
1380 Words
Bonnie He’s still not back. It’s been four days and I am constantly looking for him. I offer to clean his room every day and he’s not been in here. His scent isn’t as strong and I miss him. I never saw him every day anyway, but I could always feel him around the pack house. Now, he’s just gone. Hazel walks over to me and quietly says ‘Magnus has asked to see you in his office. I’m going to walk with you.’ She takes hold of my hand and walks with me like I’m a child and I need guidance. It’s how I know there’s something wrong. She knocks on the door before I hear his deep voice telling us to ‘enter’ I keep my head low as I walk into the room and Hazel keeps hold of my hand, her grip tightening on mine. Magnus raises his eyebrow at her as he peers at our clasped hands and backs up to her face. She doesn’t let go of me. I try to take on some of her bravery and push it through myself. ‘Do you know where I go when I go on my trips?’ He asks and I shake my head. I hear Hazel swallow and the air is so thick you could cut through it. ‘I leave this pack-house and go away to have my needs met. You are seventeen now. Not far from eighteen. You are to be my Luna and wife. That will be your job.’ Bile instantly rises in my stomach. Is he saying what I think he means? I’m not sure and my body begins to tremble. I don’t want him touching me. ‘How does it make you feel that your future husband is travelling to have his needs met by other women? Many.. other women.’ I’d rather it was them. It doesn’t bother me. I like it when he’s not here. We all do. ‘I want to be able to stay here. You can meet my needs for me.’ He says as he pushes his chair backwards and the smile on his face is one of pure evil. I hate him. I hate him so much. ‘Come here, child.’ I go to a two-forward but Hazel grips my hand so tightly I fear she may break my bones. ‘She is not yet eighteen, Sir. As you have said, she is still a child. If the other packs caught wind of this then it could affect everything you are working towards here. I mean no insult, when I say this. I am only looking out for you, sir.’ Hazel says as she lowers her head. My entire body is shaking and he smiles as he notices it. He likes to scare me. I swallow down the sick once more. ‘Very well then. If that’s how it is to be. I may need to be entertained here. My son will be away for a while and the pack cannot be left without the two of us.’ It’s not the words of him telling me he will bring other women here which bother me. It’s him saying that Oisin will be gone for a while which saddens me. ‘I see you don’t like that. Are you jealous?’ He laughs as he pushes his chair back further and stands, prowling towards me like I’m prey. ‘That could work for me.’ He says as he lifts my chin and stares into my eyes. ‘Such disgusting eyes, yet those eyes will be the ones to stare at me as.’ He doesn’t get to continue his words as Hazel drags me out of the room swiftly by my hand. I assume it’s going to aggravate him but he only lets out a deep-bellied laugh as the door slams shut. ‘If possible, please just stay away from him.’ Hazel says when we are far enough away from his office. ‘I’ll clean his room and office.’ She offers and I’m thankful for her generosity. ‘Thank you, Hazel. I really appreciate it but I’m going to have to get used to him at some point, right? This is my life now.’ Her face drops and the sadness which fills her eyes almost looks like she is about to shed tears. She gives me a hug. It’s not very comforting, but it’s something. She pats my back and walks off. It almost feels like she feels sorry for me. If there was any way for me to get out of this then I would but I’ve heard what the others say. There is no way. Nobody will get involved because nobody cares about things which don’t affect them. Causing problems with other packs is what leads to deaths. I’m not worth that. My life isn’t more important than any others. I don’t finish cleaning Oisin’s room. I can’t stand the sight of it anymore. That continues for the next few days. I avoid anything and everything to do with him. I go from being sad at the potential loss of my only friend to being angry that he didn’t even say goodbye. He made me these promises. He got my hopes up to crash me back down and that doesn’t leave me with a nice feeling. The angrier I get, the more I lose myself. Hazel comes over to me. ‘There’s someone I’d like for you to meet.’ She tells me and then introduces Onyx as her nephew. ‘He’s seventeen, just like you. He’s had some things to overcome and he’s found some great way of dealing with them.’ He smiles at me but doesn’t speak. Neither do I. I guess we are both trained the Hazel way. ‘He’s going to take you into the woods and help you release some of that anger you are carrying with you.’ It feels off. She never allows me to go anywhere. Now she is sending me off into the woodland with her nephew, whom I have never met. ‘And does Onyx speak for himself or will I be doing this in silence?’ I ask with a little more sass than I was anticipating. Hazel just smiles at me and begins to walk away before Onyx tugs my wrist. He pulls me along to a motorcycle and I laugh and shake my head. ‘I’m not getting on there with you. No way.’ I say. He passes me a helmet and brings his finger up to his lips to tell me to be quiet. I noticed Hazel stood at the door with her arms folded. She shoos me away so I go. I pull the helmet onto my head and Onyx helps to fasten it under my chin before wobbling it on my head to ensure the fit is secure. He holds up his thumb to me and then gets on the bike. He motions for me to get on too, so I do. I slide my body on behind him and sit there wondering what I should do. He tugs my wrists around his waist and I keep them loose for a second, but once he revs the engine of the bike, I find myself falling forward and gripping around his waist tightly. I’m sure I hear him chuckle but I can’t be sure as he speeds off with me attached to him. We drive for a little bit and I struggle to decide whether I love the feeling of the freedom and the wind blowing past me or if I’m absolutely terrified to have my life in a stranger's hands. As we drive by I am certain I see the black wolf. I’m almost positive it’s there watching, but Onyx does not comment, although I’m unsure he would anyway. I decide to ignore my mind and enjoy whatever we are doing. When we arrive at the woodland, Onyx helps me off the bike and unclips my helmet. He chuckles at me as I gather my bearings and he holds me steady. Respectfully, by holding my waist but checking it’s okay to touch me. I feel like we understand each other in a way I’m unable to describe. Something almost feels familiar, without being familiar.
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