Chapter One: The Dream

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The whole pack was partying. That night we were celebrating the Red Moon, a rarer and unique event whose center of power was right in our pack territory, so that many other packs and their alphas moved into our lands to celebrate. The city was decked out, the hostels full as well as the hotels. Everyone was looking forward to the night when the moon would be full, the red moon would give wolves special powers, and the transformation would be a unique experience. An electric discharge that would wrap the whole body, adrenaline would flow through the veins like a drug, making wolves stronger, faster, more ferocious. The human kingdom was obliged to remain in their homes, and the neighboring city would raise a lockdown that would last until the following morning to avoid civilian casualties. My father, Alpha Arold, was worried about having a lot of wolves in the territory, while my brother, the Crimson Pack's future Alpha, Joshua, was excited about it. Such an event happened once every five hundred years. The red moon brought out the most primordial instincts of every wolf and for one night they would return to their ancient origins, when they were still not human, but only beasts that ruled the lands with their powers and their ferocity. A night when they would be more likely to meet their mates, find their other half and run together into the forest in their real form. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, the music echoed in my ears as the window pervaded the last lights of the day. The sun was beginning to set and my room was semi-dark, the last rays of the sun cast the shadows of the ancient statues that I had found in the woods and put on the shelves. The headphones that covered my ears emanated the Alycia Keys song that I preferred: No one. Like me. The oblivion of darkness enveloped me and carried me along with the notes of the song that I felt most represented me. The Packhouse was in full swing. All day long there had been a lot of people, the catering was preparing the garden for the event, starting to fill the kitchen with food and food, while the chefs prepared the menu for the next night. I sighed. The thought of being in the middle of all those wolves, of staying in the garden with the younger ones while everyone was shifting and running free through the woods made me nauseous. I didn’t want to stay behind. I didn’t want to show my failure to the other packs. I didn’t want them to see how useless I was. I didn’t want to stand there and watch everyone run free in the woods, find their mates, and unleash the power of the red moon. I rolled on my side when the song was over and I started over, letting the notes fill my head, clearing away any negative thoughts that were crowding my mind even though it was completely impossible. Maybe I should have made up an excuse not to attend the celebration. I didn’t want to embarrass my parents and my future alpha. No matter how good my situation was for them, no matter how much they didn’t care that I was a total failure, I didn’t want to show it to others. I didn’t want the other packs to see that the alpha’s daughter was useless. I felt the bed leaning under the weight of something or better someone, but I didn’t open my eyes, I lay there listening to the music without worrying about the smell of musk and strawberries that pervaded the room. I didn't wanted Josh to try to cheer me up with his damn humor and happiness. There was nothing for me to be happy about. Not now, not ever. One hand touched the back of my neck and took off my headphones from my head, away from that sweet melody that was accompanying me. I snorted and turned my back, turning my head to look at my older brother. His head was resting on his hand and he was lying on his side, while in his other hand he held my headphones and smiled warmly at me. His brown hair descended into soft strands on his forehead, and his blue eyes like mine glowed cheerfully as his lips were pulled into a smile. He was wearing a white shirt that was unbuttoned at the first buttons, revealing his candid chest, had dark jeans and shoes, as if he was ready to go out. I rolled my eyes and carried a pillow over my face, snorting bored. "Are you going to be locked in your room all night?" he asked cheerfully. "All my life," I answered, the voice that was smothered by the pillow. "Come on, Rey! There’s gonna be a bonfire tonight why don’t you come? I think Ava’s here too," my brother continued. "I have a headache," I answered seriously. Ava was my friend, I didn’t know how it was possible, but we’ve been friends since we were kids. Ava was my dad’s beta daughter, so we spent a lot of time together, and she was the only one who stood by me when my wolf didn’t show up when I turned 15. I secretly knew my brother had a crush on her, caught him spying on her over and over again, but when I pointed it out, he always told me I had imagined it all. Even though Ava was my friend, and she supported me all the time, I didn’t even want to see her that night. Ava had shifted for the first time when she was thirteen. A unique and rare event. Her she-wolf had a beautiful red mantle that recalled her hair and was bigger than normal, almost reaching the size of Mad, Josh’s wolf. I hoped in my heart that Ava and Josh would be mates, it wasn’t uncommon for a beta to be alpha's mate, and for me, there wouldn’t be a better person for my brother than Ava. Even if we had to wait a few more months to find out, when Ava would turn eighteen and then her smell would change and could have been perceived by her mate. "Come on, Rey! Don’t spoil the party! It’s party time!" Josh said cheerfully. I watched him jump out of bed and go to the window to look out. Josh was going to take over for our father the following year, and these were the last chances for him to be free and act like the 20-year-old he was. I was sorry to be like this, to always have to refuse or belittle his joy, but I did not want to be among people who did nothing but repeat how beautiful was the feeling of the wind in the fur when you run free in the forest. "I really don’t feel good, Josh. I think I’ll skip tonight," I said, pulling myself up and sitting across my legs. Josh turned to look at me, his worried face, before approaching me and feeling my forehead. It was not strange for me to get sick, after all I was not a wolf, I was like a normal human girl and very