
1975 Words
                                               The ambience of the place was so soothing that we drifted into sleep. I don't know how I could sleep at that moment. But I did. We needed it indeed. After some time she woke us up saying, dinner is ready. That nap made our minds fresh. Amanda said that after consumption of this dish your concentration will increase for a short time. It looked like a salad. Also, I heard somewhere that eating only fruits and vegetables will help you remain active. So it made sense what she said. We had our dinner and to be honest it's delicious. Let's pick up where we left off, shall we? Amanda said. We all adjusted our positions and got seated as earlier.                                              The symbol that has a circle upon which you can see a curve is called "Horned God." The horned god is one of the many names given to the male aspects of spirituality and life. This symbol can be used to invoke the god during rituals and other magical work. Some people also believe that it is the horned god that carries the souls of the dead to the underworld. He is generally regarded as a dualistic god of twofold aspects: bright and dark, night and day, summer and winter. His two horns symbolize his dualistic view. According to Pagan traditions, a Horned God is one who roams the forests, and who loves and protects the Goddess and all her children. He is the ancient God of fertility, the God of the forest. He is Lord of Life and he gives life, He is also Lord of Death and Resurrection. He is the light and the darkness. The greatest Egyptian Horned God is Osiris. Pan is the most well-known Greek Horned God who has the body of a man and the head of a goat. In the same way, many male deities were considered as horned gods in different mythologies.                                                 The last symbol has many circles and there were lines joining them. What do you think of it? Amanda questioned. Well, it looks like a magical circle, but I don't really have an idea of what it is. I shrugged. It's all right, son. This is different from all the symbols. This is the only symbol that is not marked by the Pagans. I am not sure why it is marked or what it does. But as per the patterns I can say that it is related to the portals. I do not know how to activate it or where does it take you. I don't know how this mystical box ended up with your father. So that is all about the symbols that are enchanted.                                                 So do you have any clue about where can this portal take us?  Well, there are many possibilities. Unlike Earth, there are many dimensions. Some have creatures stronger than humans and some weaker. The destinations of portals are usually what we imagine. Like if you want to teleport to Los Angeles, you just imagine that city and open a portal that takes you there. But some of the portals have predetermined destinations and as per the markings on this box, this portal has a predetermined destination. ‘Do you believe in other dimensions?’ I asked. ‘I have never been to one but yes, I do believe in alternate dimensions as there are lots of unanswered questions and improvable theories. Have you heard of Vampires, Werewolves, Gargoyles or any other creatures like that?’ ‘Aren't those myths?’  I leaned forward to listen to her answer. ‘It might be. It is also possible that they exist on other earth. Remember kid, Try to see, what no one could see. There's always more to what we know.’ The words she said got implanted in my brain. ‘How well did you know my father?’ ‘I didn't know him well, but he is a man of honour. He was kind to me, my knight in the shining armour and he respected pagan beliefs. He has an inspirational personality. I can sense people's deeds, whether they are good or bad. One thing I can tell about him is that he wanted to achieve something, something bigger but not for selfish needs. His intentions were pure. That's the only reason I agreed to help him.’  It felt good knowing about my father. ‘That's the history I promised your father to tell you.’ ‘Did that cover most of the history?’ ‘It is not even a drop in the ocean.’ Amanda chuckled. So kids go back to sleep now and tomorrow you shall have the answers to your questions. I am going to do a tarot reading for you, Steve. I nodded and we all left to our beds. Though we slept in the evening, it didn't affect our night sleep. That is a lot to take in, Nyssa said. Give it time, it'll sink in, I replied. No one has clarity about what was happening. We were just going with the flow and believing whatever the tales she was telling us. Anyway, tomorrow was a big day for us, as we are going to get some answers at last. We needed a sound sleep to be active the next day. We said good night to each other and I started thinking in my mind now. Is my father even from this Earth? How did he know about all these things? No one mentions my mother in all this, why is that? Does this lady really knows my father or is she pretending to know my father to steal the box? I checked the box and it was right beside me. I held it with my hands just to be careful. Are all these stories true or is it some mischievous attempt to scam me somehow? I suspected Uncle John for a second. But no, he would never do such a thing. He raised me from the age of one. He's like a father to me. It is wrong to suspect him. I felt guilty. It’s okay, Steve. Everything is going to be all right. I strengthened myself. No matter what difficulties I face, I must find about my parents. I made it my mission.  