Happy Birthday to Me

2011 Words
           (Zeyliana POV) I woke up to been and his father tending to my wounds, it was nothing new even though it was a rare occurrence. But what shocked me were the silent tears streaming down Ben's face. The guilt, and sadness made me feel bad but it was the self-loathing I saw that broke my heart. I winced taking in a sharp breath as I carefully reached up and hugged him. He immediately wrapped his large, muscled arms around me pulling me closer to him. If I wasn't a werewolf I wouldn't of heard what he said next. "I am so, so sorry...I should've protected you better. You're my baby sister. I'm supposed to protect you"  I froze, unsure of what to do. Surely he didn't mean by blood. Of course I don't think he would call me his younger sister if he had a choice.  " W-what do you mean s-sister?" Ben's father, Arthur just laughed. "What, you think Brianna just learned to be a w***e by herself. Your mother slept with most of the high ranking males. She'd go around parading herself while she was in heat just to get herself a higher ranked mate. Neither the Alpha or your father have their true mates that's why they have s*x with whoever they want. In fact, not only did your father and the Alpha reject their true mates...they killed them. Your mother however wanted the highest rank she could get so after mating with me she rejected me leaving me to take care of Ben by myself. But I'm happy she did" he smiled sadly.  Ben looked at me in the eyes before taking a deep breath. "we're leaving, I can't stand by and watch this happen anymore. And I know I'm being a hypocrite for saying that but it's the truth. I was a coward, I kept telling myself it was for you and my father's benefit , I didn't want them to kill you and hurt my father but I was just making excuses. I'm getting us all out of here. We leave tomorrow night and this isn't up for debate I'd rather be rouge than watch someone I care about get beaten everyday of their life".  I watched as his chest heaved, teeth grind, and fists clench making his knuckles white. My eyes were wide with shock as  I nodded with a saddened smile on my face. Standing up I put my hand on Ben's shoulder. "let's get out of this hell hole...this is going to be the best birthday ever" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I take that back, today is the worst birthday I've ever had in my now 18 years of living. Everywhere I turned there was someone waiting. Whether it was to beat me, rape me or both. My wolf was no help at all. If it wasn't a fatal wound she wouldn't heal it, she constantly whined for the mate that rejected us, or insulting me for being a weak disgusting human that caused her mate to hate her. Never acknowledging the fact he's been raping, and beating me for years, all was forgiven once he turned 13. She knew , she knew he found out about us being his mate 5 years ago, yet she kept making excuses every-time he whipped me, every-time his fist collided with my face, every-time he held me down and dug his claws deep into my skin while not only him, but my friends violated me, every-time we felt the pup leave our body when he sent a kick, a punch, or a crowbar to our stomach. Even when he threw me down the stairs and threw me into a wall. Yet I'm in the wrong for not fighting for him, I'm in the wrong for not being strong enough after getting my bones constantly broken. Sighing I painfully got up from my umpteenth beating of the day. There was supposedly a pack meeting I'm required to go to. I find it quite odd since I've never been invited to come to a pack meeting, well this wasn't really an invite it was more of a command, either choice way I'll end up getting hurt. As I hobbled to the assembly hall I started making up scenarios abut what could happen. Before I could process what was happening I hit the floor with an audible thump. I start to loose consciousness but before I do I feel a hard kick to my side from one if the warriors "get up slut we don't have all day"  When he saw I wasn't getting up he put on some gloves and hog-tied me with silver chains. A whimper escaped me as he dragged me down the steps into the meeting hall. Ben and Arthur were being held back as my ex-mate, Steven sneered down at me. "now that the filth is here we can continue on with the meeting, all in favor please raise your hands!" As my eyes scanned the room I noticed everyone except for the little kids, Ben, Arthur, and myself. Steven smiled wickedly "then it's decided, after we are finished with her punishment she shall be banished from the pack and if she does not make it out of the pack in the time allotted to her she shall be killed. I heard a murderous growl as Ben's eyes turned black from rage, he was the strongest fighter other than the alpha,  strong enough to be beta. He threw the other warriors off himself and his father "We hereby resign and cut ties from this pack and shall go rogue along with Zeyliana." Gasps resounded around the large room. But the most shocking sound was the loud mournful cry coming from my mother, her first born was leaving her. She fell to her knees as people looked at her with pity, tears fell from her eyes as she looked at him "y-you can't I'm your mother!"  