
857 Words
Thola’s POV ‘Ugh, this plane is taking forever,’ I thought to myself, waking up. I slept most of the trip knowing that I am going to need major rest. When Malé is involved I tend to go a bit overboard and not sleep until everything is set right again, and this situation, well, is so far the worst that he has gotten himself into. “Thola, we’re landed we can get off now,” Darrel said shaking me. “Yeah, yeah. I’m awake, just lost in thought. Let’s go shall we?” As we descend the stairs, ‘these stairs are hella dangerous. How no one has died on these crazy ass metal stairs yet is way beyond me,’ I noticed an armoured hummer on the tarmac. ‘That f*****g hummer! What the hell, Miles? Why would you send that?’ There were two men in army getup and knowing that’s where we were going, the three of us set off in that direction. “Well, well. Look who we have here Thomas! Our princess has returned!” Parker joked running to me and wrapping me in his arms, lifting and spinning me around. “Damnit, Parker! Put me the hell down!” I try but fail to get out of his grip. “That’s it!” I warned, “I tried to go the easy way…” I trailed off knowing his scared ass would put me down if I threatened him. “Aww, princess, he was just having some fun,” Thomas joked “So, you brought the Puma, eh?” I smirked “Yeah, I wanted to bring the unicorn but the boss was so not having it. Something about it being too conspicuous at a civilian airport or some bullshit like that,” he said dejectedly. “WHAT? But that’s my baby! He can’t just insult my baby,” I said wiping a fake tear from my eyes while everyone else chuckled. “Alright you guys, let’s get going. We have to contact his informant and get some info to bring our guys home. Thola has some anger to get rid of and I, personally, am not looking to be the person who gets caught on the end of that,” Darrel said. The drive to the base was relatively quiet. All of us thinking of the mission briefing we are going to be having soon. Suddenly Parker shouts, making me jump slightly. “Oh s**t I forgot! Here, Thola, Boss asked me to give you this,” as he tossed me a satellite phone. “Well, at least he’s not clueless right?” I laughed, finally realizing that this is Malechai’s phone he uses to contact all his informants. ‘Dorogoy brat, gde ty?’ (dear brother where are you?) I thought to myself as we pulled up to the gates. The guard checked Parker and Thomas’ ID cards giving me one last look of alarm and let us through. It’s been a while yet not much has changed. ‘Ugh, they still haven’t gotten rid of that god forsaken statue of a gargoyle,’ coming out of my thoughts about that horrendous thing, I realize that we are now parked out front and the guys are giving me that ‘what the f**k?’ look like they’ve been talking to me for last 5 minutes. “Did I miss something?” Not meaning for it to come out in my b***h voice. Nobody replied and Darrel was just shaking his head with a smirk while Thomas was laughing. Like, full on hysteria. “I guess so” I mumbled to myself as I made my way inside, behind David and Darrel. As we are standing at the reception waiting on our ‘visitors’ badges a group of soldiers walk in coming from what looks to be the gym, making a ruckus. Suddenly I feel a hard * SMACK * on my ass causing me to stop everything. “WHAT THE f**k WAS THAT?” I bellowed so loud it seemed to echo. “Geiler Arsch cupcake, are you the entertainment for tonight?” (Nice ass – German) “Did this khuyesos (cocksucker) really just say that?” I question myself. “Aww, fuck.” Darrel says exchanging a look with David. “Oh, this’ll be fun!” he replies as they watch me stalk towards this Sasquatch looking motherfucker. “Care to repeat that?” I asked, c*****g my head to the left. “Are you th…” not getting to finish his sentence due to my fist in his fat face. I feel his teeth connect, piercing my knuckles, giving me a surge of power that surprised even me. As I send him flying backwards I hear a chuckle coming from the right that causes everyone’s attention to snap in that direction I turn to face Miles, “AND YOU......”
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