Chapter 8 Crystal Lake

1081 Words
Kaylee's POV It had been several weeks since I arrived here with Kayo and Lena. They are so good to me. "Good Morning, dear," Lena called. "Good morning," I answered her. "We just received an invitation to the Castle. The Alpha King will be choosing his mate today. Would you like to go?" she asked. I replied, "Oh no, I don't like those kinds of events. Plus, I don't have anything nice to wear." "Ok, I see. Next to Crystal Lake is a grove of apple trees. Would you mind going sometime today and picking a basket of apples for us? We could make apple pies." she said, smiling. Apple pies sounded so good. It reminded me of my mom. When I was a young pup, she would sit me on the counter and make them together. She bought me my own little pie tin. After my Mom cut off the extra pie crust, she would sprinkle them with cinnamon and sugar and bake them in the oven. I miss her so much. "That sounds good. I'll go later this afternoon," I told Lena. I completed my duties around the house. Then Lena and I pulled weeds out in the garden. She handed me a basket with a red towel inside. "By this time of year, the lake should be warm enough for a swim. Take this towel with you just in case." "Thanks," I told her. "I love to swim." As I made my way up to Crystal Lake, I could hear the birds singing in the trees. The sun was finally coming up in my life after all the rain. I still cried myself to sleep every night, but even that was getting better. Upon arriving at the lake, its view was breathtaking. The lake's clear blue water was so inviting. I quickly took off my shoes and socks and went for a stroll on the shore. The water temperature was a little cold, but I couldn't resist. Looking around at all the trees, I had to make sure that I was alone. I took off all my clothes and laid them at the bottom of an apple tree. Carefully I stepped into was lake's water. Since it was cold, I thought the best way to acclimate my body was to take the plunge. I dove into the water headfirst and started swimming around to warm up. When I resurfaced from my drive, I took a deep breath in. There was a fantastic smell of evergreen trees, mixed with cedar and a hint of vanilla. I had never smelled that combination before. If that scent were a candle, I would buy it. I made a mental note to come here more often, just to smell this heavenly aroma. After I was finished swimming, I dried off with the red towel, still needing to pick apples and walk back to the cottage. I was afraid to be out in the woods alone at night. I quickly put my clothes back on and started putting apples in my basket. As I reached up for a juicy red apple, I heard a twig snap in the woods. Ace's POV It was noon, and my pack was arriving for the celebration. Of course, my mother, Isabella, had arranged everything. She probably had already planned the wedding as well. Let's get this over with, I said to myself. I walked down a secret corridor that leads directly to my throne. My ancestors built it for the Royals to escape in an emergency. I sat down on my throne, with my back to the audience. In a loud voice, the announcer proclaimed, "Beta Alex will usher every unmated female past Alpha King Ace. If you are the lucky one chosen as his mate, you will move into the Castle tonight." I could hear all of the girls giggling and whispering to each other. They all wanted me to choose them. One by one, they walked behind my throne. Fake perfume filled the air. It made my stomach churn. My head was starting to pound, with pressure building behind my eye. The smell was worse than the perfume store in the mall. Instantly I knew my mate was not in the room. Her scent was so natural and calming. With my werewolf hearing, I could hear everything the girls were whispering. Igniting my anger. I specifically said no talking. One of the girls said she only wanted to be Queen and didn't care about me at all. The nerve of them to come into my Castle and disrespect me. I let out an earth-shattering howl, breaking all of the windows. "I am not choosing any of you. Get out of my Castle! Whoever is not gone by the time I get back will be thrown into the dungeon." With that, I ran out the side door and into the rose garden. Shifting into my wolf, Nanook ran deep into the woods. I didn't care where we were going. I desperately needed to get some fresh air. Nanook ran and ran to burn off my anger. Realizing how thirsty I was, Nanook stopped by Crystal Lake to have a drink. Crystal Lake was my favorite spot to clear my mind. I liked to watch the waves ripple against the shore. I bent my head down and started lapping up the water, that's when I saw her. Her head popped up from underneath the blue water. Standing there, I froze, not wanting to make a sound. She was completely naked. Slowly I backed away and hid in the trees. I turned my eyes away, not wanting to see her nakedness until the appointed time. I could start to smell her scent now. Following my nose, I found her clothes on the ground. Yup, this was definitely my mate, Kaylee. The sound of the water splashing awakened me from my daydream. I turned away and ran back to the cover of the trees. I had to meet her. Looking for her for the last three weeks has made me crazy. If I transform into my human form, I'll be naked. That not exactly appropriate for meeting your mate for the first time. If I stay in my wolf form, would she be scared of me? We had a thread of a mate bond, which had already formed during my vision. Taking my chances, I would have Nanook meet her first. I slowly started to walk out into the clearing.
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