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After our conversation Mark and I entered the room. As soon as we entered the girls immediately looked at me with huge smiles on their faces “Oh Ramon how’s your first kiss?” Samantha asked I felt ambushed so I can’t say the proper words. I started stuttering and make awkward gestures “Hey stop that” Skylia said but it seems she is teasing me even more “I think myself esteem left the building” I said “Come on Ramon how’s your first kiss?” Samantha keep pushing in that question I took a deep breath “I seriously didn’t expect it” I shamefully said “You don’t have to be ashamed. You, young man is considered to be lucky. You just make out with a goddess” one of Skylia’s friend said “That’s true men” Mark said We kept the conversation going until it is time for them to went home. “Well if you look at the time it is pretty late we still have classes tomorrow we should head home” one of Skylia’s friend said They all stood up and walk towards the door “Aren’t you going home Ramon?” Samantha asked “Well this is my home” I said “Okay then see you at school Ramon” She said as she closes the door “Finally they left” Skylia felt relieved “You look cheerful why so?” I asked “I am getting bothered because I don’t want my friends to see me like this” She said “I see but don’t you worry Sky sooner or later you will be discharge and I will ask your moms permission” I said until someone interrupted me saying “Ask my permission about what?” A voice that sounded like Celestina “She is behind me isn’t she” I asked Skylia just gave a nod “Come on Ramon what is it you are going to ask me?” Celestina said in a teasing manner I turned around and said “I would like to ask you if Skylia and I could go out on a date as soon as she is discharged” “Sure Ramon. Is that all?” She asked “Yes Ma’am that would be all” I said as continuously nod “Well then we can continue our little chat while eating” Celestina proposed I helped her prepare the food for Skylia “Tell me Ramon what are your plans after Skylia and I left the country?” Celestina seriously asked “I haven’t thought of it yet but I am sure that I will be busy?” I said “Busy on what Ramon?” Celestina asked “I am currently running for student council president. Maybe that will get my mind out of things” I said I am done preparing Skylia’s dinner. Celestina gave me a signal to give the food to her daughter “Here you go Sky” I said as I offer her meal “What did you and mom talked about? You both look serious” Skylia whispered I was about to answer but Celestina approached us “So tell me Sweetie how’s your day?” Celestina asked “It was great mom but I hope I won’t get any visitors. I don’t want them to see me like this” “Mom about Ramon’s request are you seriously okay with it?” Skylia asked Celestina gave her daughter a hug “Of course Sweetie” Celestina then pulls me in and hugged us tight “Just make sure that you two will get home safe okay” “Now let’s eat” Celestina said “Hey Ramon how’s your campaign doing?” Skylia asked “It is going pretty fine actually. Ms. Paterson and the student council are managing everything for me” I informed “I see” Skylia seems sad “What’s with the long face?” I asked “Well I really wanted to help in your campaign” Skylia said I just smiled at her and gave her a hug “Even you aren’t their physically I still feel your presence beside me. That is enough help if you ask me” I said as I hug her tight “Uhhmm Ramon who are you against with?” Celestina asked I was silence and my mood suddenly change. Celestina can tell that I am pissed because she can tell by looking the at my aura “It is Vermilion right?” “Don’t worry Ramon I can tell that you will surely win the election.” She said with full conviction I let go of Skylia and look at her in the eye and said “How sure are you?” She just started giggling. Skylia then held may hand “It is going to be fine” She said At the back of my mind lies all my worries. I tried hiding it but it seems I am only fooling myself “Emre if you can hear me give me a sign” I said loudly “What did you just say?” Celestina seems shocked upon hearing those words come right out my mouth I was about to repeat everything I just said but Skylia hold my shoulder and gave a look telling me to stop. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. I immediately stood up and ran towards the door. Then Celestina grabbed me by the hand. I felt awfully chilly, I even started to shiver “Tell me Ramon and I want an honest answer” Celestina said seriously, even Skylia is clueless on what is happening “Are you a human?” Celestina asked I remained silent because I seriously don’t know what to say “Just answer all ready” Celestina shouted “Yes” I surprisingly said Celestina slowly let go of my hand “Leave” She murmured I didn’t hear it properly so I made an expression. She then repeated it but in a shouting manner. Skylia and I were shock. I was completely immobilized “Didn’t you heard me I said leave” She shouted I then grabbed my bag and rushed outside. I sat on the bench and started thinking “Why did she freak out like that?” “Have I said something wrong?” Questions I asked myself Then I heard Celestina screaming from inside. I felt bothered so I decided to head home. I grabbed my phone and call my driver “Hey it is me I know it is late but could you please pick me from the hospital. I am not staying here for the night” I said I immediately dropped the call after. Several minutes past and my ride had arrived “I am so sorry to bother you this late at night” I said as I get in the car I sat on the passenger seat “I am not being rude Sir but what happened? Surely there is a reason why?” The driver said “Could you just please step on it. I just wanted to go home that’s all” I said in a pale tone I arrived at boarding house “Fetch me first thing in the morning at my room” I reminded my driver I head straight to the elevator but it took a while so I sat down on the bench first. I waited as the elevator went down. I looked at the marker as it reaches “G”. I stood up as I anticipated that the door will soon open. Then I felt a strange feeling, something is holding me back that I can’t bare to move. The elevator door opened and a strange looking group exited the elevator. Then Vermilion came out last. “What are they up too this late at night” I said as I took cover I keep a close look at them as they went out the boarding house. As soon as they exited, I rushed towards the elevator. I felt relieved as soon as the door closes. I went to my room and sat on the couch. “What happened back there? I never seen Celestina upset before.” “I should apologize tomorrow maybe that will be enough. I hope so” I said Then my phone vibrated so I checked it out. It is a message from an unknown number “I am so sorry Ramon I should have told mom about your race. I tried hiding it from her but it seems fate is not on our side. Our race can’t be together because we are your deities. Remember the dream you’ve told me that you saw Vermilion and I looking strange? It is actually real I just pretended that it didn’t happened. I am sorry that I hid everything from you, I just wanted to be with you that’s all. I really love you Ramon, I really do but we can’t be together I hope you understand. This will be the last message that you will receive from me and don’t bother coming to the hospital tomorrow we already left. I almost forgot the Emre you are pertaining to; he is actually my dad. I love you Ramon that is why I am letting you go” I started typing a message in response to hers but my fingers won’t allow me. I suddenly felt hopeless “Why does it have to be me” I started questioning myself “Why didn’t I become a god instead. Tell me Emre am I not enough for your daughter? Answer me!” I shouted “What am I doing? I can’t blame him clearly this is all my fault. I should have known from the start” I said as I reflect on what I have done “I should take a rest I still have class tomorrow” I said as I head to my bed I immediately jumped into my bed and lie down. I closed my eyes shut to doze off but I can’t manage to relax. I think I am too tense or I am just bothered. Are they really gods or Celestina is just messing with me to take away Skylia from me?
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