Chapter 7 Arrangements

1075 Words
Kaylee POV The older man walked me back to his car. He carefully took the ropes off of my bloody wrists. Smiling at me, he said, "Don't worry. My wife and I help to free the slaves. When you're ready, you can leave whenever you want to. By the way, my name is Kayo," Relief flooded my body. Finally, someone had come to help me. We drove over the mountains. During the car ride, I was sitting in the front seat and had the window cracked open. Now I could fully enjoy the scenery and not the car sickness. We were heading back to the Blue Mountain Pack. This wonderful man was taking me back home to my own pack. Upon entering the woods, I saw the cutest little cottage. Kayo pulled the car into the half-moon driveway. A friendly looking older woman met us at the door. "Hello my dear, my name is Lena. Welcome to our home. You poor thing come in, and we'll get you washed up." She takes my hand and leads me into the house. "Here is your room, and the bathroom is across the hall. I've placed a clean towel for you on the counter. Supper will be ready in about an hour." "Thank you so much," I said, smiling back at her. She looked at me with kind eyes, "It's my pleasure. We'll explain more during dinner. Right now, just relax and take a shower. Let me know if you need anything." I walked into my new room and saw a twin size bed in the corner. On the bed was a clean set of clothes laid out for me. Overcome with joy, tears formed in my eyes. As I stepped into the shower, the feeling of the hot water down my body was so southing. One doesn't fully appreciate a hot shower until you don't have one in a while. I loved the smell of the soap. It felt so good to feel like a werewolf again. My hair required me to use the conditioner twice to get all the blood and tangles out. After my shower, I put on the outfit. It was a pair of black leggings and an oversized sweater. Coming down the hall, I spotted the dining room table. Kayo was sitting at the head, reading a magazine. Lena was busy pulling some rolls out of the oven. "Have a seat, my dear." I took a seat as she walked over and sat down too. "Let's say a blessing for the food," Lena held my hand and started to pray, "Thank you, God, for this food that you have provided for us. Thank you for the money to save one more girl. Please help us to save others. Amen." I looked up at all the yummy food: roasted chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and rolls. The food was so delicious. Everything tasted better because I hadn't had an actual meal in two days. During the meal, they explained that they were on a mission to save young girls from the slave market. Kayo sadly explained, "Our daughter was taken away from us at the age of 18, so now we want to help others get their daughters back." "I could never repay you for saving me," I told them. "Are you one of the twenty-five girls that were taken from Cambria Pines?" Lena asked. "Yes, I was the first to be sold." Then the realization hit me, "The other girls are still with the Rogues." "Don't worry dear; Alpha King sent us a mind link informing us that he just found them." He does care about us, I thought to myself. "I'm so glad to hear that," I replied. "I have nothing to go back to. The Rogues murdered my mom and torched my house. I haven't been able to mind link with my dad. He is probably dead as well." Kayo looked at Lena, knowingly, "We could use some help around the house and bringing in food from the garden." "That would be great," I say. I just needed some time to think and mourn my losses. Going back to Cambria Pines would be too hard for me. I wasn't ready for that. It would be good for me to spend time in Fangdor. I had always wanted to visit and do some sightseeing. Maybe we could even have a tour of Hunter's Castle. Ace's POV Out of exhaustion, I threw myself on my bed. How could I have not found her yet? For the last three weeks, I have interrogated every werewolf named Fred in the whole kingdom. Searching every square inch of my territory and not once catching her scent. This is the first time that I have allowed myself to return home. I can't sleep without knowing she's safe. Maybe she would come to me in another vision. There was a knock at my door. "Now what," I groaned. "How dare you speak to me in that tone of voice, boy." my mother demanded. "Come in," I replied as I sat up on the side of the bed. "I have an idea to help find your mate," she stated. "Go on," I told her "Let's throw a celebration for the girls who have been safely returned. We will invite all the unmated females in our kingdom to attend." "Really, that's your great idea," I said, rolling my eyes. "I told you before; I don't want any of those girls. I only want my mate." "Well, it's too late to back out. The invitations have been sent, and the celebration is tomorrow," she said, huffing at me. Tomorrow, are you kidding me? As she was walking away, I informed her of my boundaries. "I will be in attendance tomorrow, but I will not look at them. Have the servants turn my throne around facing the wall. The girls who wish can be walked behind me. That way, I will not be persuaded by beauty or power. If my mate is present, I will be able to detect her. There will be no talking allowed." My mother was trying to control me, and I was not going to tolerate it. Even my father had to endure her passive-aggressive behavior. She pushes and nags until she gets her way. "Fine, have it your way," she yelled as she stormed out of my room. Then she slammed my door shut out of frustration.  
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