Chapter 1: Heartbreak

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I woke up in a good mood due to the fact that I was about to find out if Tyson is indeed my true mate, seeing as we have been dating for awhile and we are hoping him and I are mates. Even if he wasn't, we promised each other that we would reject our mates to be together. My parents can't stand him. But truth be told, I consider myself to be a rebel. My father, Lucifer, can't stand the fact that I never listen to him, but hell if I listened to my father all the time I would have no life at all. My own Mother finds me a disappointment. Oh, where are my manners? I am Snow Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer Morningstar and Ombre Morningstar. I am a triplet to two boys, Phoenix and Gabriel Morningstar. Phoenix was born first and Gabriel was second born, but this is my Untold Story, not my brothers, so if you wanna hear about them, well bummer. See, I took this on as more of how my story goes just like my Mother before me. She told us her story the day she woke up. Don't get me twisted. I admire my Mother, but sadly, I am not what she wants me to be; a proper and elegant woman. Anyways, I have long white hair that goes down to my butt, I have one red eye and a green eye. I'm the shortest out of my siblings. I am 4'11. Females are normally around 5'0 or taller and the men are about 5'11 or taller. I am pretty short. My siblings and I will have our first shift today, but again, this is my story, not theirs. I got out of bed and got dressed for the day. I know today will be chaotic due to the fact that my siblings and I will have our first shift and hopefully find our mates or someone to spend our lives with. Not that I need a mate or want one. I have a boyfriend, Tyson, and I am perfectly happy with him. I don't need some mate bond to tell me who I love or have to be with someone I just met, you know? Lucky me, he has already shifted and hasn't found his mate or anything, or else that would be a pickle. I know what you are thinking. The Moon Goddess created someone perfect for us, but truth be told, I wanna control my destiny and be happy with my choosing. I don't want to go against her, but I can't just be like my Mother and marry a mate I just met. I grabbed my robe and stuck my hair up in a messy bun and walked out of my room into chaos. I walked down the stairs and into the dining room when my mom collided with me as she was barking orders to the servants. "Snow what in the hell are you wearing?" she grimaced at me. I rolled my eyes as I stepped around her, trying to avoid her accusing stare and hoping to avoid her disappointed look. She reached out and gripped my arm hard. "Snow, I asked a question, young lady, I expect an answer! And don't you dare roll your eyes!" I yanked my arm away from her and rubbed the spot. "I am obviously wearing my clothes", I snapped back at her. She glared at me for awhile and grabbed me again and yanked me out of the dining room as I rolled my eyes in the process. She pulled me all the way upstairs and pushed me into my room. "I don't want to see you out of this room till the servants have dressed you and you are ready for the party" She glared at me "I will send someone up to give you breakfast." She turned to close the door with a sigh. I just turned my back and just glared out the window. "Oh and Snow, don't you dare disappoint me or embarrass me or your father." With that she slammed the door and locked it. I sat on my bed and sighed as a tear escaped my eyes. I stood up and walked into the bathroom to take a warm bath. I turned the water on and grabbed everything I needed, then I slowly took my clothes off and waited for the bath to fill up. I took a scented rose bath bomb to help me relax and got in. I reached over and pressed play on my music to play calm and relaxing music and started to relax for a bit. After a few minutes, I turned the music off and started to scrub myself with my rose body wash and shaved and washed my hair with my rose shampoo and conditioner. If you can't tell, I love roses. After I was done, I got out and put on my black silk robe and brushed my hair and blow dried it. I walked out of my room and saw my breakfast on my bed and felt my stomach grumble. I went over and read the note that my Mother left stating that I needed to hurry and eat and a bunch of people would be in to help me get dressed and that I had a long day and some other bullshit that was on. I growled and threw the note in the trash. I opened the lid on my food and saw my favorite breakfast, a sausage grilled cheese sandwich and caramel coffee. I ate my food and drank my coffee as I turned my music on in my room and started blasting it just to piss my Mom off. I played "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars. I started to sing at the top of my lungs and started to jump on my bed. Before I could hear the rest, my Mother stormed in "Snow Rosemary Morningstar! Turn that damn music off now!" I shut it off and glared at my mother. She fixed her dress and smiled as more ladies came into my room and she put on a stern look: "Snow, they are going to help you get ready. I expect you to be on your best behavior or. So help me, I will have you punished!" She stormed out and the woman guided me to a chair and started to get to work. I sighed as all the women pulled and moved me around as if I was a doll of some sort. After they did my hair and fed me lunch and had me dressed and ready, it was almost time for the