Chapter 2: Mate

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After the shifting ceremony, everyone went on a run. I stayed behind, not feeling up to it. I mean hello. I feel like my heart. I went all the way back to my room and decided to change into my booty shorts and a tanktop so I could go down to the exercise room. I grabbed my cellphone and saw I had a bunch of texts from my ex, Tyson. I glared at my phone and set it down and grabbed my Ipod instead and walked out of the room and down the stairs and went straight into the exercise room, blasting my music. The song "Gernade" came on by Bruno Mars, tears started up in my eyes as pain ached in my heart. I started stretching my arms and legs and decided to just use the punching bag and started taking all the pain I felt out on the punching bag. I punched and kicked and kept going to the point that I didnt even notice I had an on-looker, watching intently. I crumpled to the ground as the tears fell after 2 hours of punching and kicking the punching bag. I went over to the mirrors on the other side of the wall that split the exercise room and the dance studio, I stuck my ipod on a speaker and started to do balley with a twist of Gymnastics and danced to "Nothin' on You" by B.O.B, I danced my heart and soul out as tears kept coming, it was elegant and beautiful. I turned the music off and stared at myself in the mirror as I wiped my eyes and my skin with a clean towel, when I heard someone come in. "There you are Lukas, what are you..." I whipped around and saw a man who was 6'7 staring at me. He was attractive and that's when my wolf spoke, since I got her the words that I never wanted to hear "Mate", my eyes started to glow purple. As my wolf was looking at our so-called mate, I looked over to the man who spoke and saw that it was the Beta Darsen who had spoken to this man. "I am sorry, if you need this room, I can leave." I looked at both and started to grab my things when I heard a growl from my Mate. I finished gathering my things and went to walk past the man when he grabbed my arm harshly and gave me a cold look that made my blood run cold. He leaned down to me and sniffed my neck as his eyes glowed a red color. I unwillingly tilted my head to the side in a submissive way as tears sprang to my eyes. When he smirked at me and leaned in, "Don't you dare wear this out in public again little one." He released me, and I ran out of the room without a word and didn't stop till I was safe behind the door of my room. I slammed the door and locked it and went straight into the bathroom and started the bath. My thoughts kept going as scenario after scenario played over and over again. When I remembered my Wolf had spoken to me, and the first thing she said was MATE! I sighed, could my day get any better? "You know Mate is handsome, right?" I sighed as my Wolf spoke to me again like she was in a dreamy state. "You know that is the worst thing to say the day I actually got you and you didn't even talk to me or tell me your name!" I growled out at her as anger started to take over. "Oh, I am sorry, my name is Ivy, and I am sorry that you hurt yourself and I didn't speak, but I am just as new as you to this." she sighed. "Why did I submit to him that was weak I should have screamed or yelled or something." I cringed as I gripped my arm where he had hurt me. "You know that is the question, isn't it? I tried talking to his wolf but he seemed not to speak to me." She whispered. "I am sorry..He seemed really cold.." I shivered as I heard the sadness in her voice, she tucked her tail and curled up and blocked me out. I sighed and went back to getting ready for the bath and stepped in as tears spilled again as realization kicked in and I was broken-hearted and I had met my mate on the same day. I started scrubbing myself and fell asleep in the tub when I heard my phone going off and it woke me from my slumber. I stood up and put the robe on and went out of my bathroom and saw that my ex was calling me again. Anger built up in me and I threw my phone across the room and watched it chatter into millions of pieces and grabbed my pajamas as I cursed his name and my mates for what they were putting me throwing. I jumped into my bed and decided that they were not worth anything to me. I fell into a deep sleep as my heart throbbed for everything that I went through today. I lost the man I loved and gained a cold-hearted man as my mate and I knew they would plague my dreams. BANG BANG BANG I woke up startled as I heard someone banging on my door. I slowly got up and went to the door to see my Mother standing there looking annoyed again. I sighed and rolled my eyes as my mom barged past me. "Young Lady, why are you not dressed, your Father has asked for you in his office." immediately looked at me and sighed "Dress nicely and go to the office, immediately." She walked out of the room without waiting for an answer from me. I sighed as my door closed and went and freshened up, while wondering what I did now or what he could possibly want from me. I picked out a red dress that went to the top of my knees. I brushed my hair and put eye liner and mascara on and even made my lips a dark red color and decided that was good enough for me. I went and grabbed my red high-heeled boots and put them on and left the room. As I started to get close to the room, my wolf woke up and seemed really excited the closer we got to the room. "MATE!" She started jumping around and yipping like a child that has found her new favorite toy. I growled and slammed the door open as my anger started to rise with the fact this asshole was behind the door. My mate turned around as he looked at me up and down and seemed annoyed with the way I went. Honestly, they all seemed to be annoyed with how rude I was. My father glared at me and so did my own mother. I rolled my eyes and stormed in and sat down and glared at my own so-called "mate." My mate stormed over and grabbed me harshly and growled at me "Don't you dare roll your eyes ever again and get out and retry what you just did now!" he yanked me out the door and slammed it. