is their home. This story is to express a broken family who does not know how to love one another. A mother who doesnt care about her own children. (The King) A father who ran away because of the mother. (The Priest) A brother and sister who are not close. (The separation of the Prince and Princess) A sister who still protects the brother from falling into despair and becoming a victim to suicide. (The Princess) A brother who never knows his sister. (The Prince) A future that the sister is afraid of. That once she kills herself, her brother will be consume into darkness and also die. (Ending)
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