party, my mother came in and smiled "Oh, you look gorgeous". She pulled me over to my mirror and smiled as I looked at myself, because she had teary eyes. I looked in the mirror at my mom as she stared at me. This was the first time I ever saw her smiling at me since I was a baby. "Alright, Snow, this is a big day. Please don't embarrass us, just be good. We have a lot of people here from all over to come and watch you shift." She smiled and turned me around with pleading eyes "please?" I stared at her and nodded my head "maybe you will find your mate today." she grinned bigger and kissed my head and left. I turned back to the mirror and saw how perfect my hair was. I had my hair braided and roses in my hair and then I had a beautiful red dress that went to the floor and a slit going all the way up to my hip. I sighed and turned to walk out of the room and went to the stairs and walked down the stairs and saw my two brothers laughing with friends. I looked around and saw Tyson and smiled, but he didn't smile back. Instead, he nodded and continued to talk to a female. I frowned and went over to the ballroom and saw my father and mother talking to people. I walked over to them and smiled as my father laughed. "Oh, here is one of our kids, Snow, sweetie. This is the Lycan king's second hand!" The man in front of me bowed and smiled. "Sorry but he sent his regards as he could not show up, but my name is Darsen, and he sends his regards and hopes to meet you soon." He smiled at me. My Mother watched me carefully, waiting for one wrong move, but I knew that she would punish me and so would my Father. "Please, to meet you, it's an honor and please tell the Lycan King he will be missed and I dearly hope he isn't any trouble." I curtsied back and smiled. "Very mannered, I see, he shall be here in a few days, to discuss a treaty with your father, so I am sure you could tell him yourself." he said, smiling at me. I smiled back and was about to say something when we heard a commotion in the hall as someone growled "MINE" and my parents and all of us watched as Tyson, my boyfriend, did something I never thought he would. He claimed his mate and, damn, she was beautiful. I felt tears well up in my eyes as I watched him storm over to a red-headed girl and kiss her. Everyone applauded but me. I saw my two siblings rush over to me and hold me up as I felt my heart explode and I knew then and there that he had just caused my heartbreak. The next thing I saw crushed my soul and all I saw was darkness. I truly had fainted right in front of everyone. I woke up on the couch with my parents and siblings watching me as the doctor checked on me. I turned my head to my family. "Please, tell me it's not true?" My parents looked away and frowned. Phoenix looked at me and nodded, I felt my heart stiffen and I turned away from them and stood up, with everyone trying to tell me to sit back down. "I am fine, don't we have guests, we shouldn't keep them waiting." I walked out of the room with them following after me. Darsen came up to me and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. "Snow, I hope you're okay, are you feeling better?" "Of course, Darsen, I am so sorry for the scare. I am okay just needed some water and got dizzy but I am okay." I smiled at everyone and they all nodded and applauded. I looked at the time and saw it was almost time to shift, "Ladies and gentleman, if we could all head out it was close to midnight and I don't think you want to miss us shifting." I looked around and saw my parents shocked and my siblings just as shocked that I was taking control. I smiled and saw Tyson and his mate. I turned my back and started to walk outside as everyone followed. My heart squeezed as I walked past my ex and the red head who tapped my shoulder. "Excuse me your majesty?" I turned around and looked at her and smiled, but refused to look at Tyson. "I wanted to wish you happy birthday and good luck" she curtsied and smiled. I smiled at her and curtsied back "Thank you, and congrats..." I looked at her and raised my eyebrows. "Thank you, I am Lacey." she smiled at me. "Congrats dear, I hope Tyson treats you right and doesn't break your heart like he did mine." I turned and walked away with her watching me with confusion. We all went outside and waited till we shifted. "Ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming out, as my daughter has said, it is almost time to shift, make space and room for my kids and I hope we are all proud of who they will become, because I know I am. Cheers" My father raised his glass and we all cheered. Phoenix was the first to become what the Goddess gifted him and in front of us all his eyes glowed become Black, he was like our Father he is a Demon which means he is next in line for our Fathers thrown. Next came Gabriel. His eyes glowed white, which means he is a Warlock which runs in both lines from our parents. Now, came my turn. I felt every bone in my body break and shift. My mother smiled as I shifted into a white wolf and my eyes glowed purple, but the weirdest thing happened. I shifted back and my eyes glowed pink like a Demon and then changed to turquoise, which also means I am a Witch. Everyone watched with curiosity as everything happened in a flash and everyone stared at me in surprise. I, Snow Rosemary Morningstar, am a Hybrid, a special species that doesn't exist. It's rare, but when I looked at my parents for once, I saw pride and joy in their eyes.
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