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                              She walked upstairs and opened the door. There were two policemen at the door. What is your name lady? They questioned. I am Amanda Walker, sir. What is the problem? Some people reported about the abandoned car over there lying in the middle of nowhere. I sent their plates to know about the owner. Do you know anything about them? The matter is, yesterday four people arrived here in that vehicle. They were out of petrol right in that spot. They asked me if there was a petrol station ahead. I told them that there is a petrol station 2 kilometres down this road and they left and never returned. Ms. Walker does seem suspicious though, I mean, who lives in the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, the policemen got a call from the station saying that the car belongs to the CEO of Phoenix company and he hasn't been seen from one day. It turned into a high priority case now. They doubted that Ms. Walker is involved in my disappearance. Do you mind if we take a look at your house? The policemen asked. By all means, go-ahead she said calmly. They took out their Glock-19 from the duty belt and started to go inside. As they entered, they realized that the house was too small to hide bodies if any. They came out and put their guns in their belts. They took out Tasers now. Are you sure you are not hiding anything from us? They questioned. Even if I kidnapped them, where do you think I will hide the bodies, inspector. I don't have a vehicle to carry them. I can't hide them in my house. I could not have trenched four pits all on my own to bury them. She was confident in her voice. They looked around the house. It was a flat land everywhere as far as they could see and they didn't find any signs of recent exhumation within the vicinity of her house. One of the officers got a call and he went aside. The other officer still suspected her involvement somehow. You should come down to the station with us to make a statement, he said. Meanwhile, the other officer said, hold on a minute. We found out his number. Let's make a call to him before we take her with us, he suggested. The officer made a call to me. He was calling to a person who was below him. Oh, gross, not in a s****l way. I meant I was underground. I answered the call. ‘Who is this?’ ‘We are from Brisbane Police Department. We found your car abandoned on a highway since yesterday. Are you alright, sir?’ ‘Yeah, I'm perfectly alright and I'm sorry for leaving my vehicle like that. I called my friend for help and he gave us a ride. I'll pick up my car later.’ ‘So the old lady here hasn't done any harm to you, sir?’ ‘No, no, not at all. Indeed she helped us with the petrol station information. Don't bother her gentlemen. Leave her be.’ ‘Thank you for your time, sir.’                                       *** [Call disconnects] ***                                  We are sorry for the intrusion Ms. Walker. Everything is fine now. You are free to go. Saying so, the policemen left.                      She returned to us as if nothing happened and resumed what she was doing. Now, pick a card from the third row, she said. I picked one. This card looked good compared with the last two. It is called "The Sun." The Sun card presents a feeling of optimism and fulfilment. This card represents the dawn which follows the darkest of nights. The Sun is the source of all the life on our planet, and it represents life energy itself. There is a child depicted in the card, playing joyfully in the foreground. A symbol of our innocence, it represents the happiness that occurs when you are in alignment with your true self. The child is naked, meaning that he has absolutely nothing to hide. The card also depicts childhood innocence and absolute purity. This is particularly emphasized through the white horse upon which the child is riding. The horse here is also a symbol of strength and nobility. But it has dual nature like love and hate, good and evil. If the sun in the card is upright, then it represents all the positive things. If the sun is reversed, it indicates that you might have significant difficulties finding positive aspects to certain situations. The clouds might be blocking out the warmth and light that you need to progress. This might be preventing you from feeling confident and powerful. You may experience certain setbacks that may damage your optimism and enthusiasm. The three rows of tarot cards indicate past, present, and future. It doesn't mean that they will happen; the cards just warn you about the upcoming challenges. So if you act accordingly, you can change the outcome.                       Now you must sleep son and try to process what cards said. The more focussed you are the more you will have control over your thoughts. She was right. The environment in the sleeping area allowed me to think clearly. My friends wanted to do a tarot reading for themselves too so I went alone to sleep and think. I slowly closed my eyes and started analysing what the cards meant. The first card was "Ten of Swords." It indicated my past. So which of my questions were about the past? Maybe it's about parent's death. So someone must have backstabbed them. Their death isn't accidental; someone deliberately murdered them and made it look like an accident. The person responsible for this will pay for their crimes. I'll make sure of it.                       