just when you thought that everything was going to be smooth and good bam something happens to throw a knife in it

1215 Words
it's never nothing good happen ing when you think you doing everything that you could do the right way some type of blockage always ruin everything and you stuck I don't know what to do about it everything that you thought you were doing it seems as if taking you back and leaving you not knowing what to do next the devil always trying to do something ruin everything you trying to do with your life take away a lot you don't know what to do next maybe it's not meant for your life to change you want it so bad that you can taste the change but it's always something that's holding everything back the process is going slow not fast which is leaving you hopeless don't know what to do who to turn to or want to help you when you want to situation like this one thing for sure you know that you have your faith and all you have to do is keep praying about everything and one day your prayers to be answered but it seems like now you have to just wait and wait continuously waiting until your time comes you think your time is going to come sooner rather than later but it's not every time you sit up here I think that you about to move forward it's something always pulling you backwards we shouldn't let that happen we don't have no control everything does happen for a reason and when stuff like this happen what do you do except for pray and let God take the wheel and keep you uplifted and praying that everything is going to be all right you always wondering sometimes why me what have I done to have to keep on waiting for this spectacular life to become a reality not everything is going to be easy I know that life ain't easy what is what you make of it and what type of stuff that you deal with in life is your choice can nobody make decisions for you that's something that you have to do for yourself but I have been through so much and sometimes I think that am I going to have a happy ending I don't know it seems as if when I think I'm going to have a happy ending blockage sabotage everything in my life today wouldn't be like this if my wife was still living sadly I lost her 3 years ago now I got to pick up pieces and get myself together do what I have to do to make life better for myself because you only get my life I can't live for nobody but me no worries about anyone else let me cuz at the end of the day when you leave here you're not going to have an Entourage you will be alone take nothing body else with you when God said for you it doesn't matter where you're at you could be out at the movies and decide that you want to take a nap and if God wants you then he going to take you we don't have an expiration date don't know when our time is going to come so how do we prepare ourselves we just got to do what we got to do and wait for continue to take care of ourselves cuz ain't nobody else want to that's just life when everything happens to us the reason behind no one know s hell we don't know just crazy this life that we all live in today try to do the right thing or something always come and interfere when we trying to do everything the right correctly way you have to be strong and don't let fear demolish you that's something that you have them do for you not for nobody else cuz ain't nobody going to live for you you got to live for you and appreciate all that's given and stay humble grateful loyal honest at all times be you don't change for nobody if they can't accept you the Way you are forget them because evidently they don't know a good person when they see them always keep your head up don't ever walk with your head down you walk with your head up chest up and when you're having conversation with somebody look into their eyes don't be looking all around that's disrespectful you have to know how to respect others know that life can't change at a blink of an eye we don't know why that happens if we knew we'll probably be better things and think before we react right now this very moment my health is not good this vertigo ain't nothing to play with I found out there's a lot of foods that I cannot enjoy anymore do I like it hell no but I would rather be healthy than being somebody hospital I rather know what I need to eat then keep on eating all the bad food that's not good for me I don't want to keep on eating food that's not good and trigger my vertigo I don't like it so I got to work on me eat what I supposed to eat take care of myself cuz in 5 years your girl will be 50 and I want to still look good and healthy before that I mean you look at me and think that I'm physically fit and don't have no issues but you can't judge a book by its cover baby you got to open that book up and you got to start from the beginning to the end started reading learning understanding and not judge no one cuz you wouldn't want to buy the judge you like I always say I don't judge nobody I never will either cuz I don't want nobody to say anything off the wall to me I'll try to dictate my life it's not for nobody to do my life is my life and your life is your life so you live the way you want to live and I believe the way I want to live by that means necessary at the end of the day all you have is your faith and your word strong support system behind you that's what I always keep you uplifted that's how it is so I say this if you can believe it you can achieve it you move forward never move backwards and then your life will be so much better don't bring your past to your presence don't do well on your past and mess your blessings just know that you can do bad all by yourself and you can also do good too if you have someone in your life that's a hinder let him go continue to do you and live how you want to live without any regrets you shouldn't have no regrets in life because everything that you have done in your life it was a reason why you done it you can't take it back you can't take back some to happen day before yesterday and think that it's going to be the same the next day after that that day gone keep up with the present day

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