Mayhem II

1823 Words
" IT IS THE UNDER b***h RISEN FROM THE DEAD AND SHE HAS COME BEARING A HUGE GRUDGE !!! ". The crowd went wild , it seemed they were only here for entertainment , they did not care if it was Martha or May that was providing it or at the receiving end of it . Dean watched as she stumbled back after striking Martha with her chair that was still strangely straight . Martha stumbled forward and fell to her knees but she was back up again in a few seconds and was staring at May with a very specific disgust . She rushed forward to hit May but May dodged her attempt and hit her instead , earning another round of raving from the crowd . It all seemed like a drunken fight since May was staggering so much but Dean saw that it was what they had practiced before , she was sticking to it even as she was on the brink of collapsing . She was dodging and hitting only pressure points but Martha was a big opponent and May was fighting on borrowed strength . But , she would not back down even when Martha's hands came around May's neck , strangling her , she was laughing hysterically and whispering words for only Martha's ears . She looked insane with the blood streaking down her face as she laughed . She twisted and turned and climbed Martha's hands like a monkey to free herself from Martha's hold . " OH , HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED . A LITTLE ADVISE FOR YOU YOUNG ONES , NEVER GET INTO A FIGHT WITH A b***h THAT JUST REFUSES TO f*****g DIE ALREADY !!! ". The crowd screamed acknowledgements and Dean just shook his head , wishing the commentator would also just fall and die already . As Martha took a step back , May delivered a perfectly executed round house kick Into Martha's face and Martha staggered backward , she was aggressively wiping away the blood that had began to drip from her ear , it seemed Martha had a phobia for blood . Her attempts at wiping the blood only left a bigger mess that she seemed to be really irked about . Dean noticed then that even as she and May exchanged hits and kicks , she stayed away from the bloody parts of May's body . Dean tried to push against the men that were holding him as he strained forward and screamed for May . " May !!!! She is afraid of blood , she doesn't touch your bloody parts !!! ". His distraction cost May because as soon as she turned to look at him , she was falling down from Martha's hit to her chest and he was not even sure that she had heard him amidst the crowds screaming , Dean swore aggressively . " AHHH , A COSTLY SECRET HAS BEEN REVEALED . HAS THE UNDER b***h DISCOVERED OUR METAL MARTHA'S KRYPTONITE ?!?!? ". May jumped up almost as soon as she fell and ran towards Martha . She jumped on Martha and began to rub her body on Martha's like a puppy . She had heard him and was doing it , putting as much blood as she could on Martha. Martha bellowed and threw May off but she fell in the same way that Dean had taught her to and was up in the next moment rushing after Martha who was furiosly wiping at the blood that had gotten all over her . May began to punch her again , anywhere she could touch , she made sure to deliver enough impact while simultaneously reading Martha's next step so she could avoid it before it came. Martha had grown slower and May had grown bloodier but not slower , it was like the more pain she felt , the more pain she was releasing . " FOR THE FIRST TIME , I FEEL I MIGHT BE PSYCHIC BECAUSE I KNOW , YES , I KNOW THE QUESTION THAT IS ON EVERYONE'S MIND ". " DOES THIS b***h NEVER REALLY DIEEE ?!?!?! " She had cornered Martha and was hitting her everywhere and only stopped when Martha began to cough up blood. May held Martha by her hair and raised her face to the light before she slapped her like Martha had done to her at the beginning of the fight . " Surrender and let me leave this filthy place ! Just fuckin give it up already , you big oaf- ess ". But Martha only spat on May and head-butted her and so they started again and when May kicked Martha next , she did not stumble but instead fell . May must have thought it was finally over because she turned around and looked over at Blade and then Dean who closed his eyes as he heaved a relieved sigh . He abruptly opened his eyes back when Blade bellowed loudly . " Mayyyy !!!! ". Dean opened his eyes just in time to see Martha behind May , she was holding the chair over May's head . And before May could react , the chair had struck her loudly . May's eyes widened before she fell to her knees and fresh blood began to drip down her face again . Dean could not stand the blank look on May's face , he was struggling with the three men whose hold did not budge as he watched May struggle to breathe . Martha came forward for the finishing blow and locked her hand around May's neck while May just stared into Oblivion . Dean begged and sobbed and begged for it all to stop, he could not watch yet another person die . Suddenly , May's hands came up like a zombie's and grabbed Martha on both side . She held onto Martha as she stood up while Martha tried to tighten her grip around May's neck . May widened her legs , balancing herself before picking Martha up from her waist and throwing her over . The crowd gasped as Martha fell with her head first and a very loud crunch . May fell back on her knees and a bell sounded somewhere far away. The grip on Dean reduced only slightly but enough for Dean to break out of . He rushed forward , on to the center of the arena where May knelt unblinking . He grabbed her , calling her name repeatedly and receiving no response at all . He lifted her in his arms and ran off the center where Blade had already broken free too and was aggressively clearing a path for Dean . Dean ran through the clearing amidst the droning of the commentator and the crowds buzzing .When he reached the doors , they swung open on their own and Dean saw that Jade had been the one to open it . Jade looked from May to Dean and turned around immediately . " Come with me ". He ran off and Dean went with him , past the same hallways he had been running on just yesterday . They kept running till they reached a hallway that was far away from the others . They ran into a room in this hallway , the room must have been the clinic , Blade ran in to and closed the door behind them . Dean followed Jade to a bed that was propped and ready. By the bed , on a small table , there were different medical supplies . " I gathered everything I could find ". Dean noticed that only the part of the room they stood had been cleaned , including the bed , this must have been where Jade had disappeared too . " Okay , did you find any scrubs she can change into ? " Jade nodded and pulled out a polythene bag that had a pair of scrubs and several gloves and hair covers . He gave Jade and Blade gloves and they both began to sterilize the equipment while Dean cleaned her up and searched for all of the cuts on her body . Luckily , her head had stopped bleeding so it was easier for Dean to find the opening that had caused the bleeding in the first place . They spent the next two hours sewing , disinfecting , cleaning and covering May up . When they were done , Dean melted some pain relievers in water and helped her drink it. They all sat around to watch her . " I could not watch it , it was so scary and bloody ". Jade sounded like he was apologizing but he had done a part , a very great part. It would have taken him forever to find the clinic and then clean the dusty place and then the equipment before coming to get them . " No , you saved her , if she had bled for longer from her head then she would have needed to go to an actual hospital and since the game does not allow it , we would have been forced to watch her die , so you did save her life in the end ". Jade nodded and wiped his face slowly, exhaling softly . " But will she be okay ? ". Dean looked over to Blade who had been silent since , he looked the most shocked by all this . He had been wringing his hand since but had stopped as soon as Jade asked the question , he looked terrible . " Blade ? " Blade looked over to Dean and Dean smiled at him . " Did you not watch the fight too ? Did you see how many times she crawled back up ? How many times she pushed herself harder than we thought possible ? There is no way anything will happen to her . She will wake up tomorrow as strong as ever and begin to annoy all of us immediately she wakes up ". " You both do not need to worry about May ". Blade nodded and wiped his face , Jade jumped on Blade hugging him tightly while Blade returned the hug . They were whispering words to each other , Dean could not hear it all but he did catch the ' She will be okay ' that Jade said to Blade as their hug came to an end . Dean watched them wondering why he could comfort them and not comfort himself . Even he was scared that something would happen to her and that it would have happened on his watch . He looked over to where she lay , her chest rising and falling softly and whispered breathlessly to himself too . " She will be okay ".
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