The next card was the "Death" card. It represented the beginning of something new. Maybe when I begin to explore my quest, I got to leave my friends and all the things that matter to me behind. I have to prepare myself and the people around me for the time I forsake them. Else it would be difficult for me as well as for them as the card said. The last card was "The Sun" card. The overall meaning of it that I deduced is either success or failure. If all things go well then life is full of joys of spring. On the contrary, if I fail I'm going to live a life with a heavy heart. After these thoughts came to an end, I realized something that puzzled me. I was asleep but my conscious mind knew that I am sleeping. It's similar to dream except that I'm in control. Oh! My God, I somehow am controlling my sub conscious mind. Then I started to hear people murmuring at a distance. I followed the path from where these noises appear to be coming. I could see a large rectangular dining table and many people were present, I couldn't count them. It was all blurry. I couldn't even see their faces. The room was pitching black except for the table. All the gentlemen were wearing a white suit, white shoes, and white watches even. It's like black and white scenery. Everything other than the table and the people are black. Somehow they are visible to me, it's like the light is shining only on them and nothing else. It appeared like they were discussing something. It was unclear because their voices were overlapping. As soon as I was in their proximity their overlapping voices intensified and that gave me a headache. I scampered away. I wanted to get out of my head. If I could come out of my sleep whenever I please, it will prove that my sleep is under my control. So I thought in my mind it's time to get up and boom I was awake.  Now I have superpowers or what? I looked at the time and I was asleep for like only 15 minutes. It seemed like a long one though. Maybe that's how it works; time variation is different inside the mind.                            My friends returned from the tarot reading room, they weren't so excited. Maybe tarot reading scared them and so I didn't ask them about it. They went straight to sleep. They require some sleep as the past two days were too much for our mental state and it would also help them to forget about the result of their reading. I went to Amanda and said about what I experienced during my sleep. You are so much more than you realize, son. Give it time and you will understand and gain control over your true self. Coming to the dream, try to listen to them, focus on a single person's speech. Once you understand them, all the fuzziness shall go away.                            I get the same vibes from you as of that I sensed from your father. You are going to accomplish things that no one has ever done or seen. I can feel it in my nerves. Make the world a better place, son. Don't ever lose your way amidst your great journey that awaits you. A lot of what she said didn't make sense to me but she meant what she said. She believes in me. I could feel that. I won't let you down, Ms. Walker. “Oh! Mighty Hercules, God of Strength, son of Zeus, grant     him with thy strength to face his battles.                                                                                               Oh! Goddess Athena, Goddess of wisdom and knowledge, daughter of Zeus, bless him with thy knowledge.”                          She was praying for me. For that instant, she appeared like a motherly figure to me. I didn’t know how to express my gratitude so I just thanked her. Aren't those Greek Gods you are worshipping? But you are a pagan. Doesn’t your religion have gods? Not all gods are good, son. By birth, I am a pagan. But now I have no religion. I pray to everyone. These religions only bring differences and boundaries within people. Finally, it becomes a barrier, she said. She was absolutely correct. People these days discriminate other people based on caste, creed, race, and whatnot. That has to change, I thought in my mind.                       She gave me a bracelet and said it contains an enchanted stone. Wear it at all times and in times of distress if you need my help chant "Element of air I would like to call Amanda Walker. Help me send this message to her" three times imagining my face and I will assist you in any way I can. I tied it to my hand immediately. My friends were also awake and were ready to leave. Yeah our work there was done and we should head out. Thank you Amanda, for everything you’ve done. The scene was becoming sentimental. We all hugged her and were retracing our steps towards the door. While leaving she gave me a note and said with this I have fulfilled my promise that I gave to your father. Now the rest is all upon you. May the gods guide you, son.                                                                                    
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