Ben growled and looked at her with complete and utter disgust "you are not my mother, I would never want a mother who allows her daughter to be raped and beaten for no reason she has done no wrong and if you ever call me your son again I won't hesitate to wring your neck with my hands. Mother or not" His eyes were black showing that it was not only Ben but his wolf saying this, the absolute hatred they had for the woman who birthed him knows no bounds. Shock was drawn all over my mother's face as she began to sob before her cold eyes met mine, she snarled at me, her claws and canines elongating as her wolf spoke through her. "This is all your fault!!. My pup is leaving because of you!!" She lunged at me, I couldn't  move since I was still tied by the chains and my body was in too much pain I closed my eyes, waiting, anticipating impact. But it never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see Arthur with his jaw around my mother's neck growling threateningly at her.  "Don't move..or I'll be forced to kill you...Mate" he threw her to the ground and spit out clumps of her fur growling as he scratched at his tongue "Gross! You even taste like a w***e" He grimaced at the taste before growling at the guard behind me. Arthur used to be the Delta until the Beta (my father) and the Alpha forced him out of the position because he threatened to tell the council about all their misdeeds. Ben walked up to me with bolt cutters as he released me from the silver chains. Ben started to pick me up but a growl was heard "she isn't leaving until she gets her final punishment' Steven and the alpha stood glaring at me with malice in their eyes as Steven let his wolf come forward. "I can't believe the Moon goddess gave me you as a mate... I don't even blame her, if you had never been born this wouldn't even be a problem and none of us would have to suffer by looking at your hideous face everyday. Well onto the point, I Xavier, Soon to be alpha of the BronzeFang pack hereby reject you, Zeyliana Dominque as my mate and future Luna of the pack"  He smirked down at me as pain rippled through my chest and I collapsed gasping for breath. Tears poured down my cheeks. His victorious howl rang throughout the pack house before he smirked. "Go get her boys!!"  Before I could process what was happening, there were men charging at me as the women cheered. Steven and the alpha held back Ben and Arthur as they were forced to watch me get byfar the worst beating of my life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 Hours Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can't breathe, it hurts, so bad. There's blood covering my eyes, I can feel it pouring down my face. I can't see. My legs, my hole, my stomach, they showed no mercy. They had 3 in each hole including my mouth. My jaw is broken, my ribs, my legs, my body, my soul. They did it. They finally broke me. Tears of blood streamed down my face as I tried not to drown from the blood and fluid in my lungs. Steven finally released Ben who had been trying his best to get to me, even if he was strong he was no match for an Alpha. Tears were falling from his eyes as he pulled me into his arms and stroked what was left of my hair. They pulled out chunks at a time bald spots in their place. I whimpered and brought my hand up to my face. My nose was completely broken and my face was swollen. There was a place on the side of my head that's now hallow, they crushed the bone when they slammed my head into the ground. I whimpered as he pulled me closer and stood trying not to jostle me too much.  "I-I'm so so sorry sweetheart we're gonna get out of here and you'll never have to see these bastards again" I sighed softly and began to relax. We were almost out the door when I was snatched from his arms. (Ben's POV) It killed me to watch, watch as they beat, raped, and whipped her. Sure it's happened before but never like this, it was never as bad as this. I couldn't stop the tears that poured down my face, nobody deserved this especially not her. She once said that she was happy they hurt her, she wouldn't want anyone else going through what she did. We were almost out the door when she was ripped from my arms by her so called mate. I growled but I couldn't do much more than that, I was still of lower rank than him. "what you thought you could just leave before I had my turn"  He smiled a sickening smile as he stroked her cheek with his claws. She whimpered before his teeth elongated. My eyes widened and it all came together as I lunged.  "Don't you'll kill her!!" He laughed evilly as her father of all people tackled me. "and I should care why" he said.  I thrashed around trying to get t her, I looked to my left seeing my father have trouble as well. I growled and snapped as he lowered his head to her neck. I screamed as he marked her before doing the most disgraceful thing a wolf could do. "I Steven Hawthorne, soon to be alpha of the BronzeFang pack reject you as my mate"  She screamed out in pain as he smirked before clawing through the mark spilling more of her blood on the floor. Her body began to shake as she foamed at the mouth. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head.  Then he dropped her, like a rag doll. Her shoulder made a sickening crunch as she hit the ground. Her father got off me smirking as I rushed to her. I gently picked her up and looked at my Dad who had a sorrowful look on his face as we grabbed our things and ran from that disgraceful pack.
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