often I caught a high fever so I was delirious for days and days. Even in the last week, I had not felt very well. It was not the usual illness, it was something different. My body was suddenly struck by hot flashes, as if it was on fire and yet when I measured my temperature, it was below normal. I hadn’t talked to my mother about it, let alone my father, I didn’t want to meet the pack doctor to be told that I was just a human with poor health. "Yet you’re not hot." my brother said, putting his hand on my cheek. "I don’t have a fever. I’m just tired and I’d rather be in my room reading." I said honestly. "You want me to stay and keep you company?" Josh asked. "No! Go have a good time and enjoy this night, don’t worry about me I can take care of myself," I said, giving him a sweet smile and moving a strand of my light brown hair behind my ear. "I can reschedule and be with you, I don’t like knowing you’re alone," Josh continued. "Are you Kidding? The house is full of people! I’m not alone. Have fun! See you tomorrow at the ceremony, ok?" I said pushing him to the door. "Are you sure?" "Very sure." "Call me if you need me, I’ll be right here." he insisted. I rolled my eyes and nodded, before I threw myself into bed and grabbed the book on the bedside table and greeted him with my hand. Josh smiled at me and walked out the door, leaving me alone again with my thoughts. The red moon was at its peak in the sky, the rare event made power gush from every corner of the earth. I felt it pervade my body, making him excited and full of euphoria, as if I was made of the best drug in my system. My bare feet were strung on the grass wet by the cold of the wood, the branches of the trees oscillated with the song of the wind that carried with it the howl of different creatures. Some gave me a sense of peace and quiet, others made me shiver. The wind caressed my body, a silent and loving embrace from an ancient and distant god while the earth, mother earth, welcomed me, showing me the way. "This is your way, my child." seemed to whisper the clearing around me. Though I was surrounded by darkness and the only source of light came from the red moon high in the sky, I was not afraid, I did not fear what surrounded me, I knew that I was protected among the trees, I knew that the wind accompanied me and rocked me in his loving embrace. I kept walking, going towards the howls, no longer howls, but cries, cries of terror accompanied by evil laughter, which enjoyed the suffering of others. I moved without making any noise, covered by the wind and nature. In the distance I saw the lights of my house, the decorated garden, the tables set with white tablecloths full of handmade embroideries that had been personally chosen by my mother. She had so much fun choosing it. But I did not hear the sounds of cheerful people, there was no joy around me. The closer I got to the garden, the more a pungent and metallic smell pinched my nostrils, as if trying to warn me of what was waiting for me. It went out of the trees and I stopped, stuck in front of that frightening vision that was revealed to me. The white tablecloths chosen by my mother were completely covered with blood, the wine glasses gushed with blood, as well as all the dishes of the great banquet that the chefs had prepared for that special day. On a stage, there was a table created especially for my family, but the table had been completely overturned and destroyed, the food thrown to the ground while the tents with the emblem of my pack were smeared with blood spatter. On my father’s seat there was a man sitting, the white tuxedo was stained with blood, the almost angelic face was stained with red while an evil smile surfaced on his lips. The blond hair had assumed a more pinkish color while the blood had encrusted between the locks. He had one arm on the armrest, legs apart and a relaxed posture, while in the other hand he held a severed head by his hair. The man turned to me as soon as he smelled me, shifting that frozen look to me and throwing a bewitching smile as he threw the head at my feet. The severed head rolled towards me and stopped right at my bare feet. Blue eyes like mine were hollow, mouth open with fangs removed from the roots while the face remained stuck in an expression of pure agony, a cry came out of my throat as I looked at the lifeless face of my father, eyes pointed at me. "Now we can rule the world together, my Queen." said a hoarse voice in my ear behind me. I turned and found the man next to me grabbing my hand. Suddenly, I was wearing a white dress to move, whose tail was stained with blood as well as the front and my hands. Blood-stained white rose petals descended from the suddenly clear sky as the bloody moon shone high in the sky. I watched the man in front of me pointing to the surrounding landscape. I found myself on top of a pile of dead bodies. One piled on top of the other, people I knew, my family, my friends. All of them were dead at my feet while the lawn was covered with dead wolves, the garden was completely covered with corpses while in the center of it, sitting on a throne there was a man. Rivulets of blood came down from the laceration on the neck, while the arms were tied to the armrests of the chair and the amber eyes were fixed on me. It felt something inside of me to break, an unbearable pain radiated for all over my body, a throbbing pain that made me bend in two while the wolf in front of me exhaled its last breath, tearing me from the inside. I woke with a startle, my body sweating, my heart pounding like it wanted to come out of my chest. My room was dark, the only source of light came from the moon shining outside. I had laid an open book on my lap. I sat down and closed the book, throwing it on the covers, while I passed a hand on my sweaty face while my other hand was on my chest, feeling my pounding heart. My body started to shake and I couldn't stop it. My head hurt so bad that I couldn't even sort out my thoughts, while reminiscent of my dream, tried to look into my memory, terrifying me. I shook my head and looked around, feeling like I was being watched, but I was alone in my room, no noise was coming from outside. Probably everyone was sleeping, regardless of the hurricane that was eating me alive. My breath was still heavy, my heart was exploding, and I couldn’t calm it down while that sense of pain continued to pervade my body. What was that about?
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