The way to a man

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They were all looking at Dean weirdly now and Dean did not know why . Blade still continued to gorge himself on chocolate as he watched everything unfold . Jade grabbed Dean's hands , causing Dean to turn to him . Dean begrudgingly did , only to find Jade's eyebrows dancing on his face . " What is your problem ? Do you have face paralysis or something ? " Jade only chuckled as he continued his stupidity , he eventually cleared his throat . " We all heard your confession loud and clear , there is no denial now ". Dean blinked and turned to look at all of them. Blade was staring intently at him while May's eyes were on the ceiling . " I did not confess anything, you twit ". Jade grinned and grabbed May's hands , intent on mimicking Dean as he shouted . " You are worth that and you are worth this and I just wanted you to know that you are the greatest of all women that ever lived !!!". He stopped his mimicry and turned around to Dean once more . " How do you explain that ? " Dean only rolled his eyes before he answered them . " I was only telling her the truth because I did not want to have any regrets like that again ". " Regrets ? What sort of regrets ? Regrets from a past flame ? " Blade had paused his eating to ask and his half eaten chocolate hung in the air as he focused on Dean . Dean was not sure why they were suddenly so interested in he and May's business . " The kind of regrets that I would have had if she had died while thinking that she was not worth anything ". They all went silent as they observed him " So , the grand gesture was not a confession but a declaration of your faith In her ? As a comrade ? " Dean was sure that he and Jade had very different and varying definitions of grand gesture but he still nodded and Jade exhaled deeply like he was a punctured air bag . " That is so dark and harsh , I can genuinely see that you have no friends or flames ". Blade nodded in agreement to Jade and Dean nodded too , it was true after all . May chuckled slowly . " Why are you all making it so drab ? Dean's personal life is none of our business ". " Besides Jade , it is quite obvious that you would have a worse social life than Dean , am I wrong ?". Jade screamed like he had been burned while his hands rested on his chest , clutching it . Dean turned and smiled gratefully at her , thankful that she was understanding of the situation . Blade returned to where he had been sitting before while Jade forcefully pushed the pack of chips into Dean's chest and joined Blade at the other end of the room . Dean ignored them and turned to May . " How do you feel though? " Her face had regained a lot of colour. " Quite embarrassed , I am the only female and I had to faint like a damsel in distress and leave you all to tend me ". She looked down at her body ,"At least , I was not changed this time around ". Dean chuckled . " Yeah, I thought that might be a bad idea . We should probably leave you to rest now ". Dean suggested softly and May nodded in agreement . " Yes , I might just get worse if I have to keep watching Blade gorge himself on that chocolate ". Dean turned to see Blade and grimaced , Why would anyone eat that much chocolate in this situation ? He turned back to May and grinned . " I will get them very far from you,rest well ". Dean stood and walked over to where they sat , he did not bother to say anything to them and just hooked his hands behind their heads , pulling them out by their collars . Blade did not acknowledge that he was being dragged out and just focused on stuffing his face with more chocolate while Jade stretched forward to drag the halved sack of snacks along with him . When they were out , Dean turned around to slide the door shut before he joined the others in the middle of the altar . He took off his kevlar vest and abandoned it by the side before he finished his left over chips and grabbed another bag . Blade suddenly threw the wrapper of a chocolate he had finished on the floor , startling Dean and Jade that was biting his crackers in very small bits . " We need to get real food , I can not continue to live on chocolate ". It was true , they needed something that could keep them going and a bag of Lay's or some weird Chocolate or even Cheetos would not just do . They needed something substantial . Dean looked over to Jade to gauge his reactions and saw that Jade had something he might have wanted to say but he was fidgeting about it. Dean was going to wait till he was comfortable enough to talk about it but along the line , Dean grew impatient and just went for it . " Jade , whatever it is you want to say , you can say it now , everyone's too tired for them to poke fun at you ". Jade lifted his eyes to observe the rest of them and opened his mouth eventually . " Yesterday , while May was fighting, I heard some people talking about a shopping district . There is supposed to be a mall but no one really goes there ". " Because it is heavily guarded by the steels ?" Jade looked surprised that Dean had guessed something that was pretty obvious . If he had a steel under him too , he would have the steel stalk places that could not be avoided and if there really was a mall , that would be the greatest option . Dean turned to Blade to ask for his opinion . " What do you think? Is it worth it ? " Blade guffawed loudly and Dean took that as his agreement . He turned back to Jade . " Did they happen to mention what area this mall was located ? " Jade shook his head , negative . " I don't think they even knew ". Dean groaned , how come no one had a map of this damned place ? Blade pushed himself off the floor and walked past them, towards Dean's room. They watched him slide the door open gently and slip inside . " What is he doing? " Dean might have answered if he too had any idea what it was that Blade was doing . Blade came out a few moments later, he was carrying the ink grinder and the ink stone and holding a sheet of paper between his teeth . He returned to his former position and carefully dropped the ink stone and grinder on the ground and neatly spread out the sheet of paper . He prepared a brush and began to draw on the paper . " We know that the woods in the middle separate the two parts of this town ". He drew what looked like dense plantation to separate the town into two and then looked up at Jade . " What part of town did you wake up in ? And tell me everything that you noticed around you . I will try to overlap your mental mapping with the outlay I know and then the one that I was given to by May ". Dean and Jade exchanged looks of bewilderment, this was certainly a new side to Blade , what levels of intuition had his hunger unlocked ? " Is there a reason you are suddenly so productive? " Blade turned to Dean , his face bore all the joy of a man that had just bitten into a lime . " Yes , there is a reason . Food ! ". Dean nodded in approval, that was a valid enough reason . He watched as Jade proceeded to describe the area he had woken up in while Blade listened as he drew down a couple of markings that Dean did not understand . When Jade was finally done with his description, they turned to Dean for him to begin his own description . " I woke up in a multiple floored building , I think it must have been an office . The other buildings where also designed like that , so maybe that was like an office district . I ran south of where I woke up for about fifteen minutes before I came across you and May ". Blade nodded and went back to his mapping while the others watched still unable to make sense of anything that he was doing . " Wait , May told me you met on your second day . Did you stay at the place you awoke for a whole day ? Didn't we all wake up in dangerous places ? " Dean blinked and turned his focus back to Blame who suddenly was not so focused on his mapping , he turned to Jade . " Dangerous places ? I woke up in the middle of a street and I thought it was just me ". Dean pushed himself between Jade and Blade . " That does not really matter right now , let's focus on making this map so we can get there ". Jade chuckled at this while Blade went back to his mapping . As they watched the map take form based off their memories , Dean could not help the grin that spread across his face . Food seemed to be a greater purpose for Blade , even greater than the danger that his life was in .
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