Chapter 2 - The Prestigious School

439 Words
Renah woke up from her bed to start her usual day again. She is still deciding what school she should go to. She researched online about Santo Lorenzo West and found out that they scout incoming Grade 11 students from different schools. SLW scouts those who have the potential to become top students of their school. Those who are scouted automatically get a free scholarship from the school and they will also be promoted to the Star section. Only a few get scouted by SLW. Unfortunately, Renah didn't get scouted by the school even though she was top of their class. Students who want to enroll in the school should pass all the requirements and they also should study hard for the entrance exam as it is more advanced than other schools. The school only offers 3 academic tracks, namely STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences), and ABM ( Accounting Business and Management). SLW also has massive buildings and excellent facilities good for studying. Each academic track consists of 3 sections. For example, STEM-A, STEM-B, and STEM-C or the Star section. The tuition fee for the school is also a bit expensive, but you can get a discount if you have graduated from your former school with honors. Luckily, Renah graduated with honors, so it shouldn't be a problem. After knowing all of this, Renah made up her mind and decided that she would go to Santo Lorenzo West Senior High School. She then prepares for their lunch. While eating, Renah informs her mom and brother about her decision. “Um, Mom, Junior, I finally made a decision. I’ll be going to SLW.” Renah says. “You sure you can survive that school?” Junior replied. “Concerned?” “Ofc, I’m not lazy like you,” Renah responded. Junior got irritated and just continued eating his meal. While her mom acknowledged her decision and tells her that she should enroll soon because the end of the enrollment is nearing. Renah then thanked her mom. She also chatted with Kris about her decision. “Hey, Kris, I just wanna let you know that I have finally made up my mind.” She texted. “Oh really?” Kris replies. “Yeah, I’ll be going to SLW. Wish me luck,” Renah responded. “Good for you, good luck then!” Kris responds. Renah spent her afternoon doing nothing. They then had their dinner. Renah ended the day with a prayer for her future at SLW. After that, she quickly goes to sleep as there is still a new day tomorrow waiting for her.
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