My eyes started to close slowly. It's like my body is inducing sleep into me. Just like how people after listening to siren's song unhook themselves from life on land, from the familiar conventions and constraints of family and devote yourself to the siren. Similarly, I felt like the atmosphere here is making us love to sleep and we will forever remain asleep if remained undisturbed. The sirens were my last thought.                                 Wake up children, she said. We all opened our eyes at once. It felt like we slept for a long time. This is the best sleep of my life, Ronny said. Indeed it was. It's like for the first time we slept properly. She showed us the way for the restrooms. We went one by one and we sat for breakfast. Everything was going on like we were in a hotel room. Except that it was free. Before we started eating, she started chanting a prayer. It sounded like a prayer that people generally do before they eat.    “Lord and Lady, watch over us, and bless us as we eat. Bless this food, this bounty of earth, we thank you, so mote it be.    Corn and grain, meat and milk, upon my table before me. Gifts of life, bringing sustenance and strength, I am grateful for all I have.   I set a place at my table for the gods, and ask them to join me here tonight. My home is always open to you, and my heart is open as well.     This meal is the work of many hands, and I offer you a share. Holy ones, accept my gift, and upon my hearth, leave your blessings.                                 It was our first time to hear a prayer like this. It's all about thanking gods for what we have and inviting them to eat with us. I don't know the reason but I got a holy feeling inside me. The prayer somehow helped me remain calm. I could think clear like how people could see after the fog clears out. Or indirectly all I wanted to say was I kind of like the prayer. The breakfast was also a salad but tasted different than the earlier one. We ate our breakfast, enjoying the tranquillity of the environment. That was weird though. We don't usually shut up even while eating, but now even silence is cheerful.                                  Shall we begin? Amanda said in a dark voice. Her voice signified that it's time for something serious. After you, I said. She took us downstairs and there was a wall, a phantom one of course. We passed right through it. It was a medium-sized room. She sat on one side of the table and she asked me to sit in front of her. There was a table in between with a bag on it. She put her hands inside the bag and pulled out some cards. These are called "Tarot Cards" which will answer your questions. After that, she placed the cards in three rows vertically. Ask your questions, she said. A.. ah... I stammered. Have faith son, she encouraged me. I want to know about my parents, their accident and about the journey that my father wanted me to explore. Pick a card from the first row she said. I pulled one card and it looked brutal. There were like 10 swords driven in a man's back with his face lying down. It is called "Ten of Swords." It’s usually an indicator that you are likely going to suffer some unwelcome surprise in the near future. Whether it’s a failure at work, the sudden breakup of a relationship, a natural disaster, or anything in between, these cards typically indicate that something untoward is coming your way. On the other hand, though, the card sometimes means that something bad has already happened- usually that you’ve been “backstabbed” by someone you cared for. Either way, this card doesn’t indicate happy times, so if it pops up in your reading, brace yourself for the worst.                                  Now, pick a card from the second row, she said. She had a poker face and I couldn't understand whether it's good or not. I selected a card. It looked like a Grim Reaper sitting on the horse. A Grim Reaper is usually the one who collects people's souls to hell after their demise. Of course, it isn't good either, I thought in my mind. It is called "Death." I panicked. She noticed that and said don't worry, The Death card is probably the most feared and misunderstood of all the cards in the Tarot deck. Just the mention of the card’s name has people shaking in their boots! In general, people tend to take the meaning of this card far too literally and fear that the indication is for the death of either themselves or others. Death is symbolic meaning of the ending of a major phase or aspect of your life that may bring about the beginning of something far more valuable and important. It may be difficult to let go of the past at times but you will soon see how important it is so that you can bring renewal and transformation into your life. If you resist these necessary endings, you may experience pain, both emotionally and physically. I was dumbstruck as I took its meaning literally.                            Suddenly we heard a loud thud from the above. It seemed like someone was at the door and banging it rapidly. I came back to my senses. Stay right here and don't make any noise, said Amanda with a grave look on her face. We nodded.                                                        
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