Chapter12 Online Celebrity

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"It's called live streaming. I bet you don’t know such an avant-garde!" There was a hint of pride in Emma's voice. Live streaming was a newly popular form of online gameplay. Even though she was in the upper class, she was just getting into contact with it and had not fully understood the routines and rules of the live streaming platform. She didn't think Norman would know it. "By live streaming, you can attract your fans and make money!" "I'll have more fans than you, so don't be jealous!" Emma tried to show off to Norman again, but Norman walked away thoughtfully. Was live streaming something avant-garde? He lived more than thirty years in his previous life and at home with all kinds of live streaming software. Suddenly, he had an idea. Maybe it would be a good opportunity for him to be on air now. Judged from the tone of Emma, the live stream was just coming into vogue. Regal Entertainment hadn't given Norman any announcements or media appearances in three or five months. It had become a fact that he was banned. His father was still in the hospital with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which was difficult to treat and required long-term medication. He had no income now. How could this work if he didn't find another way to make money? He couldn't really rely on Emma to support him and his family. No, then Emma's father would despise him even more. "Hey, what are you thinking about?" Norman did not respond for a long time and sat by himself in a daze. "What do you think of me making money by live streaming?" "Are you afraid I can't keep you?" "I'm a man. How can I ask you to keep me?" "When I make money, I'll support you," Norman spoke to Emma so seriously for the first time. Emma was bewildered by the sudden happiness. She gave Norman a good kiss on the cheek and fell into his arms. Everything today was as unreal as a dream. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Yes, I want to give it a shot. " Emma knew Norman was shut out by Regal Entertainment. She wanted so much to help him, but she couldn't. Her family's business did not go into showbiz, and no matter how much money she had, she couldn't make it. "I'll help you if you really want to. Even though I just started, I already have over 500 followers." Emma showed off her work like a child. "Well, thank you." Norman gently touched Emma's head. Emma registered a live streaming account for Norman and then took the initiative to explain live broadcast rules and matters needing attention to Norman. Everything went smoothly under Emma's guidance. There was just one more thing. Regal Entertainment warned him that he and his family would not be at peace if he appeared in public. If Norman was alone, he would be afraid. But now he had parents and a sister, and even someone he liked. He had to be concerned about the safety of these people. What should he do? He thought about the web celebrity he had seen in his previous life who would use makeup, buffing, beautifying, and even changing their face. Which one was right for him? One day, he lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. "What are you thinking about?" A grimace was shaking in front of him. "Ah!" Norman screamed in horror. In his previous life, when he was bored, he would watch horror movies to find excitement, but he was still surprised by his naughty sister. "Where did you get this?" "I bought it in a small market. My classmates asked me to go to a fancy dress party in a couple of days. I thought it was fun and bought one." "Who's going to a fancy dress ball with this? You'll be turned out if you go in that dress." Norman snapped at her. "Isn't it beautiful? I'll buy a nice one later." Lily said and walked out. "Wait! Why don't you get one for me?" "The one that only covers the top half of my face, will you?" "What do you want that for? You're not going to a fancy dress ball." Lily asked her brother, puzzled. "Live streaming! " After being scared by Lily, Norman got inspired instead. They wouldn’t know who he was with the mask on. Lily bought the mask. Norman almost fainted when he saw it. Seriously? A shiny silver one with a black and white feather in the top left corner? "Oh god, it is so girly. " Norman stared at the mask for a long time. Finally, he decided to pull out the eyesore feather and make do with it. On the first day, he put on a mask, pressed the live button, and started his live tour. However, there was no one watching him. Norman was disappointed. Not long ago, he could rely on his face to earn attention for himself. Now that his face was covered, what could he expect?   Five whole hours passed and no one paid any attention to him. Staring at the screen for a long time, he began to yawn. He was so sleepy that he almost fell asleep. "Nobody?" "He said to himself. Just as he said that, the first visitor to his live set appeared.   "Are you a fool? Why are you wearing a mask if it's live?" Then the only visitor dropped out of Norman's studio. Norman was furious. "Are you a fool? Now that the live broadcast is on, are you still afraid that people will see your face? Why are you wearing a mask? " Then the only visitor withdrew from Norman's live set. Norman was furious. Of course, he wanted to do it openly and honestly! But reality did not allow him to do so. Nobody understood him, at least not yet.   Norman's live streaming was on until nine o 'clock at night, when he was about to fall asleep. All day, just one audience came and put dents in his enthusiasm. The frustration made him want to give up. "How's it going? How many girls' hearts have you captured today?" Emma called and asked him. She always thought she should hide Norman in her villa and keep him away from girls. He could have depended on his good looks, but he chose his true flair.   "Alas!" Norman heaved a heavy sigh. "None." "It's hard to live on air, even harder to live on air with a mask on!" Emma heard the loss in his words, a little distressed. "Count me in! " As she spoke, she followed Norman and showered him with gifts in his live set. "Don't lose heart. Everything is difficult to begin with. Now with me in the lead, everything will be all right." Comfort from a girlfriend worked better than anything. Having succeeded in gaining his first fan, Norman reinvigorated himself. 
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