
His Weakness

weak to strong
vampire's pet

*Book 1 of the Collision Series*

Violet may be best friends with Charlotte the most popular girl in school but she's always been the shy tag-along nerd. She thinks her life is a nightmare but when strange men break into her home and drag her from her home into a nasty, dark cell without any explanation she's sure it is. Uprooted and terrified, she finds that she's not alone in the darkness and quickly finds out that she doesn't belong amongst this group. Why does she keep hearing a voice inside of her head? And why are all of the children sharing the cell frightened of the person wearing the navy hoodie?

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Happy Birthday to Me
When my alarm clock rang, I didn't get ready for school with the anticipation that my life would be ruined before 9 am in the morning.  In fact, I'd had high hopes for today.  Turning seventeen only happens once and though I'd been known to have mediocre birthdays in the past, I was sure that this year would be different.  It would be better.  I'd dressed in a nice sundress and sandals, practically skipped downstairs with a vibrant, positive attitude, and decided today would be the day that I finally told Ethan Bradley that I liked him.     I hoped that he might even like me a bit, too, even though he was the stereotypical "hot jock" at my school and I was--well, I certainly wasn't my best friend Charlotte.  She had the sky blue eyes and mile-long cheerleading toned legs.  I was always up in the bleachers, rounded glasses set on my thin nose, watching mutely from the sidelines.  I wasn't unattractive really, just shy and I hadn't "blossomed" the way some of the other seniors had.  Still a skinny bean pole, I'd cut long bangs in my black hair in the hope of making my eyes pop a little less.  I've had violet eyes since birth and, as cool as they looked, they brought on a lot of attention and that's the last thing I wanted.     "Violet, darling," my mom, setting a plate of food in front of me.  I just took a piece of toast and waved quickly before ducking toward the front door.  "Wait for Theo, please," she complained.     I huffed, halting at the door and crossing my arms over my chest.  My brother Theo was only younger than me by two years but he drove me bonkers.  Always pulling pranks on me, going through my personal items--he'd gotten his hands on my diary last year and I'd effectively stopped writing in one after he'd hounded me with mockery for having a crush on Ethan.  It's been one horror story after another after that.     "Theo!" I called up the steps.  Then after tapping my foot for what felt like a century, I finally turned to my mom sipping her coffee from her stool at the kitchen table, "He's going to make me late, mom."  I know I sounded whiney but why is this kid my responsibility?     She frowned and glanced at her clock and started rising from her stool when he came rushing down the stairs, his black hair thick and wet from the shower he'd just taken.  "I'm here, I'm here," he muttered, looking me over with a frown.  "Why do we always have to walk together?" he asked with narrowed eyes.  Unlike me, he had deep green eyes and a bone structure that made the girls in his class swoon.  It really wasn't fair that my brother only a tenth grader and more popular than me.     I frowned.  "Mom said so."     "Bye mom!" he hollered before brushing out the door ahead of me without a glance backwards.  I shut the door after us, making sure to lock it, before shuffling after him.  We were probably a ten minute walk from school and, of course, along the way we stopped to pick up Phil, my brother's best friend.  Phil was a sweet kid, the complete opposite of my brother with his smaller build and geeky style--they actually became friends after my brother knocked over Phil's bully.     The two were going on and on about some anime and I just popped in my headphone and just followed along behind them the rest of the way.  I guess I just have spaced out because I bumped right into my brother's back when he stopped abruptly just across the street from the school.  He turned and pulled my headphone out, winning a disgruntled noise from me.  "Hey--"     "Isn't that Charlotte sucking face with lover boy?" he said, pointing toward the front of the school.     My eyes followed where he was pointing and there they were--my best friend had her hands tangled in the brown hair of the boy I'd had a crush on since we were in elementary school.  Ethan was holding her boldy flush to his and I could see their mouths parted against each other.  Spit was being swapped and, from what I could tell, ass was being grabbed.     My chest tightened and I gripped my bookbag straps tightly as I went pale.     "Damn," my brother laughed.  "Sucks to suck."     Swallowing hard, I tried to push down my tears and thought, for a moment, about turning around and going back home.  I could tell my mom I was feeling ill.  Cough a bit.  My grades are amazing, she probably wouldn't even question a really lame performance on my part.  About to pivot, I noticed Phil punched my brother's shoulder, muttering something about insensitivity but I couldn't focus on that, Charlotte's voice ringing out through the air like a tolling bell as she loudly announced my arrival:  "Violet!" Blinking, I forced my eyes to the girl that should have been my best friend and forced a weak smile.  "Happy birthday, VI!" she shouted, vaulting herself at me to pull me into a tight hug.     As if to add salt the wound, Ethan was trailing behind her, quickly pulling her back to his side as he offered me an easy, breathtaking smile.  "Happy birthday, Violet."     I forced the hurt down, nails now digging into my straps and noticed how my brother and Phil had already made their escape, Phil shooting me apologetic looks over his shoulder.  He really was a good kid.  My eyes felt like they were burning but I forced a wide smile as Charlotte announced her new relationship with my lifelong crush.  "Good for you," I said, the words burning like acid on my tongue.  Of course Ethan would be happier with Charlotte.  Of course they made the perfect couple.  So why did my chest hurt so much?     When the bell rang, the couple quickly headed into the school and I found myself following behind them at a distance, just as I'd followed behind my brother and his best friend on the way to school.  Maybe I was destined to be a side character, an add on to somebody else's story.     Biting my lip, I looked down at the dress I'd picked out just this morning and felt ridiculous for wearing it.  When I got to my locker, I pulled out the small jacket I leave in there for when the A/C is cranked especially high and wrapped it tightly around myself.  Not even 9 am on my seventeenth birthday and I was ready to just go home already.

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