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I lifted my hand to the door and knocked gently, as my arm throbbed. I walked in and didn't make eye contact with anyone. "Better, good girl" was all my mate said as he sat down and watched my every move. I went and started to sit down on a chair when I was yanked into my mate's arms. I stiffened and tried to stand up but heard him growl and I froze as his grip tightened on me. I whined as the pain started to get too much but he didn't release me. "I apologize, she has been taught manners, Alpha Lukas. I have no idea what has gotten into her lately." My Mother spoke up as I felt my mate loosen his grip a bit. I sighed as I could feel my blood rush up my arms and down my legs. "I am sure I can get her to be obedient, our kind doesn't take any kind of disrespect." My mate gave a smile to my Mother as he spoke like I wasn't there and started to run his fingers through my hair. I felt him start to gently caress my back as I felt my body relax to his touch, and laid my head down on his shoulder as I felt relaxed completely that I didn't realize my Father started to speak. "Well, Snow, will be going with you and this means that our alliance will stay in place right if we have a deal?" I shot my head up and looked at my Father in disbelief. Did I hear right, my own father gave me to this man who is my mate, who treats me like garbage and tosses me around like a toy. I stood up faster than anything before as I felt anger rush through me and aimed it all at my parents. "WHAT!" I stared at them as I caught everyone including my mates beta off guard. "How dare you, I will NEVER go with this man!" My body started to tremble in a fit of rage, I felt power rise as my Mother stood up along with my Father with fear in there eyes. "SNOW!" I turned around and growled at my mate "I need you to calm down you are going to hurt someone, NOW!" He growled out as he fisted his hands like he was getting ready to take me down if needed. "Look in the mirror, Snow, listen to Mate", Ivy whined, as if trying to reach me. I don't understand why they are all acting like I would hurt them when I looked in the mirror and saw what they saw. Somehow, I had my Demon and Witch powers conjured up at the same time. One eye was Pink and my other was Turquoise. "How is that possible?" I whispered, as I didn't direct it to anyone in general. "Breath, you have to control your feelings, Snow." My wolf helped me relax as tears spilled from my eyes and I fell to my knees in tears. "What is wrong with me?" I whispered again. Lukas stepped over to me with a cold look in his eyes. "You have an hour to pack what you can't live without, then we will leave." He walked past me with his Beta tailing behind. "Snow?" I felt my mother's hands on my shoulder. "Please, look at me?" I turned and looked at her as tears spilled down her face. "There is nothing wrong with you, please just understand you have to go or he will fight us for you." she caressed my hair and kissed my forehead "I love you, just try to do this and please listen to him. Their kind is cruel and demands obedience even from their mates." I hugged my mom and felt my dad come over and hug both of us. "Go get ready Snow, and say your goodbyes to your brothers." My father kissed my head and helped me up as my mom stood and wiped her eyes. I walked out of the room to go and pack some things. Not that there was much I needed, I went to my room and grabbed my suitcase and started packing my favorite bathroom supplies and grabbed my favorite bag that had all my secret items. I sat down and opened it after packing my pictures and iPod and stuff. I sighed as I saw all my little things. Yes, I'm a little, but only when alone, not around others, because I was afraid they would all be weirded out by me. I closed it and locked it with my rose necklace key that I always wear and put it in my suitcase and headed out of my room and down the stairs where I met my family and my mate. I hugged my parents one last time. "We will come and visit as soon as we possibly can" My mother told me and kissed my forehead. I nodded my head, not trusting my voice as tears threatened to spill. "We love you Snow." My Father kissed my cheek and hugged me tight. "Be good, okay." He stepped back. I went over to my brothers and hugged them tightly as if I would never see them again. "We will miss you Snow." they both smiled at me and kissed my head as they let me go. I stepped back and smiled at them. "By the way, we are hybrids, so we will tell you all about it sometime." I smiled at them and hugged them again. I felt someone pull me away. I looked at my mate who tugged me out as I waved at them as my mate shoved me into the back of the Limo harshly. Lukas got in along with his Beta and drove off. I waved until I couldn't see them anymore and reality set in as we left my family and friends behind. The tears that I had held on to for so long came rushing out and I cried from the pain and heartbreak that I have been having to endure for the last two days. It been hell. I felt drained and in a lot of pain and I wished I could have someone to lean on. I felt hands wrap around me, I felt the sparks and the soothing touch that I didn't care. I wrapped my arms around him and cried as he gently held me and caressed my back. I cried like a baby in his arms when I heard a sound that started to make me sleepy, it sounded like he was purring. The next thing I knew, I fell asleep in the arms of my Lycan Mate.
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