Please Help Me

1556 Words
BYLNA’S POV I ran. I did not know when my legs propelled me forward, but I found myself, running through the broad hallways of the pack house, seeking a particular person. Griffith. The words the alpha had uttered, still rang in my head, and it played like a broken record, on and on again. My breath caught in my throat as I ran. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision. Softs sobs escaped my lips. I could not believe that my father was about to executed, and for something I was clueless on. Questions remained afloat in my mind, eager to be answered, but right now, I needed comfort, reassurance. I did not want my father to die. The lay out of the pack house was still a bit familiar to me , and I knew exactly where to find him. My eager legs carried me up the broad stair way and I approached a small mahogany door. My knuckles reverberated through the surface, and I waited impatiently for a response. After a few seconds of waiting, the door clicked open and my eyes travelled to the man hovering above me. There he stood, framed within the doorway, a sight that took my breath away. Griffith’s sculpted physique was on full display, his shirtless form radiating an undeniable magnetism. Every contour of his chiseled chest and rippling muscles seemed to accentuate his innate attractiveness. His sun-kissed skin glowed, highlighting his toned arms and defined abdominal muscles. Droplets of water clung to his damp, tousled hair, hinting at a recent shower. His hazel eyes, deep and intense, locked onto mine, and a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of his full, inviting lips. The dim light filtering through the room behind him cast a soft, golden glow on his features, emphasizing the strong angles of his jawline and the slight stubble that graced it. His perfectly sculpted eyebrows framed his eyes, which seemed to hold an enigmatic sparkle, inviting me deeper into his world. As he leaned casually against the door frame, I couldn’t help but admire the way his lean muscles flexed with every movement. Confidence emanated from him, and it was impossible to resist being drawn to his magnetic presence. “Baby?” he asked, his baritone voice ringing through my whole being. He closed the distance between us, his hand circling my waist and the other grazing my tear stained cheek. “What’s wrong?” “M-My father...he.. he’s g-going to be...” I trailed off, as I was unable to form any incoherent sentence through my sobs. Griffith let out a sigh and pulled me into his room, slamming the door behind us. “Come on, take deep breath and tell me what’s going on.” I nodded, took deeps breaths and began to narrate everything that I had witnessed. From the guards storming into our house and dragging my father away, to the Alpha, Griffith’s father sentencing my father to death. “I don’t even have a clue what’s going on Griffith. I have no idea what my father did,” I sobbed, my eyes trailing to his face. “Please, Griffith, he’s your father, please talk to him. I don’t want my father to die,” I croaked as my hands grinned his arms firmly. Griffith pulled me to him, and I snuggled into his firm chest. “You have nothing to worry about. I’ll make sure your father dies not get executed.” I looked up at him, a glint of hope in my eyes. “You can do that?” Griffith smiled at me warmly. “Anything for you baby,” he chuckled. Butterflies danced in my stomach as we locked gazes. I could not believe that this hot, smoking man in front of me, was mine, and I was his. Griffith slowly lowered his head to me, and his lips grazed mine ever so slightly. “It’ll be fine,” he whispered against my lips. Without another second to spare, we locked lips and I could feel my whole being melt. My hands circled around his neck, and I felt his grip on my waist tighten. Griffith pressed his body against mine and a gasp escaped my lips as he slid his tongue into my mouth. My legs quivered as my centre began to heat up. I wanted more. As I began to drown in his arms, a knock came on the door, breaking both of us out of our trance. Griffith clicked his tongue and reluctantly left my side and walked to the door. “What is it?” he growled the moment he swung the door open. I propped my head to the side and saw maid, standing outside the door. “The alpha has asked for your presence.” Griffith sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He nodded and slammed the door shut. He turned to me, shooting me an apologetic smile. “Looks like I’ll have to go now. Just...don’t worry your pretty little head over this. I’ll do something about it.” I nodded and he planted a kiss on my forehead. With a heavy heart, I reluctantly tore my gaze away from Griffith and turned to leave. As I walked down the hallway, my mind couldn’t help but replay the recent events that had left me devastated. The execution of my father, a wrongful act committed by the Alpha, had shattered my world. But Griffith, my beacon of hope, had promised to intervene, to convince his own father to spare my father’s life. The weight of the impending decision hung heavily on my shoulders, and the doubts and fears swirled within me. What if Griffith’s pleas fell on deaf ears? What if my father’s life was truly hanging by a thread? The uncertainty gnawed at my insides, but I clung to the fragile hope that Griffith had offered. Arriving at my home, I hesitated outside the door, catching the faint sound of my mother’s voice. I recognized the anxious, strained tone, the telltale sign of an argument. My heart sank further as I realized the weight my father’s impending execution had placed on our family. Summoning my courage, I pushed open the door and stepped inside. The moment my presence was known, my parents’ voices abruptly silenced, their eyes darting towards me. The room felt heavy with unspoken tension, and an unsettling suspicion settled in the pit of my stomach. My eyes moved to my father and the questions I had began to resurface in my mind. “Father, I need to know. Did you really do those things you are being a-“ Before I could finish, the door swung open harshly and Baird’s trooped our home, uninvited. They walked past me and grabbed my father by the arm. “Your time is up, it is time for the execution.” I went owl eyed and my whole body froze. Before I utter a word, the guards began to pull my father towards the door. “Wait! Don’t take him away! I need to talk to my father!” I yelled. My screams fell on deaf ears as none of them did as much as look at me. Two guards walked up to my mother and I, their large frame hovering over us. “You are both coming with us.” One of the guards grabbed me by the arm, startling me. Their presence was overwhelming, their grip firm as they forcefully dragged my mother and I away. I could feel the panic rising within me, choking my breath and clouding my thoughts. The guards herded us to the execution grounds, a grim procession of condemned souls. As we reached our destination, they forced us to don black robes, the garments of despair that symbolized our imminent doom. The weight of the fabric felt suffocating, mirroring the heaviness in my heart. A sea of faces surrounded us, their gazes filled with a morbid mix of curiosity and detachment. The atmosphere was thick with a sense of finality, the hushed whispers and muted sobs punctuating the grim silence. My eyes darted desperately through the crowd, searching for a glimpse of Griffith. And there he stood, just as I had hoped, beside his father, the Alpha. But instead of finding solace in his presence, a bitter wave of hurt washed over me as his gaze met mine, only to quickly avert away. Griffith had promised to help me, to sway his father’s decision and spare my father’s life. But here, in this moment of ultimate despair, he stood by the Alpha’s side, complicit in the unfolding tragedy. The realization struck me like a betrayal, a sharp pain that cut through the fragile hope I had clung to. As my father was positioned before the executioner, the world seemed to blur around me. The sounds of hushed murmurs and shuffling feet faded into the background, replaced by the pounding of my heart, each beat echoing with a piercing ache. Time slowed, each passing second an agonizing eternity. I watched, my vision blurred by tears, as the executioner raised his blade, poised to strike the final blow. The crowd held its breath, anticipation and dread mingling in the air. The blade swung downward, and in that moment, the air went still.
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