Chapter 31- A Callous Truth

2744 Words

Chapter 31 - Callous Truth Several hours later....Brandon's first Aurora lesson was still going strong. Hovel hit him, often so hard that Brandon had no choice but to fall to the stones as his teeth rattled in skull. Finally one blow cracked him across the ribs and he fell into the earth like a limp sack of rocks. "Get up." Hovel called in a mostly annoyed tone as he paced before the bloody pale husk of his son. Choice-less Brandon slowly got back up. He was moving on autopilot at this point. His mind a fog of agony and nothing else. Once more Hovel regurgitated the words he had been spitting at Brandon for countless minutes. Like a Mantra. The words meant nothing to Brandon. They weren't helping him. But Hovel of course didn't care. "Use your senses boy. Feel the hot energy gatherin

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