Chapter 4

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Brenda I could not believe that Aaron was back home! When I happened to be back home! I knew he was mad at me for taking off to college in New York. He had always wanted us to go to college together back at home. But he needed to understand that I needed to get over him. Had going all the way to New York made me forget Aaron? Forget the love I felt for him? No. It did not help. Neither did the past boyfriends I had back in New York either. They did not make me forget Aaron at all. Would my heart ever get over him? Maybe I only wanted him because I thought I did. Because he was the only man who did not beg to be with me. "That has got to be it" I mutter to myself. "Must be working you to hard around here" jokes Sailor to me as we worked together that after noon. I sigh. "No, I am trying to train my brain to not think about someone it wants to think about" I explain to her. "Oh, I see an ex-lover?" she asks with a wink. "Never was a lover. He had been my best friend. I could have gotten any guy in town to be my man. But him. Anyone but him. I guess you could say he was the one who got away. I had not saw him since high school. Being back in town we had a little run in with each other" I sigh as I rest my arm on the counter. "Now, now I can't get him out of my head" "Did he look wonderful? Or awful? Maybe think of a time when he made you mad or upset. Train your brain to hate him" she offers an alternative motive. ♥☆♥☆♥ I shake my head. "He never once did anything like that. He is perfect. Out of all the men I have ever known he never tried to hurt me or be cruel to me in anyway. I think that is part of the reason why I am so drawn to him" I explain to her. She nods. "Makes sense. You have him on a pedestal. No one is perfect Brenda. Maybe find out what his flaws are. Dig some dirt up only for you to see he is not perfect" mentions Sailor. "You know.... that would be a brilliant idea! I will try that after I get off of work" I tell her. I grin. "Better yet this place is slow today. Do it now" she offers. She gets out the business lap top. Hands it over to me. We giggle. "Alright" I agree. I type up Aaron Winters name. Getting dirt on him. Nothing was coming up. Everything was making him look even better than he already did! He raised a lot of money. Had went over to Africa. Helped build a safe haven for kids over there. He helped build many new homes around in America for Habitat for humanity. What else had he been up to? I groan. I was afraid to read any more. It would cause my heart to burst with love. I had to get over this crush. "Aaron?! You are into Aaron? I met that guy! He is wonderful! If I did not have a boyfriend, I would have take a piece of that action" Sailor tells me as she shakes her head as we look at the lap top. "Mmmm, no wonder you have a challenging time getting over the man. Maybe figure out a way to get under him" she jokes. "This is serious. He never wanted me. I need to teach my heart not to want someone who does not want me" I grumble. "If you are really serious, maybe move on. Date again. You have not met the right man for you yet" she points out. "a man to make you forget Aaron" "True I have not yet" I agree with her. "Well my boyfriend Max has a single brother your age. We could meet in town for a double date this weekend" she offers. "I would like that! Sure! Arrange something if he wants to meet up. It would not hurt" I tell her thoughtfully. ♥☆♥☆♥ Would there ever be a man more gorgeous than Aaron Winters? One to make me forget him? I did not think there was such a man. Maybe Elvis Presley. But he was dead. So, no way a competition for Aaron Winters. There had to be a man out there for me. A man that would help me forget being rejected by that perfect being. The one who would never hurt me had hurt me more than anyone else ever had in my entire life. Once I was off work I was ready to go home. Get to work on my room. Mother and I had went to the hardware store the day before. Got some paint for my room. I bought blue. My room had been a lavender purple color. Lavender was my favorite color. Light sky blue was my other favorite. I could not wait to change my room until I had enough money to get an apartment. I come home and getting ready to work. Mother was in the kitchen cooking something good for dinner. I hear chatting in the other room. I figured she was chatting with dad. I head up to my room. I take a quick shower. Then I change into an old tee shirt. A light blue one. Then overalls. I had not worn overalls since the ninety's era. I had an oldies station plays on my radio. "Broken hearted melody that you used to sing to me. When our love was young and bright, suddenly I fell" this song was not helping me much with the way I was feeling. Could you die from a broken heart? I fear that would be my fate if I did not get over Aaron. "Broken hearted melody? Won't you bring him back to me?" I sing along with the music as I take the stir stick and prepare the paint. "Dinner is ready" I hear someone say. I jump. I knew that voice anywhere. I turn my head quick. There was sexy Aaron Winters standing there leaning in my door frame. Here was dressed like a slob. He was decked out in the latest men fashion. Wearing a suit, I could never afford. Looking like a million dollars'. He smiled at me looking amused with me. I frown. ♥☆♥☆♥ "What are you doing here?" I challenge to know. I scowl at him. "Your mother invited me over for dinner. I accepted" he replies back to me, as he smiles. "Are you coming to join us?" he wonders. "Not if you are going to be there" I answer back as I go back to work. "Need help painting this room? Why the change? My old room is still the same since our high school days" he mentions as he looks around my old room. "I felt like a change. Seeing as I am stuck here until I get a place of my own" I mention. "I see" he mutters. "Why change it?" "Why not? Why keep old memories around? They are no good to me. You can't ever go back to where things used to be!" I reply as I wish I could take back my words. His jawline stiffens up as he stands there. "Well I told you dinner is ready. Feel free to join us. Or not!" he remarks before taking off downstairs. I sigh. Tears burn in my eyes. I sit on my bed. I was not about to have dinner with Aaron Winters. Mother set this up. She knew how I felt about him. She adored Aaron. She was in on this. Match making. It was never going to work. I was not going to let her think she won. She needed to know she could not keep doing things like this to me. I keep the music playing. Then I begin to pain the room after I cover the carpet with a tarp. "There could never be anyone else for me, never ever be...." the song played on the radio. I groan. I go turn the station. I did not need to hear that crap right now. I had nearly a half of a wall painted over. Someone knocks on the door. There stands Aaron. Handing me a plate of dinner. "Sorry your mother made me" he mentions to me. "I am sure she did. She should know she can't play match maker. I already have people at work doing that for me" I mutter as I take the dinner plate from him. I set the plate down on my desk. "Are you dating now that you are back in Heaven Creek?" he wonders. "Will be. My coworker is hooking me up on a double date this weekend" I have no issue telling him. "I see" he mutters. He nods. "How long are you back in town for?" I ask. "Mother wanted me to check on the place while I am traveling through here. So, I stopped in. I needed a few weeks to myself before I have to fly out to India on business" he rambles on. "India wow. You had always wanted to go there" I remember. He always had dreamed of traveling around the world. He loved that novel "Around The World In 80 Days" Stuff like that was what he had been into. He was always a reader. A super genius. "Yea I have been there dozen times. The food is wonderful. The culture and art is amazing over there" he rambles on. "Good for you. I only have been here and New York. I could not afford to go any where after I lost my job out in New York" I mutter bitterly. While he was off jet setting around the world I was trying to afford to eat a bowl of roman noodles for the night. The world sucked. Too bad we could not be off seeing the world together. We used to talk about all the plans we had for the future. Stayed up late in the night dreaming of the places we would go. It happened for him. He was the lucky one. "I am sorry Brenda" he says softly as his eyes gaze at me sadly. "Don't be. It was by no fault but my own. Trusting a girl who got me fired so she could take over my job. I was not ready to play with the big fish is all. I could not make it there. It is better here. I am not to thrilled to be back. But it is nice. I could be somewhere a lot worse" I sigh. "Good way to look at things" he tells me. "Why are you really here? What is going on that lead you to Heaven Creek?" I ask him curiously. He sighs as he glances down at the ground not saying a word. "Aaron?" I ask softly. "Are you in trouble?" "I dumped a girl who worked for my company. She is trying to sell some of my work to another company who is trying to buy my business out. I had to get a break. So, I can figure it all out. I did not want anyone to know. It is my battle. I can win it" he explains. "I am sorry to hear that" I tell him. He nods. I felt a ping of jealousy hit me. Thinking of Aaron being with other women. I knew he had. But the fact did not make it any easier. I glance away as move away from him. I go to paint the wall I had been working on there. Aaron looks a bit confused. "Brenda? I thought we were getting a long well just now" he mutters. "Why are you doing this? Acting this way?" "Aaron people change. We are not the same people. Not like in high school" I remind him bitterly. "I know we are not. You know? Because the Brenda I once knew would never have shut me out of her life" he bitterly remarks. "Not the way you do. We had been best friends" "Had" I spit out with anger. Our eyes meet at last. Anger builds in the room like a storm in the night. "I am not the one who changed. Moved away. You did! You stopped being my friend. We never were meant to be friends I guess. Never in the same circle. Never will be" he bitterly remarks. His words sting at my heart. I go to slap his cheek. His hand catches my hand in the midst of a slap. We glare at one another. ♥☆♥☆♥ Before I knew what was going on he had me in his embrace. Anger flashed in his eyes for me. In the blink of an eye his lips fall to mine. My hand rests on his chest. My legs feel weak like jelly under me as his lips take over my soul. My head spins. Feeling love drunk, my lips return each kiss. It was even better than I ever had imagined. God, it was wonderful. So long I wanted this moment. I never had wanted anything more than to be here in his embrace. Feeling his lips on mine. Heat floods my head. It felt like it was a hundred degrees in the room being so close to him. He groans as our kisses race at a faster pace. The phone rings in the background. I could not hardly hear a thing as he kisses me. Kiss after kiss. I never wanted this to end. What could this mean? I could not think, the only thing that matter was this moment. At long last.... "Brenda? There is a Paul on the other line for you! He says Sailor told him to call about the double date this weekend?" mother calls out to me. I gasp as Aaron pushes me free. Anger then hurt flashes in his eyes. He leaves the room walking out. I wanted to call out to him to wait. To talk about that kiss. About us. My heart sinks. He just wanted to make me see he could have what ever he wanted being a big shot. That was all. Nothing more. Nothing less. Tears burn in my eyes. "I will get the phone mom!" I call back. I pick up the phone. "Got it mom! Hang up" I tell reply to her. "Hello?" I answer the phone as I hear a click on the other end. My lips still burned from his kiss. My heart ached for more of his kisses. My soul wanted to go chasing after him. Get off this phone. What was the right thing to do?? "Hi, is this Brenda Vance?" a man asks me. "This is she" I say. "Hi, looks like we have had a date lined up for this weekend?" he asks me. "Looks that way" I sigh as I sit down on the bed. I wished I was getting ready for a date with Aaron. Face, it Vance. That was never going to happen. Not in a million years. I knew it. It was high time my heart knew it.
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